As her alarm clock woke her Eve slowly managed to wake up to the sound of burbling streams. Escaping to the bathroom she finished the new morning ritual of cold water and toilet prayers before choosing today’s outfit. Jeans and one of her few long sleeve cold weather exercise shirts along with boots completed the ensemble. Preparing for hunting tomorrow she removed her old military garment bag from the bedroom closet. Packed within was everything an army grunt could need, from the expertly creased uniform, to the lint removal devices. Opening the garment bag, she took a long look at the small string of medals that denoted combat service.
Looking at the medals gave her a mental boost in toughness.
I’ve been through worse. At least the creatures here don’t have guns. Eve thought. Hopefully.
Although from what her brother mentioned in Volume One, it was difficult for a magical civilization to develop guns. It was hard to convince someone that guns were viable since Mana was such a cheat. Sure you could perhaps get magic guns, except then you ran into the research cost trap. If it was more costly to do gun research than to train a fireball caster, you would never be able to get your overlord to pay for one over the other.
That trap worked for guns the same in all worlds. Especially with how Eve could easily see Spells or Skills progressing to the point that guns were useless. After all, in the end a gun was simply a person who threw a small metal rock very fast in layman’s terms. If you could upgrade a Spell or Skill to the point where you could do it better, with less resources used, and more effect why bother?
Of course, that isn’t going to stop me from using my rifle. Eve thought as she hung the garment bag up on the back of her bedroom door. Well, Matt’s rifle, but mine now right?
Moving back into the guest bedroom, she quickly pulled the rifle box from the gunner’s safe set into the left wall. The combination was something she knew by heart, being it was her brother’s birthday in reverse. She wouldn’t have let him keep the weapons in her house if it wasn’t for the fact that he spent nearly ten percent of his total income hunting javelin. In order to appease her, Matt had always donated a large portion of the meat on the altar of siblinghood.
Eve definitely hadn’t guilted him into it after the first taste. For sure.
Regardless of the fact, she had guns, at least, as long as the ammo lasted. Also assuming they could even hurt creatures here, she would use the rifle until ammo was exhausted, then switch to the handguns. Thankfully the laser tagging scope was already dialed in from last year and required only minor adjustments. The last pieces of gear she pulled out were a ghilli suit in dark gray green, and a set of hunting goggles. The goggles were a pair of high tech glasses that would let her see in low light, as well as allowing magnification. The most important part is they were part of a combo with the tagging scope. Essentially the laser tagging scope painted the target, and the goggles showed the shot with auto magnification. The googles were good for six hours with a charge, and the charger was connected directly to the exercise bike for motivation. If there was one thing that helped her brother keep the pounds off it was keeping his precious hunting cheat goggles charged.
Closing the safe, Eve left everything for easy pickup tomorrow. Moving into the kitchen she prepared and ate breakfast. After breakfast was simple training on using the metal ‘paper’ sheets for offense and defense. The main issue was, the Spell, even when persistent effect was expensive when actual real paper wasn’t being used.
If only I could create paper using a Spell. Eve idly thought watching her small metal card float at eye height.
User request acknowledged.
Do you desire to see the current available Spell List for your Class?
Eve stared her mind firing with lightning speed before she said, “Yes, please.” A list of available Spells appeared, much like a rolling inventory list.
Create Stationary
Create Paper
Create Pen
Create Ruler
“Can I get Create Paper from this Spell List?” Eve asked.
Current number of Spells is at three. Adding a new Spell from the Spell List will require removing one of the current ones.
“So an exchange, huh? Also the fact that there are limits to how many Spells or Skills is good information.” Eve muttered to herself. “If I trade in a Spell now can I get it again later?”
The option to choose new Spells occurs every five levels for the Scholar Class. There is no known limitation on choosing from the Class Spell List at this time.
Is access to such information normal? Eve thought before voicing aloud, “Does everyone have access to information like this?”
Negative. Only users who have attained the Scholar or similar Classes can access such information.
“So every Scholar can do this?” Eve asked.
Correct, every Scholar under First Contact Protocols is able to access this level of information.
Eve remembered one of the messages she had seen when the System first connected mentioning something about First Contact.
“What are First Contact Protocols?” Eve asked aiming for clarification.
First Contact Protocols are engaged the first time the System meets a new member species.
First Contact benefits include:
Double Experience gains.
Knowledge Base access. (With appropriate Class)
Mental HUD overlay.
Mental Connection.
Inventory allotment.
Starting Pack allotment.
One-time Physical alteration allotment.
One-time Mental alteration allotment.
“No way…” Eve stared.
User desires to remove access to these options?
“No. I’d like to keep them all, please.” Eve said slapping herself mentally. “I’d like to keep them all forever, regardless of what I might state at a later time.”
Request acknowledged.
Looking through the benefits of the First Contact Protocol it was clear the first member of a species got the lion’s share of the power. Extrapolating off of that, it probably meant that anything that was achieved before others gave greater rewards. First clear of a dungeon if those existed. First to invent something, and so forth. Checking with the System gave solid confirmation on it as well.
When she looked at the list of available Achievements or Titles though is when she started drooling.
Dragonslayer I
First to slay a Dragon of any species when not part of said species.
First Dragonslayer benefits include:
Quadruple Experience gains.
Access to the Dragon’s Hoard.
30% Dragon’s Blood.
30% Dragon’s Bones.
30% Dragon’s Flesh.
Dragon’s Magic Spells (Random)
Dragon’s Physical Skills (Random)
One-time Physical alteration allotment. (Draconic options only!)
One-time Mental alteration allotment. (Draconic options only!)
Of course a quick read on the Power level of Dragons dropped the dream into a blender real fast.
Average Dragon level is over 9,999 for mature adults which are required for the Dragonslayer I achievement.
Over nine thousand. That’s a solid nope right there. Eve thought rolling her eyes. No wonder Dragons are always so overpowered in the stories.
Continued use of the System helped lessen her fears though. For example one of the pieces of information she managed to learn was shocking to the extreme.
The size of the world is equivalent to three of the User’s planets known as ‘Jupiter’ combined as this is a ‘Major’ world.
Barren, Minor, Major Worlds all based on the amount of Mana. Since gravity affects mana density somehow it makes sense. The bigger a planet is, the more it collects, and the more powerful the Races that live on it. Eve thought. The world is separated into sections, almost like leveling zones in a game. Stronger areas of magic are like going from the zero to ten level kiddie pool into the fifty to one hundred part.
Eve took copious notes slowly gaining an understanding of her new world. Before she knew it lunchtime had arrived, taking a quick break she went back to interrogating the System. Finally finishing her questions up at dinner, Eve sat back to digest what she had learned.
First and foremost, I’m utterly screwed if I meet something with half a brain. Eve thought as she ate her soup while checking her notes. Any half decent mind mage will open me up like a sardine can, and it only goes from bad to nightmare from there.
It was quite apparent that First Contact Protocol fell under Volume Six. Reaching out her hand Eve used Summon Book I to pull the sixth volume of her brother’s Transport to Another World into her hand.
Volume six was about one thing, and one thing only.
If you have managed to be transported into whatever world you are in with a cheat, thank God.
Now remember these simple rules:
Rule 1.
Never mention you have a cheat. Ever. To anyone. Never. Ever. In fact if possible use a ritual magic to make sure you don’t spill the beans. Because people will want what you have. Rich, powerful, and very motivated individuals who can probably rip your soul out of your body while forcing you to love them for it.
Rule 2.
Abuse the shit out of it. Whatever it is. Infinite gold, infinite health, infinite mana, System Helpdesk, whatever. Abuse the shit out of it while following Rule 1.
Cheat. Because everyone else will be.
Rule 3.
Do not allow your existence to become known unless you can solve whatever comes looking for you.
Because they will.
And they will bring friends.
Rule 4.
It is OK not to connect with civilization until you can wipe them out. In fact I would highly recommend it.
Rule 5.
Do not ever sell technology if you find the tech level of civilization is below Earth’s own. It boils down to a combination of Rule 1 and common sense. If you teach people how to make a gun, they will use it on you. DO NOT spread knowledge that weakens your own power.
The fact that these rules coincide neatly with what the System tells me had occurred to every First Contact Protocol user is in a nutshell, scary as fuck. Eve thought, her eyes flashing with cold anger. That so many Races betray their own for gain becomes obvious when you look for it.
Every single First Contact Protocol User died before they were over a hundred. Even from the Races that were long lived such as the Elves. Eve knew why too when she checked the Achievement section.
Prime Slayer I
First to slay a User with the First Contact Protocol of any new species.
First Slayer benefits include:
10x Experience gains.
Limited System Access.
All Spells learned by the Prime.
All Skills learned by the Prime.
One-time Physical alteration allotment. (Legendary)
One-time Mental alteration allotment. (Legendary)
With great power comes a great target on my back. Eve thought, staring at the achievement someone could attain for killing her. This changes things a little.
Her original plan of hunting had been altered to a slaughterfest, if she didn't take steps she was nothing but meat on the chopping board. Eve took a deep breaths as she cleaned up dinner before moving back to sit in her bedroom chair.
“System what is a One-Time Physical alteration allotment?” Eve asked.
One-time Physical alteration allotment allows the User to adjust their baseline to a superior version of their species. Adjustments are based on the physical knowledge the User has of their Race.
“System what is a One-Time Mental alteration allotment?” Eve continued.
One-time Mental alteration allotment allows the User to adjust their baseline to a superior version of their species. Adjustments are based on the mental knowledge the User has of their Race.
In the dim light of her room that was lit only from the red light of her alarm clock a silver flash moved across Eve’s eyes. She grinned as her mind churned with possible ideas.
“Are there limits?” Eve asked finally.
The only limits in the two processes listed previously are from the User.
Reaching out her hand Eve flicked the light in her room on before using Summon Book I on Volume Three of her brother’s series.
A glance at the title brought a smirk to her face.
Transport to Another World Vol. 3 by Matt Smith (Good Luck!)
Volume Three had a single sub-title underneath the main title.
Immortal, Indestructible, Invincible (Theories)
It was a map for the rare chance of landing in a world with a cheat. The entire volume was much larger than the others in the series. A quick skim of the contents page and Eve moved to the section for stuff like what she now had available to her.
So you got lucky. If my sister Eve is reading this, I send heartfelt thanks to God.
Now on to the meat.
You have the ability to alter your Body. Mind. Soul. Whatever, and you want to use it to the best effect.
For the Body get out those medical textbooks from the living room and chart a path.
You want several things with Body modification:
Stop aging.
Regeneration based on mana.
Skin that cannot be cut.
Bones that cannot be broken.
Organs that cannot be crushed with pressure.
Resistance to mana based attacks of any type.
Something that helps absorb mana from the environment.
Something that purifies absorbed mana from the environment.
Increased physical reaction times.
Increased mental capacity.
Remember, if there is mana, then don’t let the limits of Earth weigh you down. Learn what is possible and apply it.
“System is there a way to download information into my mind?” Eve asked suddenly thinking of a possibility that had eluded her earlier.
It is possible, however doing so will require long and short-term memory User memory storage to be overwritten.
“Would it be possible to scan me, isolate the memories I desire to keep, and use the space available for the new information?” Eve asked holding her breath. There were some things she simply wasn’t willing to lose in order to gain power.
There was a long pause before a new line of text formed.
Mental. Allotment. First.
Eve stared at the text realizing for the first time since she had interacted with it the System had responded with its own opinion. Granted it dovetailed neatly with her unstated request, so she chose not to draw attention to it. After all wasn’t a Mental Connection part of her First Contact Protocols. Did she really care if the System was reading her mind and providing extra help?
No. No she didn’t. She also didn't want to know why it needed to state the message in such a cryptic manner like a child hiding treasure from their parents.
“I would like to use my One-Time Mental Alteration Allotment, first.” Eve said straightening up in her chair.
Confirmed. Starting User Character Creation sub-system.
Eve had a moment to recognize the words before darkness claimed her.
- In Serial40 Chapters
Starting Out As A Goblin Summoner
On a certain day, a modern city transmigrated to another world where everyone possessed their own summoner’s grimoire.
8 600 - In Serial47 Chapters
Flame Beneath The Snowfall
Alto is a world governed by Tones. Magic, as one might call it. Manifested through deep mental and physical conditioning, one can control the Tones in a way that is unique to them. The power to store items in gems, transfer life, affect a person's mind, and even the more primal abilities such as control of the elements. Those who have these supernatural abilities are called 'Vassals.' People that fully manifest their abilities are not as common as one might think, and not all Vassals acquire their ability through practice, given if conditions are met. In fact, those who had received much trauma manifest the Tones more frequently, albeit spontaneously. However, the rare kind of Vassals are those who manifest it from childhood. A gift, but not without its repercussions. Alto is stuck in a transitional era, where the line between modern and dated technology is blurred. One can travel to a city that has a tall skyline, bustling with people in sophisticated clothing, or a mere town governed by a lord, all the while riding on a powered vehicle. Cultures vary: Some turn to the more dated practices such as castes, others are more inclined to set equal footing on their people, led by nobility. Some are dedicated to become scholars, studying Alto's Tones, while others set foot on hunts, protecting lone towns from the creatures of some of the still-untamed lands. And the Vassals? Those willing are took under The Organization, an elusive group, its presence said to permeate all throughout Alto, taking care of Rogue Vassals that abuse their abilities and other businesses related to their side. But what is this story all about, you may ask? Well, set your sights on the upper portions of this huge landmass that is Alto. Yes, the 'whole' world is called Alto, but that is because the majority of the known people live on this large continent. Relieve yourself of the worrying tensions everywhere, and see the white snow. Trace the piercing mountaintops and focus your eyes between the valley. A town sits there. Mido. After realizing that the memories only left in his mind was the night of his town's imminent destruction in flames, a boy finds himself grasping for every fiber of his life as he lays down flat on the ground. Beneath him was soot mixed with the white snow. Fortunately, a group of investigators, who were supposed to answer their call for help, saved him from his sorry state. With a newfound second wind, but hampered by his loss of memory, he must solve his own case: Who had the audacity to set Mido, his town, aflame? Flame Beneath the Snowfall focuses on action, with a sense of adventure, but mostly the discovery of an outside world, and the protagonist's exposure to it. Add in a whisk of soft magical elements, and you get a story that I hope will be interesting to the readers. That is not to say that my work is without the sense of unnerving atmosphere, however. As a forewarning, there are elements of gore, horror, minor elements of mental trauma, etc. so it is not for all audiences. *The book is already completed. Although I have plans to continue the story (it would have to involve much larger scope in terms of world-building), I have yet to decide when to start the next entry.
8 117 - In Serial100 Chapters
I'll become a villain in my next life
Why? I tried to help people but they just abandoned me! betrayed me! they don't want me to play hero!? then fine I'll be the villain" Those are the last words of 'Riruko Kaido' codename: Ragnarok, a level 5 Esper with the power to control matter and elements as long as has knowledge of the subject as he died from the hands of the very people he protects he was betrayed by his friends, abandoned by his lover, and sold out to the researchers by the very person he trusted...... follow Riruko Kaido as he live out his life in another world with a determination to become a villain....will he be able to maintain his word to become a villain? or will his past personality preserve the goodness in his heart? will he be a villain or a hero?
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Second Life Villain
"A hero always wins". Well, that's a bold ass thing to say, my friend. "All villains die at the end of the story?" I think it's time to change that!!!
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The Gift
What would the world actually function if superheroes exist? Greed, corruption, and murder would control the world. Raito, a young man, plans to end this cycle by becoming a superhero. He possesses a Gift that allowed him to control sound. He will discover that his goal might be a lot more complicated than he thought. Will he succeed in his goal or join the corruption?
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Text Me, Bitch | VKOOK ✓
Taehyung's chaotic ass messages the wrong number, belonging to 'straight boy' Jeongguk. ©95vgguk
8 191