
Alexander was silent as we had breakfast together this morning. He just asked me a little, I realized maybe he was still upset about the events of the night before.

The night we didn't meet at all, because he came home very night. I've fallen asleep and not seen it at all. What am I supposed to do? Do I have to make a charade not knowing it for the sake of this political cooperation? Sacrificing my feelings and allowing myself to be queened among his harem? I better kill myself! But if I fight that, maybe my clan position will be compromised.

Maybe with a temporary return to London will make me think more clearly before my engagement. Maybe I'm more able to accept my tragic circumstances? Really?

"You want to go back to London this afternoon? I'll take you back." I heard his lugous words the next morning at the dinner table.

"All right, I'm wearing a vortex only. I'll open the vortex for you to go back to Paris." I was talking while I got my head down. I'm going to miss him? I don't know, but now there's nothing I can do to straighten out my feelings that have messed up.

"I'm going to London next week, on Friday Night, and taking your family to Paris the next day. I'm going to get everything ready. Your mother has spoken to Joanne, they're going to stay at the Ostrander Mansion."

He spoke flat-out. Maybe he's waiting for me to apologize or explain my attitude. Should I talk? I've spoken to frankly, but he still doesn't let go of his harem and continues to betray me. So what's the point?

"All right." I answered short without looking at him.

The atmosphere at this dinner table is just as graveyard. These talks are like talks for setting a work schedule. I'll move away as soon as I can from here. This atmosphere has left me tormented.

"Tonight I want to talk to your father about business, Aegis and Ostrander will work together to build a new hotel chain in Asia. Your hotel chain name is well known in Europe and America, it's time to expand to Asia and Australia. I've seen the business proposal and agreed to support your business expansion funds. Your father asked us to come before dinner, so come home early."

So this is a political marriage, he won't take off his harem but also won't let me go, because I'm a profitable commodity and our family is mutually beneficial. Everything is arranged to be in line. And no one cares about my feelings!

"Okay, I'll go first. It's time the training classes started."

He just nodded and I quickly went to my room opening the vortex. I finally escaped this wistful air.

It's the same. Trained I keep thinking about my fate. My heart is in an unkind mood. And no one can help me. I forget about my problems for a second while coaching my students. But after I languished again.


Back in Paris at five in the evening. Mr. Martin said Alex was back and was in his room. He left a message to meet him there directly.

I showered and changed clothes. And headed to his room. I opened the door, no one was seen, but the sound of the shower in the bathroom was heard. I sat on the sofa waiting quietly.

Suddenly he came out of the bathroom. Just with a boxer and shirtless, and a towel draped over his shoulders while the water was still dripping from his hair. I looked at her slightly stunned, that body, reminded me of something that had happened between us, my female brain couldn't think of anything other than how hot she looked, so I had to try to keep my desired gaze.

"Are you here?"

He advanced to the sofa where I sat.

"Before we go back to London, do you have anything to talk about?"

He sat beside me. The scent of the shower soap he used hit my sense of smell. If our relationship was as warm as other couples, maybe by now I would have jumped into her lap and allowed myself to devour her sweet fragrance.


My lips are wet. What should be said? All have, but you don't accept it. He looked at me and waited for my words.

"No, nothing."

"This is for you. I ordered this for our engagement gifts. Wear it next week at our engagement announcement. Open up".

He gave it to my hand. It's like a jewelry box. I accepted it and opened it. A beautiful diamond necklace with a large green emerald pendant shines beautifully in this black velvet box. I was blown away by the selection of elegant designs. It must be expensive.

"This is very beautiful Alex. Thank you."

He smiled a little at my words.

"You like the design?"

"Yes, it is very beautiful and very beautiful. You're good at choosing."

I don't like overly crowded designs, this necklace on the other hand looks elegant in design.

"I'm glad you like it."

For a moment our eyes met.

"I'll miss you when you're in London. We'll meet in a week."

In his words, did he expect anything from this gift? He missed me? Wouldn't he have an army of concubines to cheer him up in my absence. He's just seducing me with this gift.

"I will miss you too"

I don't want to fight. Better to do what he said.

"You don't want to hug me?" Alexander asks with a smile.

"Hmm you're topless."

"Since when did it become a problem for virgin girls?" His eyes flashed.

It's not a problem. But if it continues it might become a problem. Because he will feel rejected again. I inch closer to him. I put my hand around his waist and gave him a little kiss on the cheek.


"Thanks for the gift"

I looked in his eyes before my hand took off my handle on him. And now he's the one now the arm that's holding me. He came forward and kissed my lips gently. Of course, he wouldn't let me go without a kiss, would he?

"I don't know what you're thinking. If there's a problem speak up. Don't keep it yourself".

Alex looked at me.

"You need some thinking space? This week you'll get it. When we meet again. Talk to me what you really want."

Why is he behaving like this? Makes me love him then destroys me behind. You're evil Alexander.

I just smiled to respond. He took me off.

"Wait a minute I'll change clothes."

He left me for the wardrobe room at the end of the room. I sighed.

Alright, at least I have some thinking space right now. Without his presence around me this week. Even though he still left Odette and Odelia was watching me.


I wake up in the morning feeling better. I slept soundly in my room. Last night I just met Mom and Dad, didn't see Daniel at all. What is my brother doing now?

"Daniel where are you? I've been at home."

Alexa called Daniel.

"I'm in the Aegis Operations Center."

"You sound in a hurry. What's up?"

"Our Humanitarian Operations Center in Yemen is threatened with attack, there may be a lot of casualties, you want to help come here. I need help to deal with this." Daniel hung up on the phone.

Yemen (Yemeni) is the worst crisis in the world now. Nearly 27 million Yemeni residents have been affected by the war, and half have become refugees as the civil war flared up since 2014. Tens of thousands of people were killed, and hundreds of thousands injured. The humanitarian crisis coupled with the warring parties deliberately closing humanitarian aid lines. They even fired on humanitarian aid planes and truckloads of groceries for the refugees.

We hide-to-hide smuggle tons of food and drug aid through the vortex to help the "Doctor Without Borders" organization carry out their humanitarian mission, although this organization operates only in city hospitals. And now we are struggling to deal with a million cholera outbreaks occurring in the eastern part of Yemen as a result of very poor sanitation.

Not to mention plus the threat of artillery that strained civil settlement and health inhalation. Doctors and volunteers there are like betting lives on their humanitarian mission.

I feel guilty, supposedly humanitarian organizations are my responsibility. I left humanitarian duty to focus into the operation against Ashleen a few months ago to the head of each area's division of Operations and now Daniel is taking over those duties.

I was more willing to get hurt during humanitarian duty than hurt by Alexander's concubine jealous of me. My emotions went up immediately when I was recalled of the events in Paris.

I opened the vortex to the Operations center. And headed for the main control room. Daniel shouted in the room.

"Leave the Taez operations headquarters while out of the way to the safe zone. You guys are going to be showered with boom. Don't take risks."

"Daniel, there are hundreds of doctors and volunteers not to mention the injured patients! We can't leave them!" A man shouting at the loudspeaker, it must be Zelba Mani the healer doctor as well as the leader of the Yemeni.

"Zelba this is Alexa, I'll transfer the help immediately to you. Do whatever you guys have to do there." I took the operating headset phone from Daniel.

"Well Miss Alexa, very many patients came, there was an air strike hit earlier in the morning, while many people were sheltering here because it's a hospital. Rumors are circulating there will be continued attacks here because of the case of the slew of president Ali Abdullah Saleh by rebel forces two days ago. They also carried out a major attack in Sana'a. The city has been destroyed and this hospital is the remaining refuge."

Yemen is the biggest crisis we face now, if in Syria our refugee camp is relatively safe, then in Yemen we hardly find one safe area. We actually work in a war zone.

"Daniel call Ourinko, his legion of soul witches, he can help us defend the perimeter against airstrikes. I'm going to lead the operation. Bring more doctors, there will be a lot of falling victims, have logistics prepare to prepare a list of emergency medicines as soon as possible."

I took over Daniel's duties. This can't be left. Somebody has to save the last hospital in that town. Those hundreds of volunteer doctors are our responsibility.

"Alexa, does this not harm the main witch? We need father and grandfather permission for this. The soul witches are training at Pyreness for the formation of the Legion of Salvation Angels!" Daniel was debating me.

"I know this needs grandpa's permission, I'm going to talk to Ourinko and Grandpa now. We need to help them, this is our job, I think grandpa will definitely approve, and this is at once a test for their formation. You take care of the medical logistics and the extra doctors. I need a military team of 30 for security, okay? I'm going now to the main mansion to see Grandpa."

Daniel nodded. We parted ways to quickly deal with this crisis.

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