《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 16 - Jenny seeming active, but actually very lazy :)


Happy New Year!!! I give you double chapters today ... ENJOY :)

But as soon she entered her floor Jenny just stood there on the roof, for hours. Looking at the black lightning that hit the shield whole night, a small smile prevailed trough the night. Near the morning she went to take a shower and just went down.

Most of the people were already waiting outside and Mina stood near Mike and spoke to him with a light smile on her face. Jenny chuckled, she knew that expression that her friend gave to Mike. It seems unexpected pairs were about to be made, but she found it fine as well. The two people fit just well together.

Mike was a reasonable person with a healthy looking body. But he was not really the type Jenny would be interested in. But with Mian was a different kind of story. She liked people that had many muscles, luckily Mike had a good head on his shoulders as well so she was not worried this time that he would treat her bad. With such thoughts, she got close to them.

Mina was first to notice her and smiled brightly at her. ''Jenny, good morning. How was your night? Did you have enough sleep?''

Jenny smiled at her quirkiness. ''It was not worse than any other night.'' With those words, she avoided giving clear answers to her but Mike knew the truth. there are people watching her whole time, for her protection. They told him that she was a whole night on her roof terrace and didn't sleep one bit. But looking at her healthy pink face and clear eyes he knew it had something to do with the strange black lightning the night before.

Even tho he was quite curious he chose not to ask her about that. With a loud voice, he made everyone listen to him. ''Today, each of us will drive one truck. We gathered around city huge amounts of trucks and we plan to go out. With this going out we will gather as many things we can. Please stay in the same lane and do not drive around wildly. Only that way we can be protected. If you dance out the line, you will be or shot by us or eaten by zombies, so please consider rest of us and be sane.''


Everyone started talking at the same time so he had to raise his voice again. ''If you think you can't handle the pressure, please stay here and be a guard for the weak ones. We can't use weak links outside.''

One of the new arrivals was curious. ''I know everyone noticed, but do you know what is this about? I mean this shield? Is t dangerous?''

Someone hit his head that he fell down straight on his face. ''Stupid. Didn't you notice that there are no zombies since the shield was erected? It seems we are safe inside. Why even asking such obvious fact. Just stay here and watch the little ones. I fear on end we will have the little ones watching you...''

A woman stood behind that person and rubbed her hand on her trousers as she touched something dirty. She turned her head towards Mike and smiled apologetically. ''Sorry, I just did what others thought. Please continue, do not mind his question.''

Mike shook his head. ''His questions are reasonable. But we are not completely sure what is protecting us. Maybe it is better not to know too much. Let us just accept this protection as much as we can. We need you all to be 100% alert. After a strange storm last night we have no idea what is going on outside. Let us go out fast and come back fast. No time to talk now. Let's go.''

His words just finished he went into the first truck while Jenny went to the second, and so on. The people rushed to their appointed trucks and soon a long line of trucks started moving fast. They knew sooner or later the gasoline will be out and they just used the chance to use the trucks as long as they can to gather as many things as they could.

Why was Mike first and not Jenny? Because she told him that it doesn't matter where she is, she can protect everyone. And she rubbed already some blood on his truck and couple drops on other trucks were smeared by the guards the night before. She gave them enough blood to smear on each couple drops. As long there is no rain the trucks could be protected even if they are not under her shield.


Soon the end of the shield came and luckily they could pass. She was worried that no one could pass it, including themselves, but as it seems it is not that way, but soon they all got a message from the mid of the truck line. The zombies are outside the shield and can't enter the city.

That made everyone feel even more confident and happy. Safety is something everyone wanted, especially at such times. The trip was this time faster. The rain stopped and a bit of sunshine peaked through still thick clouds. What took them the day before hours, now it took them less than an hour.

The streets were cleaned the previous day and so they could just rush to the mall and start filling the trucks. On their way, as expected, they didn't meet not even one zombie. Like they disappeared completely. But they still were scared. Who knows what is next?

After parking, out one truck came three smaller cars that Mike had to prepared before with her blood. Those cars were used before for elections as they had strong recorder and speaker. The duty of those people is to slowly pass the streets and call out in the hope to find more survivors.

Actually that was Mike's idea and everyone agreed. As long more lives are saved, there is a bigger chance for them all to survive. Right?

Actually that idea was not bad. The speakers were turned to the loudest possible and attracted the whole group of people that were hiding in one big house. The famous actor, his staff and few neighbors were barricaded in the sealed house with bulletproof glasses and unbreakable walls. But even they knew that they couldn't survive if they stay there. So they rushed out and after hearing where the main crew is they picked up all their belongings and drove with expensive cars towards the mall.

Their arrival was greeted with cheers and they happily joined in the work. But not everything went smooth. group of rowdies was as well hiding in one of the houses and when they heard about the town they actually went to town without going back to the mall. Luckily Mike left enough people to fight off the human sc.u.m so when everyone came back they found actually battlefield with over fifty people dead.

The barrier indeed was protecting from zombies but humans still could pass trough. Unfortunately even such as these people. ''If we could change the shield...'' Jenny could hear his loud thoughts. When he looked at her expectantly she decisively shook her head.

''No Mike. It's true that such things might happen but think about it if we lock the shield even those that look for a safe place to hide might not be able to enter. Please do not even think about it. We are safe as we are now. Look, we will from now raid the surroundings with lesser people. Most of your people will be left here as guards. For rest, I will be enough and just couple with guns to kill as many zombies as we can on our way, just in case if we even see any of them. Mike be realistic. This kind of situation is rare. And after a while, we might just rise wall inside the shield and be safer that way, what do you think?'' She just wanted to finish up with gathering stuff and just wanted to be lazy again.

How could Mike not know her real thoughts? It already wondered that she didn't snap at him a long time ago. He sighed. ''While we do that, I will send people to close your floor as I promised. We will install a few air conditioning and ad a few things you wanted. We already connected to a couple of satellites so you can use that and find your information.''

Jenny just shook her head. ''I will help you and then for a long time, I just want to be alone. This was too long for me around so many people.'' She really started heaving headache from all those unneeded buzz.

As he promised behind them suddenly cheer issued and one of the guards rushed towards them. ''Mike, It seems there are more towns that are saved. But only our has such protection shield. we didn't tell them about this. They want to stay with us in connection. ''

Mike gave a glance to Mina that smiled lightly and just went with him, while Jenny finally took the chance to go and sleep in her soft cozy bed after a long, long time.

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