《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 25 - 25.Protection


She could clearly feel energy outside the shield trying to come in. Luckily her shield stood strong and held good. It seems some things really changed. She closed her eyes and fell asleep while a group of people outside shield wondered about it.

''It seems we won't be able to fight the shield. But we can still go in and out. I clearly have no power inside the shield. The person holding the shield is very powerful. No matter what we made the right decision. Should we go and tell the head of the city that we have powers?''

The young woman stood there and stared at the shield with shiny eyes. ''Let's not do that. We can take over the city step by step. What do you think boss?''

Jack stood still and sighed. ''We could be added as a team later on. We have no idea what plans Mike has for people inside here. For now, let us protect him. The lives of thousands of people are quite a burden. Our powers will be needed anyway after a while. Let's go. I can feel movements in bushes and I do not think we can handle them alone.''

''But boss, isn't it strange? He is always around those two women, what if its triple power that holds the shield?'' The big man stood next to Jack and remembered how the two women pulled Mike and spoke to him without fear.

Jack nodded. ''That is possible. Maybe they enhance his strength or he enhances their strength. No matter what let's not take any chances. Celia, you will be from now on bodyguard for Jenny and Daria you will be Mina's bodyguard. We will explain tomorrow everything to Mike. But I will not let him rule completely over me. I will ask my people to have a bit more freedom.''


They all nodded. They feared that the wrong decision would make them into cannon fodder.

The next day Mike got a visit from Jack and they stayed in his office for a long time, before both of them came out with big smiles. ''Let's do it that way. Jack help girls, trust me. They will dislike you if you try to pry out them things that are not your problem.'' Mike's expression changed from smiles into serious. ''If you want to protect them, fine. But will they accept it, I have no idea.''

But actually the two readily accepted. Mina turned her head towards Celia and Daria that sat behind them and smiled. ''Finally more girls! We are all day long around men and it's making us bananas. How do you girls actually handle them?''

Daria rolled her eyes. ''To tell you the truth, if I didn't have the power I would have long ago stayed far away from them. Boasting about their powers all day long.''

Celia chuckled and made funny expressions. ''Like peac.o.c.ks...'' The four women laughed in the car but this time they didn't turn the radio on.

People could see them having huge smiles and laughter and Mike sighed. ''At least they laugh again. Its been so long since they happily laughed. Maybe having a couple more women around them was not a bad idea. Thank you, Jack.''

Jack turned his head and saw Jenny laughing until tears coming out. ''The world turned crazy so fast. True laughter and happiness are rare. If the four can become friends I wouldn't mind letting them be around the two permanently if they want. After all, they were lonely as well. ''

Mike nodded. ''Power users are rare. So having you coming and helping us as well, is not a bad idea. Soon we will start having quests. Like killing the zombies and other creatures. Cleaning surrounding of any strange things that could harm humans and so on. Roaming the surrounding cities. Helping more people survive. This town can literally feed hundreds of thousands of people and with your people, we don't even have a tenth of the amount. Every human that survives is an important member. As long as no one tries to harm us, we will keep our hands open and help out. Be careful. Outside are a few groups of people that are banned to enter the town. Sometimes, I need to become cruel. Those that kill, **** and murder without and reason will be kicked out into first bushes. Literally.''


Jack nodded. ''I agree. In the shelter that we left are still many people left. I will go there and offer them to come here one more time. Would you mind helping me?''

Mike agreed. ''As I said. Our main task right now is to save people as much as we can. We already set a bunch of rules inside the city. Those that can work will be given food. There is still that wall we plan to build. The powers, we have no idea how long they will last. Will they be just temporarily or permanently, we don't want to take chances. ''

Jack felt suddenly surprised. ''You are taking that into consideration as well?''

Everyone in the car went silent making luke feel strange. But then Mike continued. ''The powers came suddenly. But who can assure us it will last forever? What if one day the powers disappear just like they appeared and we have no protection and no way to save ourselves? If we start building a wall maybe there will some help later on. It's better to be safe than sorry. We still have a bunch of weapons and we plan to make more. So many plans.''

Jack could see his eyes closing and he fell asleep while he looked at the neighboring man with questions all over his head.

''To protect you all, the boss is doing more than anyone else. You have your power to protect yourself, but he uses all his human power to protect everyone. So sleeping is something he does whenever he has a chance. Let him close his eyes just a bit.'' The man patiently explained it and turned his head to look outside while Luke nodded.

With everything happening actually Jack slept the night before for the first time after a long time comfortably and deeply. He knew how much thought the head of the city had.

Being helpful and strict at the same time, he can rest now his heart and start trusting Mike more. Yes. He was not strong enough to help them all. But Mike can do it. There have to be rules. Or anarchy will reign. Maybe from now on he could just be by his side and be his shield, his protection...

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