《Harry Potter: A Certain Hogwarts Professor Of Magic》Chapter 1 - 1 Felix Hap


London, July 1992.

Inside a building in the heart of the West End business district, well-trained white-collar workers are working non-stop, with discussion and keyboard crackling noisily. And in a small, casual meeting room, a serious conversation is taking place.

"Felix, have you really made up your mind? You've been with us for less than a year, but I swear, your talents have been recognised by everyone in the company, and if you stay here, trust me, you'll achieve great things!" A typically middle-aged British man said, with a typical business suit and neatly groomed, slightly curly hair.

A young man around twenty years old, with a handsome appearance and particularly attractive pale blue eyes, seated opposite him. At the moment, Felix smiled, "Chief, I've made up my mind."

The middle-aged man's eyes fixed on Felix for a moment, and seeing that he did not waver in his thoughts, he sighed helplessly, "Alright, you win."

With a gentle smile, Felix stood up, picked up the suit that he had hung on his chair, and shook his hand with the middle-aged man who also stood up. The middle-aged man came forward, opened his arms, and gave him a tight hug, muttering in a small voice, "Every man for himself, no? I think we've lost a potential recruit."

Felix blinked his light blue eyes, "you'll find someone better eventually."

Half an hour later, Felix gathered his things and walked out of the building. As he neared the door, he watched the crowds of people on the street with anticipation.


Holding a small suitcase, Felix made his way through the street, occasionally halting to avoid traffic passing by, while he gazed at the brand and style of the car with interest.

"Antique cars, huh~"

His pace is light, and the relatively long walk doesn't tire him out, but rather makes him giddy.


After walking for almost an hour, he finally arrived back at his temporary home, or rather, house, in this city.

As the streets became more familiar, Felix saw more than one familiar face, "Good afternoon! Mrs. Murphy."

"Good afternoon! Mr. Hap."

After responding to some familiar faces, Felix finally arrived in front of his house.

Taking his keys out, he opened the door.

Steps in and closed the door.

"Yah-hoo!" Felix gave a loud happy cry, as he closed his eyes and spread his arms wide, and in that very moment, the mundane house seemed to come to life all of a sudden.

The suitcase broke free from his hands and floated towards the cupboard, its doors opened by itself and on the upper shelf a dozen clothes hovered, its hems slightly lifted so that the suitcase could fit comfortably inside.

The suit and white shirt on Felix's body automatically slipped off, the tie jumped out of his neck with a wiggle and hung on the horizontal bar of the wardrobe, laid alongside three other exquisite ties of different colours.

The belt around his waist loosened by itself and, as he stepped forward, the blazer separated smoothly and, with a flick of Felix's hand, a blue silk pyjama set flew out in a flash and fit over him, with a snugly fitted buckle.

Felix snapped his fingers lightly and light music played. His eyes remained slightly closed, but his hands waved like a composer, and there began a tinkling sound in the kitchen, and halfway through, a cup of aromatic, steaming coffee floated in front of him.

He swirled the cup and took a sip accompanied by the music, smiling with the utmost satisfaction.


Felix Hap was an adult wizard in addition to being a recently departed Freelancer.

He graduated from Hogwarts - the best and only wizarding school in Britain.


Ten years have passed since Felix received his letter of enrolment bearing fancy coats of arms at the orphanage, ten years that have not only allowed him to successfully graduate from Hogwarts but have also transformed him from a young boy into a mature 21-year-old adult.

"How fast time flies, I've already graduated for three years." Felix sat on the sofa, slightly emotional.

Then he muttered slightly in a low voice, "It's also been 21 years since I crossed over."

That's right, apart from being a working freelancer and a hidden wizard, Felix also had his deepest hidden secret, and that was being a crossover.

God knows how surprised and excited he was, who had planned the course of his life, when he received an offer from Hogwarts!

This is a world of Harry Potter!

A magical adventure of three lads!

But alas, they were nowhere near being the same generation.

When he entered Hogwarts, he foolishly asked for information about Harry Potter, only to realize that he was a whole nine years older than him. That is to say, the type of person whom he could not even meet from the time he enrolled to the time he graduates.

Felix, who was no fan of Harry Potter, had to admit that he had only a half knowledge about the plot.

A bit of knowledge, a bit of information.

After all, he couldn't predict the future, would have known he was going to cross over to the real world of magic, and he would have memorised every word of the book in advance!

The only thing that really gave him an idea of the plot was the short videos that sprang up later, as in a specific popular clip.

And with this, he was able to vaguely string together a plotline.

But trying to remember all the details? That's pure fantasy.

The good thing was that what he truly was interested in is magic, the world of magic that is alive and can be touched and felt. And he got all that.


Late evening.

Felix sat at his desk, quietly flipping through a book about magic, the clock ticking away, making his mood somewhat restless, lacking his usual calm.

He was waiting for a letter.

A letter of vital importance!

The hours ticked by, and finally - there came a click-click-click-click from outside the window, and an owl stood silently outside, tapping on the window.

"At last!" Felix's heart raced as he pulled out his wand and waved it gently, opening the window and allowing the owl to fly in.

The owl circled twice above his head, dropped an envelope, landed herself on the desk, and pecked her feathers gently.

Felix quickly picked the envelope up. On the back of the envelope, there was a wax seal, a coat of arms, with a large "H" surrounded by an eagle, a lion, a badger, and a snake.

He opened the envelope and pulled out the letter, which read


Dear Mr Felix Hap.

We are pleased to inform you that your application for a job (Muggle Studies) has been accepted, and the interview will take place on 21 July at 10am, please be prepared in advance.

Also: please enter the school via floo network (location: Hogwarts Vice-Principal's office), if you prefer any other means, please let us know in advance.

Vice-Principal (female) Minerva McGonagall


Felix couldn't help but pump his fist and gulp down the cup of tea floating on his desk!

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