Eve pulled up her Status after waking up. Yesterday’s fight with the Giant Stone Bear and the required actions after drained her mentally. She had regenerated the wound the creature gave her, yet it had left a thin almost invisible scars. She had panicked upon seeing them, thinking she would no longer be able to use her chameleon abilities to blend into the surroundings. Careful testing had revealed, however, that skin was skin. Her alterations didn’t care whether it was scar tissue, or healthy skin, only that it was hers. When she pushed her Celestial Body to try and regenerate the scars she got the feeling it would take a great deal of time, if ever, to remove them. Celestial Mind informed her that the strike from the Giant Stone Bear had been imbued with mana, which had contaminated the wound. Since she had been in the middle of combat, she couldn’t push the contamination out, and had healed the wound with the contamination still inside. Due to the 'grudge' remaining inside the mana, she was now scarred, and that was that. It might be worth it to look into something that could take care of this when she was more concerned about such things. Looking at her Status Eve saw the result of putting her life on the line.
Race: Human
Class: Celestial Scholar
Level: 20
Health: 700/700 (7 hps regen)
Mana: 1,800/1,800 (5,130 mps regen)
Stats: Str 70, Dex 70, Con 70, Wis 180, Int 180
Free Stats: 24
Celestial’s Five Senses
Domain of Celestial Paper I
Mental Traits:
Celestial Mind
Physical Traits:
Celestial Body
"Wilson isn't there less from the previous level ups?" Eve asked.
This System is sad to say that Celestial Scholar stabilizes at 3 Wisdom and 3 Intelligence along with 8 Free Points per Level now. It is a minor adjustment to smooth calculations across realities out.
Shrugging at the fact that there was nothing she could do about the change, Eve waited as the System message announcing her level up appeared immediately after Wilson's response. It was slightly different than before, yet still contained the same basic choices.
You have become a Lv. 20 Celestial Scholar, congratulations!
You gain the following options:
2 Skills
1 Skill and 1 Spell
2 Spells
She checked the Skills again on the Class LIst, paranoid that something might have changed. Looking at the Skills again calmed Eve down.
Paperweight I
Celestial Class Limited Skill.
Only available if mana regeneration is higher than 2,500.
Sacrifice 30% of your mana regeneration.
Your mana regeneration can never exceed your total mana.
The Domain of Paper can now adjust the weight of the paper generated up to one quarter ton.
As the mana regeneration lost rises, so too does the weight capping at one and one quarter ton at Rank V.
Origami Ascension I
Celestial Class Limited Skill.
Only available if mana regeneration is higher than 2,500.
Sacrifice 30% of your mana regeneration.
Your mana regeneration can never exceed your total mana.
The Domain of Paper can now gain Runes of Intent on the paper created within it with proper folding.
As the mana regeneration lost rises, so too does the number of Runes available capping at five upon reaching Rank V.
Current Total Runes Available: 1
Finishing her daily morning shower, Eve quickly dried off befored dressing in a casual T-shirt and sweatpants. She then headed to the kitchen to make breakfast as usual. After making her meal and sitting down her face wore a slight frown as she thought hard while eating. The fight with the bear had created a strong temptation to put more numbers into her Physical Stats. Resisting the impulse to mangle her build as her brother called it, Eve allocated her current free points. She then took both Skills at the same time instantly dropping her mana regeneration by a large chunk. Checking her Status revealed the new numbers.
Race: Human
Class: Celestial Scholar
Level: 20
Health: 700/700 (7 hps regen)
Mana: 1,920/1,920 (1,920 mps regen)
Stats: Str 70, Dex 70, Con 70, Wis 192, Int 192
Free Stats: 0
Paperweight I
Origami Ascension I
Celestial’s Five Senses
Domain of Celestial Paper I
Mental Traits:
Celestial Mind
Physical Traits:
Celestial Body
She would check out other stuff later, right now Eve just didn’t feel the urge to aim for perfection any further at this time. Today was a day for loafing around and doing nothing. Tomorrow she planned on moving to the lake where the peaceful scenery would help her put the past battles behind her. It would also be a balm for future fighting, because she knew this magical murder world had more to throw at her.
“Kudzu, are you certain you can move us to the lake without any issue.” Eve asked the nearby vine as she ate her food.
“Of course. I have practiced moving several times since you mentioned it.” Kudzu responded.
“Wait, were you practicing moving the house when I wasn’t here?” Eve said, her tone going flat, fork paused on the way to her mouth.
Recognizing the danger signs, Kudzu quickly responded, “The wolves told me it would be good practice for escaping. Also they made suggestions on how to hide the house more effectively by keeping most of it underground. It was very good advice, yes.”
Eve narrowed her eyes before deciding to let it go for now, continuing she said, “Ok, go over with me what you need in order to move easily.”
“I will need the trees between the lakeside and our current location removed.” Kudzu said, his voice holding an imperceptible tone of smugness.
Eve was unaware that Kudzu had long been suffering under the suppression of the trees around him. It had taken a long time, but now the house moving was a chance for him to get revenge on those Forest Titans.
“So you need me to just weed whacker the trees between here and the lake?” Eve asked. She was slightly suspicious how easy Kudzu made it sound. “I suppose it is just a matter of applying the Domain of Paper as I cut trees down.” Eve mused as she finished her meal cleaning the cutlery, plates, and cookware as normal with her inventory.
“That would work nicely, thank you.” Kudzu responded before continuing, “They will grow back rather fast, unless you obliterate the roots beneath the stump, which I don't advise doing as that will make us gain attention and wake up the others."
With a mental shrug, Eve dropped the subject she wasn't a plant, so she would follow the advice of her plant advisor on the matter. It was time, now, to do something that would help her grow, but wasn’t steeped in death and blood.
Origami! Eve thought with glee her fingers twitching. Her eyes lit up with a bright blue glow from deep within.
Ever since discovering that the ancient art that made up her favorite hobby had untold depths she wanted to learn more. Slowly paper unfurled around her as her Samurai Six floated above her. With the Domain of Paper I the folds she created were precise, and without flaws, impossible creases by mortal standards.
Hours passed as Eve lost herself in the wonderful world of paper colored with her ability, folding, and creation. Cranes, frogs, ducks, dogs, wolves, puppy wolves, and more were created. As she entered a trance of creation the creatures began to dance around her flowing in a magical series of movements giving them lifelike appeal.
A sharp knock at the door dropped her out of her trance as her heart seized up in fear before relaxing. There was practically no way anything had approached without Kudzu noticing.
Opening the door, Eve was met with the sight of the Alpha of the Pack, Mudslide sitting on his haunches outside the doorway.
“Hello, Pack Leader. To what do I owe this visit?” Eve asked suspiciously. Her normal contact with the Pack was through Fang, and she hadn’t been informed of any visits due to arrive.
“Eve. I am simply dropping by to check on your house. It is an Alpha’s duty to safeguard the Pack’s territory.” Mudslide said, his eyes looking firm. Eve stared at his wagging tail before saying, “I just finished breakfast, would you like me to make you something?”
“Ah! That would be very nice. It was a long run over here, food would be appreciated.” Mudslide said, his eyes shining.
“Sure, I’ll fry something up with a new oil that Kudzu can make.” Eve said as she moved back into her house. Moving into the kitchen, she heard Mudslide close the door, Eve moved with almost automatic motions to create a plate for the Alpha wolf. Her mind supplied her with the likes and dislikes she had seen from their last meal together.
As she finished making the food, Eve plated it before, dropping it down in front of Mudslide. As he moved to take a bite Eve said, “I can’t wait to tell All-Right how her beloved mate is eating delicious food without her.”
Mudslide froze a steak cutlet half in and half out of his mouth. In one quick motion it vanished before he replied, “I was actually going to ask if you could make something to be taken and eaten later for her. It is a terrible shame she is busy right now checking suspicious traces at the forest edge where it meets the plains.”
Eve gave a thumbs up to the Alpha, “Nice recovery!” Behind her another plate of food was being prepared, cooked, and packaged in waxy looking paper. While she enjoyed cooking, as it kept her grounded, it wasn't like she hadn't expanded her skillset while stuck in a magical world.
Mudslide looked at the meal being created without her actually being at the stove before saying, “You have managed to split your mind like the Hydra’s of old?”
Eve nodded before saying, “I can only do three things right now, but I’m confident I can do more. I think it was due to the battle with the Giant Stone Bear. I had to split my attention in so many directions, it forced my mind to learn how to multi-task.”
Mudslide nodded as she spoke before saying, “It is well known that this can occur, our Song of the Hunt speaks of such things. Did you learn anything else from the encounter?”
Eve stared at Mudslide before she asked, “Do you know the reason why the bear’s claws could injure me?” She saw the Alpha look to the side, his expression slightly embarrassed.
Eventually, Mudslide said, “Mana cuts mana, this is one of the Primal Laws. Many do not learn it in time, or learn of it after suffering crippling injuries. What you experienced is something all younger wolves learn in the same manner.”
Eve nodded, the explanation dovetailing with her own theories on how her Celestial Body had taken damage. The pain was only a phantom now in her mind, yet it served as a warning. She was powerful, yes, but not yet invincible. Would she rather have learned when something ripped off an arm? It hurt that the Primal Laws seemed to be a touchy subject that no one spoke on. When asked Wilson had flat out refused to tell her about them, stating that she had to learn them on her own. The fact that her brother's notes had included one called Risk versus Reward in regards to the Loot ability just made her sigh.
Mudslide turned back to face her fully before saying, “You did a great thing for the Pack. For this reason, I will show you something given to us by one of the few humans we trusted.”
Eve wasn’t surprised when several scrolls appeared on her kitchen table. She had long suspected the wolves had a manner of storing items similar to her inventory. It was the only thing that made sense when they showed little to no reaction when she used it.
Unfurling one of the scrolls Eve looked at a writing that was nothing more than complex gibberish to her. It looks like my brother’s writing, although this is done with more style and a very nice slant. Just not English, or really any language I speak. Eve thought before setting the scroll down and saying, “I’m sorry, I cannot read this.” Polyglot could trigger given enough time, yet she wasn't sure if this was some sort of strange test.
Mudslide paused in the process of crunching a piece of not-shrimp tempura before a small monocle appeared on the table as well. Eve looked at the eyepiece before raising one eyebrow at the wolf.
Mudslide looked embarrassed, “I use it so often, I forget that I do not actually speak the language. You should start with the green tinted scroll, it will tell the tale better than I can.”
Shrugging, Eve opened the green scroll. While she couldn’t tell what the magic on them was, none of it caused her Celestial Mind or Body to give warning bells. Her trust in her Traits had grown a great deal after regenerating from wounds that would have killed her before her changes.
Looking at the text on the green scroll with the monocle Eve’s eyes slowly grew wider.
Greetings to whoever is reading this. I’d like to apologize, because if you are reading this, I am likely dead. Considering the Legions of the Wolf were the only ones that stood by me when I was betrayed, I decided in my final moments to ensure they escaped with my life’s works. I fed the last of my Power into the scrawny teenage wolf known as Mudslide boosting his power beyond the limits of his current Tier.
It is with a deep sadness that I will not be alive to witness the fall of those that betray me. I have no doubt they will die in agony, because if it is one thing the Pack remembers, it is betrayal.
My name was Marcus Aurelic Rothschild, and I found myself transported to this world due to a ritual gone wrong. My home planet was known as Earth, although after becoming an Emperor here I realized there are many Earths in the vast numberless dimensions. It may shock whoever is reading this to know that there are an infinite number of dimensions in this ‘Multi-Verse’ that we live in. Very few people manage to escape their home planets, especially if those planets are Barren Worlds devoid of all but the smallest scraps of a Primal Energy Source. Earth appears to be such a world according to all the information I could gather. There apparently are only a smattering of Earth’s that managed to have a small connection with Mana the most common of the Primal Energy Sources. I theorize that is where the tales of Vampires, Werewolves, and other such creatures arose from on my world.
Now, on to the meat of the matter. If you have managed to gain the Legion of the Wolves trust, then by all means, you are welcome to the information contained in the other scrolls…
Eve looked up from reading, “That explains a great deal.”
“Are you able to make copies of these scrolls? I am afraid I am unable to leave them here.” Mudslide said, his tail betraying his nervousness.
It was the work of a moment to copy all the scrolls with her Domain of Paper I. Once she was done the scrolls vanished, but the monocle remained. At her questioning look, Mudslide said, “All-Right can read the scrolls without the monocle. She is much smarter than me.”
The classic combination of brains and brawn, and there is no question which is which in my mind. Eve nodded keeping her face bland so the thought didn’t show.
Eve watched the peculiar pulse of magic that signaled a message through the magical means the wolves communicated with one another arrive. Several more pulses meant whatever was going on was most important.
True to form, Mudslide said, “Something important has come up. I will take my leave, and we can talk later. All-Right and Fang would love to have dinner with you again.”
Eve grinned at the shameless attempt to get another meal out of her. It was nice to be appreciated for something besides her ability to kill stuff. Using a piece of paper to open the door, Eve shooed the Alpha out of her house with a wave.
When the door was closed and locked behind him, Eve turned her attention to the scrolls once more.
Ancient scrolls, a Celestial Scholar, a match made in heaven if I ever heard one. Eve thought, beginning to read again.
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Tutorial (The Soul Survivor Series)
Alex Donner is your typical college student. While studying for his midterms, he suddenly finds himself in a rather classy hotel lobby. Realizing that he is not dreaming, not alone and not wearing pants, he and the ninety-nine other young adult men and women from around the world are confronted with a test, where their entire world hangs in the balance. The System has reckognized that Earth's Humans are potential candidates for Ascendancy. In order to achieve Ascendance, the one hundred 'players' are now faced with the trails of the System. They, and those that will follow, must complete the game in order for the Human race to survive. Will Alex and the other 'Players' save their world or will human nature lead them down the path of ruin?
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