《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 18 - The enemy within


The reports from the other cities showed an increase in zombies and some reported changes in their behavior. Thinking about that Jenny just stretched her shield around the whole colony of vehicles and sighed. If this doesn't work, nothing will.

Going further away from their town, they realized how much things have changed in the last couple of months. So familiar but at the same time unfamiliar view opened in front of their eyes.

The trees seem to be taller and somehow... alive. She shook her head but didn't say anything. Further away she could see fields filled with crops and she felt a bit of pain in her heart.

''Mike, I think we should think about gathering the finished products as well. We can check them and see if they have the virus inside if they do not then we can use it for trade as well.'' Her voice made everyone think about it and they gave a glance at the fields filled with golden ears of wheat.

He slowed down and then stopped. One of his people rushed out got one of those stalks and rushed back to the car. Luckily he did it fast. As soon he touched the stalks something inside started moving, giving everyone a shock.

Mike didn't want to wait to find out, so he rushed away while the movements stopped as soon they were gone. ''Uh, we will check this for the virus but I think it will be hard for us. This is way too scary.''

Jenny and Mina were in shock as well. ''I didn't expect this, at all. Never mind. We will have enough of our produce anyway. Mike, did you find more people with powers?''

They could hear him sigh. ''Actually, we do have two people from my team with slight powers but nothing special. One has firepower but can highest make small fireball and then faints and the other one is metal power. He is actually helping with building the walls. Luckily he is a good man or we would b in big trouble. By the way, as soon he gets near the mid of town where your home is, he completely loses his powers. I think there is the center of your home so maybe there is the hardest protection.''


Jenny unconsciously nodded. ''Maybe because at first, I made protection only around our part of town and the buildings inside that circle are all under strongest protection.''

Jenny just gave her a small smile and made Mina think about it. Before it was hard for anyone except her two friends to see her smile. She usually would walk around with cold expression and have icy look in her eyes. Only a few people knew real countenance.

''Mike I just got a message from the central station. They found more people in other cities with powers. It seems it's still rare. One on every thousand people. We have just this small number of people. This many in our city are, as it seems, rare. Will more people earn powers?'' His hopeful question made everyone think about it. But this time Mina answered.

''Sorry to break your bubble. The two people actually knew about their powers from start on but had no idea how to use it. Maybe children will be born with powers or they have but are not sure how to use it yet. I think you, just like me, will not gain new powers. Unfortunately, I wish as well some powers. Sigh...''

Her words made them realize the real truth. The two people before were as well new arrivals. They knew that their power is not strong enough. Mike gave them the power stone slike he gave Jenny and they could replenish their powers but couldn't grow them. Jenny told him that he grew after the black lightning case.

''Jenny, do you feel any changes in your power?'' He knew that without her powers their survival rate would become horribly low. With the last changes who knows what else could happen.

''I do not feel any stronger or weaker if you mean that. I just prevail in my current strength. But I can feel that outside many things might change soon. We need to check more suburban places, villages and other towns that we couldn't contact so far that are still in our range. maybe we could save more people. I feel that things will change soon. I feel that another change in DNA will come but how will that impact the human race, I really have no idea.'' Her face became serious as she looked sideways. ''Do not go anymore out the cars. I feel there is unknown danger. New zombies or something else, no matter what it, just stay close. Those that get out my protection, I won't be able to save those that dance out the line.''


Mike contacted other cars letting them know about new dangers and he got confirmed from most of the vehicles but some had their own ideas so he just snorted. ''I warned them once, not going to waste my breath repeating what I said.''

''Mike where are we going today?'' Mina was asking after Jenny went silent.

''Going to the seaport. There are many sh.i.p.s that have a bunch of stuff we might need. One of our people said he found that in one of those storages are more solar cells and equipment. Not only that, many other things we can use. Gasoline, liquid gas for stoves and similar. I plan to check out this time. If everything is well we can bring more people next time so they can gather stuff they need as well. I just hope that some of the newcomers don't have weird ideas.''

Mina just looked at her in worry. ''Will you be ok with that? I hope you do not exert too much of your power. If you don't have this power then you could live peacefully. I worry all the time about you.''

Jenny just gave her a big smile. ''Arent you here with me. I trust you completely. If I feel weak I know you Mike and our friends that listen will help me out the trouble. So I can be a little reckless, can't I?''

Everyone in those five cars heard her words and felt proud. She trusted them with her life. So their determination to help her became even stronger.

The trip took them the whole day and close to the night they arrived at the port. This time they choose to load the trucks before going back. They had juts five cars and about ten trucks so the trucks were quite fast loaded. Mike had no plans to get more trucks as he planned to come back in a couple of days. But as it seems people had other ideas.

Group of people at first silently argued and then came to him. One man with rough expression smiled at him sleazily making Jenny and Mina queazy. ''Chief, We plan to bring more trucks with us. They are already filled. Do you mind?''

Mike just shrugged. ''Sloan, the protection shield is only on our ten trucks the other trucks have nothing to do with use. Can't you wait until tomorrow and bring them back then?''

He shook his head. ''Those trucks belong me. I need them with me. Can't you extend that shield more?'' He looked at him viciously but Mike just shrugged.

''We are too far from town. The further we go the less protection we can have. I never promised to extend shield more than its possible.'' He turned around and entered the car not even looking at those people.

Stubbornly Sloan rose his hand to attack him but the forcefield that Jenny put around Mike let him fly completely back. He fell down and started yelling at his group. ''What are you waiting, shoot!''

The man stood up and smiled at the leaving cars and trucks. ''Didn't he says he is coming back tomorrow. Let's give him a nice welcome back.'' Everyone laughed and went to open trucks.

Inside was whole artillery and all kinds of bombs. One of his henchmen brought him the newest weapon. ''This is what we stole from military camp last time. The gun that can penetrate even bulletproof glass.''

Sloan took the weapon and smiled. ''Let's try it tomorrow. Let's go make a base camp in the save storage. You know, that one that military had prepared last time.''

Everyone rushed to gather as much food they could and rushed to the military part of storage space. There was a laboratory, and more surprises for them...

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