《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 30: A Scratch


Having trained together for weeks the monsters immediately engaged their understood roles. Mulan would be acting as tank while Mary would act as interference and range. It was somewhat ironic the [Named] were so well coordinated given their usual bickering.

Flying into Everest’s strike zone Mulan discharged her right sword feather and went for a full speed latitudinal strike. Responding to her attack Everest angled his enormous blade to take the strike head on, while still keeping track of the shifting Mary under the cloud layer.

Sparks flew across the platform and down to the forest floor as Mulan’s feather collided with Everest’s enchanted sword. Knowing the attack would be blocked the Ronin Hawk kicked off the platform with her left leg, launching a rolling kick towards Everest’s face with her talons.

Raising his left arm Everest covered his eyes with a metal armguard, but in doing so temporarily blinded himself. This proved an error as all 4 of Mulan’s tail streamers flew towards him from each cardinal direction.

While knowing the tails wouldn’t deal much damage the S class still activated [Eye of the Warrior] and used the momentary pause in time, from his perspective, to perfectly parry all 4 bladed tails. Despite her fighting spirit even Mulan was disheartened by the ease at which he blocked her attack.

“Good! Good!” Everest cried as he went on the offensive.

Lifting his sword until it towered overhead he then thrust downwards with a [Hurricane Slash]. The resulting green blade of wind soared towards Mulan so fast she could only dodge fast enough by striking the platform with her 4 tails and pulling herself away, leaving her momentarily stuck in place.

Transferring the momentum of his swing towards his hips Everest kicked the approaching Stalker, who’d been inches away from his neck. Widening her eyes Mary had just enough time to alter her bodies shape before the blow could land. The time she’d spent training her reaction time was finally paying off.


Intrigued by the unknown species of shadow monster Everest’s mind wandered as Mary’s body mass shuffled to create a hole just wide enough for his boot to pass through. Pulling back his foot Everest turned back to face Mulan, who was charging towards him once again.

“What a technique!” he laughed while swinging towards the Ronin Hawk.

Mulan was at a huge disadvantage in this melee. While Everest had the option to block or parry any of her strikes, Mulan would be instantly killed if she even attempted a block. The difference in raw strength was just that high. Meaning she had to dodge every attack, severely limiting her options in close quarters.

“[Rush]!” cried Everest as the distance between him and Mulan instantly vanished.

As she tried to lean back enough to dodge the blow Mary’s voice echoed from behind “[Shadow Anchor]!”.

Just before the giant’s blade could find purchase a blob of pure darkness landed on Everest’s hands. Soon as it connected the blob shot out several chains, attaching the warrior to the platform. It wouldn’t hold but the attack bought Mulan enough time to gain some distance.

Craning his neck Everest saw Mary falling through the air with her arms shifted into the form of a bow. He couldn’t have known but ever since she’d gained her Stalker evolution Mary had been copying many of the weapon skills she observed adventures using. And, while expensive inside her dreams, Mary could gain skills usually locked behind certain progression paths. Mary’s imitations were definitely weaker than the originals but her countless fighting styles make her a complete wildcard to fight against.

“That’s awesome!” shouted Everest as he ripped the [Shadow Anchor] from the platform with ease, former attack forgotten.

“[Sparrow Strike]!” screamed Mulan as she threw her entire 14 foot wingspan into a passing strike. Since every feather on her body was sharp as a bladed weapon she could effectively swing 100 times with a correctly lined up pass.


“Whoops.” Everest murmured turning back to his opponent.

“[Paralyzing Gaze].” He spoke before readying his sword like a batter about to hit a home run. Mulan froze in time only a second before her attack landed and as she was released Mulan swung his sword, sending Mulan flying off the platform in a cry of pain.

Mary could tell the attack wasn’t fatal as it had only struck her wing, but she would need to hold out until Mulan could fly back up.

Shifting her arms out of bow form she exchanged them for a lance and shield. Running at Everest she activated the rogue skill [Trifecta] and equipped each of the clones with different armaments. To Everest’s right was a Mary with twin rapiers, to his left one with glowing daggers, and directly behind stood the lance wielder.

As one the 3 Mary’s yelled “[Charge]!” “[Vital Strike]!” “[Scissor]!” Right as the clones reached his body the lancer added “[True Body]!” a skill that would momentarily make all clones real.

Having only prepared to block the lancer whom Everest had detected as the real Mary, he hastily changed his footwork. Originally planning to use [Whirlwind] to take out the lancer behind with a spin Everest changed his mind and used [Meteor].

Usually only used when attacking from above [Meteor] pulls the user downwards at incredible speeds. But in this instance Everest needed only to escape the chain attack. With all directions blocked the S class chose to fall. So with the force of [Meteor] amplifying his own weight Everest managed to crack the platform hidden beneath and enter free fall.

Angling himself midair Everest saw the 3 Mary’s disappear into nothing as the platform’s debris began to collapse around him. Gripping one such piece of debris Everest began throwing himself back up towards the clouds with pure strength.

Replaying the last scene in his mind Everest asked aloud “Wait... Why did all 3 disappear?”

In answer he turned through the clouds to see the Stalker riding the back of Mulan from within the black and white clouds. He hadn’t remembered what made [True Body] and [Trifecta] such an incredible combo in the moment. When activated in sequence the caster could choose any of the clones to return their real body to! Meaning the real Mary had been hiding within the lancer, predicting he’d destroy the platform! During the activation of [Meteor] while he was distracted she’d hopped on the back of Mulan, all in preparation for this attack.

“[CHARGE]!” screamed the true lancer Mary atop her sisters back while the latter activated [Phoenix Coat], wreathing herself and the shadow spear aimed right at Everest’s heart in a magical red fire.

“YAAAAAAAHHH!” the monsters screamed together as they fell toward the S class invader.

For a brief moment Everest was stunned by the beautiful sight of impassioned warriors above him. And as he fell amidst the flaming trees and rubble all around him he let a childlike grin slip across his bearded face.

“COME ON THEN!” he roared in challenge as he braced for impact midair.

As Mulan crashed into his chest igniting his body, and Mary’s upturned lance cut across his face Everest grabbed hold of the mighty avian before activating [Meteor] for the second time that day, dropping his mana to 92% capacity.

Falling to the forest floor while pushing the monsters beneath himself Everest felt some blood on his cheek fall into his mouth. As the worthy opponents struggled beneath him the S class let out a joyful laugh.

“Guess the record just restarted! HAHAHA!”


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