《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 11 - Plans, plans


When they went down to take the stuff from the trucks Mike came back with a new load of things and saw them having troubles. He shook his head while looking at the sky. It was already afternoon. Better help them on time.

''Come guys. Let us help them. One old man and rest women. If we let them transport stuff alone, are we even men?'' He knew his friends were jokers so they laughed it off and went to help.

Ten men are a truly amazing number of people if you need help.

They transported everything inside the nineteenth floor and saw that space was not even cramped. Mike saw her face flashing little greedy streak and chuckled. He got closer to her and whispered.

''Woman. This much food is enough for the five of you to love well off for the half-year.'' But instead been thankful she turned serious.

''I know. That is what worries me. It's better we raid more stores and find a way to make walls around the high buildings. I worry a bit. I could feel some kind of energy attracting the zombies. If they change after consuming that energy, we might have a second evolution of them. Faster, stronger and more ferocious zombies.'' If they needed to feed hundreds maybe even thousands of people, these few trucks of food might be nothing.

She looked at him straightforwardly. ''Let's raid all the stores in the surrounding. Make your people brake into apartments and gather leftover food. Every little meal matters. There should be some cats and dogs left. Please or set them free or are about them. If we could let them out, they might show us if we get attacked. Animals are more s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e to stuff than us, humans.''


He accepted her suggestion and gave orders. ''Tomorrow you can come with us. One more thing. Did something change with you?'' He could feel clearly how her body changed temperatures rapidly.

She nodded. ''It seems now I can feel things in surrounding. Not the feelings or something like that. Energies. And the movements. I somehow know where everyone is. But can't see what they are doing. I can feel their movement direction at least. Mike...'' she got closer and whispered. ''One of your people is in the sewers. It seems he is heading somewhere to the west and I won't be able to track him after he goes outside parameters.''

He nodded. ''I understand. Don't tell anyone. they no about your protection shield. But your new power, let just me know. I fear some might use your powers.'' But could see her smile and risen eyebrow. ''Of course I will use your powers as well. But in case you lose it, I give you my word I will protect you. For now, let's use it as long we can. With your powers, we are somewhat protected.''

She nodded seriously. ''Of course. But I want enough food to fill the floor to the brim. I will feel that way more assured.''

He sighed and nodded. ''Of course. You can bring Mina as well. She needs to learn as well. She can shoot while you drive. Just in case the protection wears off.''

On their way up Jenny felts hungry and her stomach grumbled. Mina pulled her out on the eighteenth floor and she joined them with food. Doing dinner she told them about her plans and they had to accept. If they are together, they will have more chance of surviving.

''I want to come with.'' Her grandfather was on fire as well. But the grandmother splashed cold water at him.


''Fool. You are old. If something happens, the girls will be pulled with you and even die while trying to help you.'' She knew about his weaknesses and pulled that card out.

Jenny just smiled. ''Grandpa, we have enough food around. I realized when I am not around the zombies appear again in the neighborhood. I will give you enough ammunition and sniper. Kill as many as you can. That would help us well later on. Every dead zombie is a lesser possibility of danger on us.''

His eyes that were dull moments ago shone with brightness again. ''I will do that. Even tho I am old, my eyes are still strong. I promise to kill many. By the way, is that some kind of evolution?''

She knew he was talking bout her powers so she nodded.

''I don't know how I got it. I found out that the zombies contain something like a stone in their hearts. When I consume stones I become strong and energetic. But without them, I get cramps and need sleep. Like some sort of batteries. I will, later on, go hunting those creatures for those stones.''

He nodded. ''In that case, I will go and kill many zombies and gather stones for you. ''

Not long after Jenny and Mina choose to sleep together in Jenny's apartment stunning Mina with all the stuff she heads in her home. Jenny just smiled. ''I took a quick loan, bought some stuff and was thinking. If there is no zombie apocalypse at least I'll have enough food for year or two.''

They spoke for a while and then after washing up fell asleep.

The next morning will bring a new day and new adventures will come. They slept dreamlesly, resting their tiered bodies well, But outside, things changed, just slightly.

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