When the soft burbling of water woke her Eve had to restrain the impulse to pick the alarm clock up and throw it against the wall. Instead she quietly removed the batteries from the clock. Staring at both items in her hands she simply let them drop to the floor.
Eve was tired. Bone deep tired.
She hadn’t liked being in the sandpit, yet when the moment came she didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger and save her squadmate. The ferret slaughter followed the same vein. Eve didn’t enjoy the massacre but it was necessary.
Taking a deep breath Eve read a passage from Transport to Another World Vol. 4 by Matt Smith. The words brought smile to her face helping raise her spirits. Her mind would never forget the small creatures that charged relentlessly at her and that was ok. She was a big girl, and she would get over it.
If you are reading this page, you had to do it.
That young master wouldn’t have let things go. His family wouldn’t have let things go. His brother, father, mother, what have you second cousin from the third marriage, none of them would let it go.
You had no choice, and that’s ok.
Eve if you are the one reading this, write down that little shit’s name and I swear I’ll find a Chronomancer of extreme power to revisit him so the issue never comes up when you get back to us.
Unto his ninth generation.
Killing doesn’t make you a bad person.
Killing is ok.
As long as you still feel bad, trust that you aren’t.
But, if at some point killing becomes your go to solution that’s ok.
It is also ok to retreat from the world and take a century or three off to let the blood wash away in history’s pages.
I hope you are alive and well Eve Smith, my favorite (And only) sister, happy holidays and let me be the first to congratulate you on becoming a vaunted INTERDIMENSIONAL WOMAN OF MYSTERY!
I kid, I kid. Stay safe, stay solid. Get back to us alive, Eve.
Eve blew a deep breath out as she fluffed the pillows building a small ramp behind her back. It was time to suck it up, move on, and make the world safer for herself.
“Show me the list of Class Evolutions please, System.” Eve said, before she added, “Please select the top three choices you think would fit me, best.”
I might as well assign a personality to the System. Every stranded traveler needs a Wilson. Eve thought. Besides, I still have it better than Hank, at least I have magic. Magic paper is still magic.
Before the User can take their Class Evolution it is recommended that a Fourth Spell or Second Skill is chosen first.
“Oh, thank you it totally slipped my mind!” Eve exclaimed. Moving quickly through the options in her memory, she found the perfect complement to her current setup. “System, please give me the Spell of Locate Lost Paper I.”
As soon as the words were spoken Eve pulled up her Status.
Name: Eve Smith
Race: Human
Class: Scholar
Level: 10
Health: 460/460 (4.6 hps regen)
Mana: 540/540 (75 mps regen)
Stats: Str 47, Dex 48, Con 46, Wis 52, Int 54
Free Stats: 50
True Sight
Levitate Paper V (0%)
Inkless Words V (0%)
Create Paper V (0%)
Locate Lost Paper I (0%)
Mental Talents:
Eidetic Memory
Mental Math
Encrypted Thoughts
Detect Lie
Sense Danger
Physical Talents:
Celestial Body
Can you show me the nitty gritty details? Eve thought.
True Sight
You see what is true. Always.
Be careful, what you see cannot be unseen.
Eve quickly moved past that disturbing comment for True Sight checked the information for everything else.
Levitate Paper V
Move paper anywhere within five meters of your body for ten minutes without a mana cost. The effect evolves to utilize ambient mana.
Inkless Words V
Write on paper anywhere within five meters of your body for ten minutes without a mana cost. The effect evolves to utilize ambient mana.
Create Paper V
Create Paper from materials you have on hand without a mana cost. The effect evolves to utilize ambient mana.
Locate Lost Paper I
Locate a lost piece of paper by viewing the area around it in high detail up to ten meters around the lost item. The effect can evolve to utilize ambient mana with a higher Rank of the Spell.
Celestial Body
Your body does not age.
Your body has a minimum damage threshold that must be exceeded to receive injury.
You mind sharpens in combat slowing the perception of time around you.
Your body sharpens in combat speeding the reactions of your physical form beyond mortal limits.
Your body passively absorbs and purifies mana increasing your regeneration rate by 10 times.
You gain True Sight permanently.
Eidetic Memory
What you see, you remember. Forever.
The bad and the good, a living witness to history.
Learning a language is merely a matter of time for you.
The higher your intelligence, the faster you comprehend new languages.
Mental Math
Math is as easy as breathing to you.
Merchants fear your footsteps, especially if you are hired to audit their books.
Encrypted Thoughts
Your mind is a bastion of gibberish.
Cannot be Charmed, Enchanted, Enslaved(Mental), Mind Raped, Brown Effect, Horrified, Feared, or Corrupted unless the attacker is able to understand your mind perfectly.
Encryption strengthens with Intelligence and Wisdom score combined.
Detect Lie
You know. Always.
Indeed, you know what they did last summer!
Sense Danger
Something out of place?
Someone acting strange?
A bizarre scent?
Noise that doesn’t fit the setting?
You detect it all into DANGER! DANGER! DANGER!
Higher levels of danger will cause you to grow increasingly calm.
I’m a bad ninja warlock lady person. Eve thought, letting a bit of smugness roll through her mind. Bet those vicious cat wolves didn’t think they would run into someone like me, hah!
“Alright, lay it on me Wilson. Gimme the Evolution options!” Eve pulled her blanket up to her chin, refusing to leave her toasty warm bed for such monumental choice. Due to her previous request earlier before she picked the new Spell, the System only showed three choices.
Celestial Scholar
Who better to study the Celestial than one whose body touches upon their secrets?
A master of the mind and body, your abilities push towards the secrets of power known to few.
Taking this Class will lock further choices in the future.
Gain the following Stats: +5 Wisdom, +7 Intelligence, +8 Free Stats
Gain the following Skills: True Senses
Gain the following Spells: Levitate Celestial Paper I, Inkless Runic Words I, Create Celestial Paper I
“Can you show me what the Skills and Spells do after each Evolution, please?” Eve asked politely before looking at the following messages.
True Senses
The truth is shown to your senses at all times.
Vague and unhelpful, shocking. Eve thought.
Levitate Celestial Paper I
This spell is an Evolution of a previous Rank V one.
Move paper anywhere within twenty meters through will alone.
Paper controlled in this manner mimics the Celestial Body, the longer the same paper is used, the more powerful the mimicry becomes.
There is a small chance of paper that you control for a long period of time developing a Celestial Rune. (Current Limit: 6)
The Spell evolves to utilize ambient mana.
Oh, snap! Eve thought her eyes tearing up slightly. Eve carefully didn’t glance up at the floating pieces of iron sheet paper above her head. It was pretty clear where the last part of the upgrade for Levitate Celestial Paper I came from.
Inkless Runic Words I
This spell is an Evolution of a previous Rank V one.
Write on paper anywhere within twenty meters through will alone.
Paper written on in this manner gains mystical properties.
There is a small chance of paper that you write upon for a long period of time developing a Celestial Rune. (Current Limit: 6)
The Spell evolves to utilize ambient mana.
Eve stared for a short time at the last section of Inkless Runic Words I before glancing up at the floating pieces of iron sheet paper above her head. She could almost feel a connection in her mind, like whispers from the room next door.
Create Celestial Paper I
This spell is an Evolution of a previous Rank V one.
Create a piece of Celestial paper of any size within current applicable sheet limits from materials on hand that.
Created sheets of paper will be more receptive to mana placed on them and share a portion of your power.
The Spell evolves to utilize ambient mana.
Eve narrowed her eyes before saying, “I don’t see a fourth Spell, is this a trick?”
Celestial Scholar will only upgrade Rank V Spells.
Figures. Eve thought with an eye roll. Can’t expect the uber awesome classes to not require ridiculous hoops jumped through, right?
A quick scan of the other two options listed clearly showed that the System had placed the most awesome choice first. The second option was essentially an Elemental version of Celestial Scholar. Meanwhile the third option Scholar of Death gave her the creeps. There was something inherently wrong with paper that corrupted.
Seven days to grind out Locate, then the upgrade. Eve thought, finally exiting the warm safety of her bed for the slightly chillier air. I’m also not influenced in the slightest by getting six of my own Wilsons. Not a bit. Nope, I’m perfectly ok all alone out here in the murder forest land.
Eve grumbled a bit more in her mind as she gathered all the laundry together off the floor, door, bed, and chair. Normal tasks had taken a backseat as she focused on upgrading her Spells. After starting the first load of laundry, taking a hot shower, she decided to pick something to wear. The depths of her walk-in closet yielded a pair of old steel toe boots, thick winter jeans, and the upper half of a long sleeved blouse. Grimacing she noted how all of her clothing was a slightly tighter fit since she altered her physical form. Confirming that she had actually lost weight in the change when she stood on the scale, Eve nodded sagely.
Boiled vegetable mush meal rations, and meat had gotten her through several weeks. Now though, it was time to clean up the meat she had gained. Moving to the kitchen, Even opened her Inventory before she paused to ask, “Is it possible for the inventory to filter things?”
Depending on the settings, yes. Would the User like adjustments to be made to the current Inventory?
“Is there a cost to this?” Eve asked, if life had taught her nothing, at least her mother explained that nothing was free.
There remains a quantity of Experience that will be lost when the User goes through Class Evolution. Would the User like to authorize using this method of payment?
Eve’s eyes narrowed in thought. This was the closest thing to a conversation the System granted her, and it was suspicious how much it was pushing on this subject.
Do I really want to know why the System operates the way it does though? Eve thought. It is helping me make smart choices, keeping me alive, and if it happens to skim a little off the top to do so, fuck it, that’s fine.
“Yes, I would like to pay with the Experience that will be lost when I evolve my Class.” Eve said, with finality. Opening her Inventory she saw the five slots, along with a slew of changes. The animal parts of fur, meat, and bones took up three slots in the Inventory. Meanwhile, the dirt and plant matter took up two. Eve quickly shifted everything except the meat out, using Create Paper V to turn all the garbage into gold. As the Spell finished she realized that her toiletry issues could be solved in the same manner.
As a last resort. The idea of using shit paper to battle was just wrong.
On so many levels that Eve instinctively decided any such paper could be fed into the composter instead. With that thought her mind flashed back to another piece of advice from her brother, before her brain put a solid plan together.
Do not automatically assume that food from another world is compatible with your body. While the air may be breathable, that does not innately grant food sources the same biological makeup of Earth. Mana throws a wrench into things, a big oily, thick, hard, shit covered wrench.
Sometimes meat requires extensive processing to be viable.
Sometimes plants require specific ways of cooking.
If you have managed to get a viable cheat, and read the Triple III section you should still use caution.
If my sister Eve is reading this, USE A GUINEA PIG FIRST. A carnivorous plant, a mouse, whatever, let something else eat first. Preferably something from our world if anything managed to make the transition with you. As a last resort, there should be AT LEAST one cockroach SOMEWHERE to use.
Test first on something from our world before you eat anything from another. This applies even if you have some super powered body of super awesomeness, because even if it doesn’t kill you, nobody likes sitting on the toilet shitting their guts out.
Or praying to the porcelain overlord for a day, or three.
There are fates worse than death Eve, don’t partake of them.
With that warning flashing across her mind’s eye, Eve stretched out her senses. After the physical alteration her five senses had slowly become sharper. In what she considered a passive mode, they were basically just better, like she had gone back to her youth. When she actually applied them though in a more active mode, she felt like that old TV show with the man who could solve crime with super senses. Her hearing became exquisite, her sight became crisp, scents were sharper, air brought information to her skin, and meals became a delight.
I wonder how much better it would be to relax when my senses are pushed to their limit. Eve thought with guilty pleasure. Would the orgasm be like, a hundred times better? Actually let’s focus on staying alive first.
A small series of crunching noises met her hearing when she focused.
Mice? Eve thought. Damn, I never even knew they must be ninja mice! Moving a sheet of paper to where the noise was coming from behind her stove she cast Locate Lost Paper I. Two small grey mice appeared in her mind, both of them staring suspiciously at the paper.
Gah! Cuteness attack successfully criticals! Eve thought as she watched their little noses twitch. The sight of small furry creatures from her own world that didn’t want to murder her for meat caused her to break down into tears for a long few minutes.
A few sheets of paper quickly captured the mice without harming them. Searching her house from top to bottom she used her new senses to find a grand total of five spiders, eighteen cockroaches, four more mice, and one sparrow. Each mouse or sparrow got their own private aquarium or cage in the kitchen made from glass sheets. She used the glass that had been previously set aside when she was selling things for alteration points. Considering how her house had been decreased in size when she remodeled it, her power covered the entire premises. Since maintaining the cages for the critters took no mana it was a no brainer.
She definitely wasn’t holding the cute creature’s hostage to her slightly unbalanced emotional needs. Nope. The insects on the other hand were turned into mulch. Spiders and cockroaches just didn’t have the required cuteness to survive in this brave new world.
They are safer with me than outside. Eve thought, rationalizing her choices easily as she stared at the mice and sparrows in her kitchen. They were set up along the sole wall that had nothing on it, directly forty five degrees to the kitchen window. Feeding the mice, I can do. The little sparrow though, what do those even eat?
Eve focused her mind using Eidetic Memory to pull up information from the past. Sparrows ate a variety of bugs, and seeds.
Turning with laser focus Eve stared out the entrance from her kitchen that led to the garden.
Time to do some spring cleaning. Eve thought as she moved to the roof trapdoor.
- End20 Chapters
I Became A Father
I fell into the Initial Dungeon on Gakseom Hunter Tutorial.
8 357 - In Serial99 Chapters
Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)
Rewritten chapters from 1-13(Y/N) has been raced by a guild. She was left alone on the street, in front of a door, to die. A master found her and took her inside, racing like she was his own, and the others in this guild was helping him. The master could feel a big magical power with in the child and in the age of 5, activate she her power.
8 167 - In Serial25 Chapters
An overly OP MC in another world.
My name is Carlos Drake and I've been summoned to another world...along with my three friends Jake, Roland and Lucas, we are aiming to become the greatest heroes in the world! (Yo! red here....just gonna say...I got bored and wanted to try something different so I did this little book thing to make small chaps on every once in a while...please do not expect much from this.)
8 105 - In Serial111 Chapters
Fragments of Time ( A Disney Twisted Wonderland x OC story) Book I
All stories begin with "Once upon a time..."Charlotte Luchessi's a girl unlike any have seen. With a fast-thinking mind and a few skills and talents up her sleeve, nothing can take her down! But something does. A memory that had left her scarred, left her to lock away her sadness through her selflessness. As if that wasn't enough, she's mysteriously dragged into a world beyond imagination! One where she'll encounter magic and mayhem more than ever.Enter Night Raven College, a prestigious magic training school where mages alike can hone their skills to become the next generation of wizards. Under the guardianship of the Schoolmaster, Charlotte is given protection, with an unlikely ally by the name of Grim, and tasks to work around and within the school all while seeking for a way back home.But what's with the students and their abnormal behaviors? What secrets roam within these halls? And is the Headmaster, as well as a certain fae dorm leader hiding something from the student body and herself included? The answers have yet to be revealed. Before she knows it, Charlotte is caught in a web of secrets and magic, both good and bad. With something monstrous lurking in the shadows, more questions than answers popping up, and getting meddling students into shape all on her mind, Charlie is determined to get everything found out. And along her journey, she'll discover that she's a fate more entwined with this world than meets the eye. But will this unusual and surprising discovery be what gets her back home or bring unspeakable horrors to this mysteriously dangerous and haunting world? Look beyond the Mirror. Go down the Rabbit Hole. Fall under the Spell of The Twisted Wonderland.-------Based off of Aniplex/Disney Japan's "Twisted Wonderland" video game. All rights go to original creators. Artwork belongs to Yana Tobaso. Began: March 22, 2020Finished: ???Find me on tumblr at @akemiozawa. More info on my OC Charlotte there!
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My fox boyfriend (Dream x Fundy)
Fundy, Dream, and their friends go to Youtube island.
8 137 - In Serial11 Chapters
ᴇꜱᴄᴀᴘᴇ [ʏᴀꜱᴜ x ꜰ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ]
⋆* 🎀 𝘌𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘦 [𝘠𝘢𝘴𝘶 𝘹 𝘍 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳] 🎀 *⋆Cover by : noob.daddae (instagram)A/n :(this boy get simped a lot yet gain not so many fanfic about him-)Many years ago there was an accident where our beloved Samurai Kusonoki Masashige went missing ofc everyone began to panic for their most strogest Samurai gone without any information,not so long after another Masashige ancestors went missing one by one,there was many people try to gethered more information about this accident but sadly most of these people found dead..after that tragedy no one dares to continue these 'research'. years went by it become peaceful days that until more people went missing.(Y/n) (L/n) the girl who sucessfully escape from that 'witch' Sama grasp but in the end she had to made a deal with Sama for her Mother live she accept her fate to be one of this monsters she used to fight against.She just hope someone will free her..maybe she will meet this 'knight in shining armor' and save her from all these nightmare?•> This book may contain :- blood- murder- gore (not that much)- not really good english- bullying- family issue- every character used on this book belong to MUCDICH the development of a game called 'the mimic' in roblox except Y/n who created by you (Reader) and OC that i create to helping the story go on.!keep on mind this book not contain any lemons!
8 113