《As wild as fire》Chapter 1:Welcome back!


"My Boo-Buttercup~ how are you these days~? I miss you so much~(carefully saying into his ears)" Blair said. "Madame Blair, I'm not your b-boo or buttercup , Master Damon is still.." interrupted "Stop, I'll just go inside, c'mon I'm just kidding." Blair said. "Yes Madame." they replied. "Boo!" - "Arggh~ Who are you?!" Damon said. "Awt It hurts My Buttercup didn't remember me~" - "Miss sorry, I don't really know you." Damon said. "Oh playing hide n seek memories, my love? Ok let's play." Blair said. She stepped closer and lean more closer to Damon and kiss him passionately. Damon startled his eyes as wide as the base of the glass. Damon pulls away from Blair and then "I'm not kidding, miss uhh- *panting*blushing* Let's forget what happened•••" Damon said. "Hey handsome, What's wrong with you?? I'm just week gone and now you really want to forget everything! I, Blair, myself wont promise you a thing like that. You're only mine and if you found someone much better than me, You're still my beloved handsome Damon who loves Blair "Me" a lot, and Handsome I can only promise you one thing " I can only be yours and you can only be mine" and I assure you I can keep that promised till my last breath, day, and to the afterlife, My Handsome Love." Blair said and then left Damon alone his room. "Hey Adler, what's wrong with Buttercup~? Is there something you're hiding from me?" Blair asked. " Madame, I'm loyal with our young master and "Madame Vanessa" (his mother) but I'm deadly serious RN, Madame I can't lie to you, I hope you won't panicked after I tell you everything, Young Master Damon got a car accident before they got home after they sent you to airport." Adler said. "Is there any damage on his brain?? What 's the doctor said?" - "Madame, young master is fine, but we're not all sure and the doctor if young master has amnesia." - "Why didn't you call me..? " Blair asked. "Madame Vanessa said, she thought that it will bother you n your work in Italy, forgive me Madame." Adler plead. "You're forgiven, forget what happened right now and keep it secret between us, ask Damon to have dinner with me tonight." Blair said then Adler get upstairs. Blair left in thoughts. "Madame, Madame Vanessa want to talk to you." 'er said. " 'er tell mom, I'll talk with her later." Blair replied. "Yes, Madame." - " Ugh! 'er enough with that formalities, you're my best secretary n assistant you can enjoy the unform. with meh." - " Ma.Blair, it's still.. I'm just a low rank." " Chen 'er I'm your best friend" Blair said. " Uhh I gotta go, Ma.Vanessa Is waiting for response hav a gud day~>!".


After dinner_. "Uhm a while ago, sorry about that... It was mistaken.. uhm the kissed uhh." Damon said. "Hmp.. Pfft HAHAHA lol you apologized to me! Unbelievable~ you know, Handsome.. You're being cuter hour by hour~ HAHAHA I can't hold it sareh-(sorry)~! I only see you today that you lower your pride Mr.Handsome~" Blair said.

" *Gulp*blush* eh hehe>~

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