《As wild as fire》Chapter 10:Letter in my bed, what's the event?


"Sissy Congratulations !! I'm so happy for you~" -Christina "Thank you! but Uh before I leave the hospital, I have a surprise for you and for your brothers, here open it.." She hand the envelope to her and Christina open it and she carefully reading it "R-really! You are gonna be my mom..!!" - "Oh you didn't like it?" -Blair "I like it! I love it!!! *She repeated reading the papers and ran towards her brothers* Brother!!Brother! We have a new mom! " -Cristina, when Chris heard what's the good news he walk towards Blair to ㅜhaㅠk her "Uh h-h T-thank you b-but can we really be, like a real family? Like, can I call you mom and Mr.David, dad?!"- Chris "Yes, like that, like a family, a real family and a happy family." -Blair, while hugging them joyfully and after that she approach Christian. "Christian, I know what's the feeling of being abandoned, but if you gave us chance to adopt you, you'll never regret and you'll never get abandoned ever again, if there's the time when we will get separated always think that I am with you and your siblings." -Blair "Uh while hearing your voice you sounds like my mom, but yours is prettier, ah I'm over-reacted yesterday I'm sorry,,,, m-mom." -Christian "It's okay don't be sorry, its not your fault that you love her so much, ah you call me mom so does it mean you accepted me for being your new mother~." - " But can you promise me that you'll never leave us..?" -Christian "You know, Christian it's hard to be a human, they can live but not for to long, they can die but there's no sure where their souls will go after they die; Unlike us "Wizards" We can live as long as we want and when we're about to give up, we can give our precious powers with our love once and they'll inherit those elements with our souls and guarding the heir/heiress. "Oh so it's true you're really a wizard!" -Christian.. "Shh..Yes but can you keep it a secret for the new family happy life." They pinky promised and go to the "Ch Villa". One month ago; They living happily everyday but here we go to David's life since he was always come back home late. "Honey, our wedding is gonna be on Saturday I want to see you often so I can make it after our wedding." Blair said while she was hugging him. "Uh Yes I'll call Shun to adjust the scheds. of mine so I can come back home early." -David marked an hickey on her neck, that signs how greedy he was but he's busy. Day after yesterday {lol} She's waiting for his husband while the kids playing in the game room, but she decided to visit her husband in the GB corp. and while she saw a woman clinging on her husband, he avoiding those but then the woman still following David, Blair knew they'll go next in his office so she preparing her next mission to rid that flirt. A few minutes later David entering the CEO's door and saw Blair sitting on his table and wearing a seductive romper and Blair saw that flirt beside him clinging into his arm and she pushed the woman with her one hand and said "Hey girl, watch what you're touching in this building with your dirty little hands and arm or you'll regret the day when you're born." _and she closed the door behind her and Blair put her arms on his shoulder and David enchanting himself to explore what's the soft thing behind her and greedily squeeze it "Can you tell me how many filthy sluts are harassing you everyday?" - " Oh my cute seductive princess, you want to save your prince charming from those filthy sluts." David chuckles* and snatch a kiss from Blair "Hey! I'm still angry~" -Blair "What's this? How can you wear this seductive clothing and this??handcuffs HAHAHA are you planning something silly on me, aren't you? Oh and this feather Lmfao what are you planning my cute princess, is there something you want to touch inside my body? Are you that greedy now?" David looking at Blair like he want to eat her and lie her in his sofa instead of that, he put his coat in her shoulder to keep her body hide for other men entering his office room and when she wear her casual clothes she said that she needed to go back and check the kids "Cheer me up and you can leave." _David "Are you feeling down that I didn't succ you up in your office." - "Oh how wild of my cute princess saying and wearing those clothes earlier, I'll be back sooner with your fav Wcflurry and Wcfries so don't sleep without meh." David said and give her sweet kisses and Blair left him seated in his chair looking at her while leaving his officce, while walking outside he saw Lucas with a bunch of flirt girls~ and he ran towards her. "Blair! Help... Please don't touch there you'll destroy my limited edition Jack-stein suite/ oh How are you Blair?" -Lucas "I'm good, you?" He was avoiding troublemakers while he was talking with Blair.. "Oppa!! Let's hangout, what's your number?! Do you have girlfriend?!" -women *they holding and pulling his hands but he was against them.* "Help Blair!"-Lucas pleading.. and Blair pity Lucas "Hey is that Kyung Eun Soo and Marvin Flakes of The Millionaire's Body!!" - "Woah Where!!? Marvin Flakes I just brought this magazine of yours last year and yet still unsigned!!"-"Oh its Jeon and they were with Sehun with Marvin!!" Lucas was unleash by a girl and they run away they catch their breathe after that Lucas walk her to the nearer in Ch Villa and said thanks and farewell. "Hmmf I hope the kids are fine." a few minutes later "Mom's here! Kids where are you?? I didn't even seen Q'wan and the others while entering the villa.. Where are they..?" She look upstairs but they are not there and she look in the other room but they're nowhere to be found and she not check her room yet so she enter her room and there's a letter in her bed with such a horrible writing it says. "My Blair, want to see your precious adopted children? Come at St.Xxxxxx xxxx xxx. Don't call anyone if you dare, you'll regret it!" -The Lette

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