《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 2 - Loans or not?


She entered her bank and went straight to her personal worker. "Miss Lin. How can we help you?"

Jenny was feeling a bit nervous but on her face lingered a small smile. "I was thinking about your offer. Before I was reluctant but today I got a new contract with my company so I feel safer to accept your proposal."

"Long term loan or quick loan?" The longterm loan she could take as well but it would take about a month's time to get approved.

"Just quick loan. I plan to renovate a room or two in my apartment. How much is the highest amount and what conditions do you need?" She was calm.

"You can get on fast one but the amount can be... you said you have a new job? Give me the contract so I can see about new calculations. Before you could have got about 10 000$ but now you got an apartment and a new job. I'll go ask the manager." She smiled at her and took her paperwork with her.

Jenny was feeling strange. How was it even possible to get that amount? She thought it was just one or two thousand like at work.

After while the woman came back with her manager and smiled. " As your working conditions show a stable income we can give you 25 000$. Five years paying time."

Jenny's heart felt quite scared for a moment. But then she relaxed. With her new income, she will live normal even with the loan.

She signed down all the papers and got paid straight on her hands in cash. That was her request.

With the money, she went straight to the electronic market and asked to get installed solar panels and the rest of the equipment needed. They promised her to come in the afternoon.


She then thought through. She can order everything else directly home.

Why bothering. She can get mist things on the same day. While sitting in the cab she already started browsing. Water purification tablets, filters, bottles. She ordered water in bottles as well. Long-lasting foods in cans and glasses. Noodles, rice, flour, dried milk, dried eggs, dried vegetables, seasonings, dried meat.

She ordered four big ice freezers. She had no idea when she will see fresh food anytime soon. When she went out the cab first thing was to check the elevators.

Earth she had the plan to gather alone but gave up after she saw how ridiculously cheap the earth was in large amounts. She bought it all, but what else?

Her head started hurting so she went to the pharmacy. At that moment she realized she needed basic medicine.

So she started buying off prescription free medicine. She lived in a neighborhood where such things could be bought without too much control.

Her eyes crossed over the counter with the pharmacy owner and she started asking about medicines that needed subscriptions. But he just calmly took them out and piled on the counter.

She smiled at his doing and just continued ordering. After she saw the amount her eyebrow scrunched. "Is there a way to send it to my home? It's impossible for me to bring it all home by myself."

He calmly looked at the mountain of medicine she paid and nodded. " I'll bring it to you. Anything else you might need?"

"Weapons. Two guns that could be used even by a woman. A sniper rifle. The light mine thrower. Bullets worth of one thousand. Grenades at least 20-30. Mines the same amount. TNT. Two real crossbows. One small, one big. At least thousands arrows each. Safety gear in case of chemical or virus attack. Filters. I have no idea what else I could order." She sighed.


This time flash of curiosity passed his eyes. "Dream, premonition or just feeling strange and want to be safe?" He saw do many strange individuals here do her order was nothing new for him.

"All three. I have the same dream for days. Meteorite shower, red moon, fog and zombies. In this order. " She didn't comment anymore.

She just nodded. "Done that. Can you bring me all these to my home? I need to go now and wait for those with solar panels and fridges." She just turned around and left.

Actually, she was not one of those women that acted cutely. Her face was usually mostly serious and just around her friends, she would have a softer expression or tiny smile.

That is the reason most people trusted her words and one of the reasons why the company has promoted her. Of course, that is the reason why this man without word accepted her order.

Looking at the door closing after she left his heart shook. People like her do not panic often. But in this case, she even had fleeting fearful expression. If what her dream is true...

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