《V.I.R.A.L 》Chapter 9: Pizza with a side of sulking
Zinnia ran through the streets panting as her head drove around, desperately trying to find some action. Alton and Gale followed slightly more worn out tailing behind. Gale wiped his head eyes, moving down to his phone. "Still no one watching, let alone a follower. How is she still so fixated and energized?"
"She won't let the idea set in, I guess?" Alton said with a sharp tone as he stopped leaning against a lamppost. "I'll give her that. I probably would have ended the stream an hour ago."
"Four hours of streaming… not one viewer. Neither had Zinnia acknowledge that fact. I don't think she has once even bothered to pay attention to the camera. She is treating this as a superhero job."
Zinnia stopped as she turned around to the two yellings out impatiently. "You need to hurry up, guys! I heard there is an armed robbery of a pet store just up the road."
"Robbing pet stores? That's new."
"To be fair, have you heard how much pets can go for. I wanted to buy a dog when I was younger. It would have set me back about 300 bucks. Steal ten dogs' boom easy money. That and who would be there to stop a pet store robbery?"
"Us apparently," Gale admitted. "You know… when I agreed to join this streaming gig, I wasn't too sure; just look at me; I'm not cut out for this sort of thing."
"You aren't wrong. You look like a gangbanger biker gang member."
"How about I turn your head into mush."
"Whoa, whoa, hold on, I'm not finished. Just looking at you tells me that. But I know you care. You want to make a difference. You aren't much different to Zinnia in that matter. None of us really match. We are like peanut butter and gravy. It's going to take a miracle for this to even remotely work, and even then, we are hardly in the clear. Any sane person would realise that would never work. Yet here we are. Even with all the faults and impossible chances pressed against us, you joined. You couldn't be more suited for this."
Gale smirked to himself, running his hand over his chin. "You aren't so bad yourself. You make out you don't care much about this team, but if that was the case, you wouldn't be so demanding and harsh on her. You never said. How did you and Zinnia meet?"
"By a mere chance to be honest. She found me while I was slaving away at my job. Got me in trouble and arrested for getting into a fight with this streamer. Now I owe them a lot of money. If I don't pay up, I'll be put away for a long time. I didn't think this sort of thing would happen to me. I worked at that small petrol station for nine months. I worked there six days a week, with a lot of them being double shifts. That's all the other work collages saw me as, really. They went out partying, living and just fucking about. They'd dump all their shifts on me because I would just take it. I needed the money. I kept my head down and just worked. I wasn't particularly good at it or anything, but I got by. I thought I'd be doing that job my whole life…."
"That's it! They are all officially on my shit list effective immediately; I'll bash their heads in!" Gale snaps, swinging his arm around like a lunatic. However, he eventually calms down after getting an uneasy blank stare from Alton. "Do you wish you could still work there?"
"I don't know? Maybe? Although I hated the job, every day would be the same. I had no real friends, no social life. It was peaceful. Safe. I didn't have to worry about my next paycheck or fighting crime. Even if they offered me that job again, I don't think I would take it. It took Zinnia to make me remember just how much I love doing this."
Zinnia sprinted around the corner stopping in her tracks falling to her knees, exhausted in the sight of the robbers arrested, police cars everywhere and dozens of fangirls screaming, taking photos of the crime scene. "Not again?! Even the pet store?! How does Vanguard get around so fast?"
"So? Has she given you your streamer name yet?" Alton asked, utterly dead to the concept they were already beaten to the crime scene. "She forced my one down on me out of the blue. Dread to think what she gave you."
"Yeah, she gave me a name yesterday. Dr Destruction."
Alton broke into laughter, almost choking on his breath. "That is hands down the worst name I've ever heard of. I am so sorry. Ignore her bloody dumb name choice. We'll definably think of something else."
"Nah, it's fine. The name has grown on me, and since Zinnia chose it, I'm happy with it." Gale denies staring at Zinnia, getting into an argument with a fan of vanguard. "Say don't you think Zinnia is cute?"
"Yeah…" Alton said robotically, not paying much attention until it clicked with him. "Huh?! Wait, hang on, don't tell me… did you, did you join this team because you have a crush on Zinnia?!"
"What?! Don't be absurd! That is bullshit, bullshit! Your taking words from my mouth that would be a stupid reason to join a streamer's team. I mean, yeah, she's beautiful, she is a goofball and is a lot of fun to hang out with, and I look forwards to meeting with her every day, and I get all shy around her… Ok, alright! I have maybe a tiny, winy crush on Zinnia."
Alton slouched over, disappointed and annoyed he didn't pick up on this sooner. "I can't believe this shit. So, I have an incompetent loser who wants to be a superhero and a love-struck stream sniper to help me get out of impossible debt. Wonderful."
Gale looked away, embarrassed as he spoke softly. "I must ask, ugh. Are you and Zinnia, like. A thing?"
"Me and Zinnia?! Ha! No, god no, she is certainly not my type. But, don't let me stop you boy, she's all yours."
"Do you think she would go out with me? I don't want to make this whole streaming thing awkward or anything. I don't think she would go for someone like me."
Alton turned to Gale, inspecting his rough and cut up face alongside to match his dirty biker jacket, which was torn and stained with what he assumed was his blood. "I don't know what you're talking about. You look like a woman's man, no doubt—ten out of ten. You just need to straighten your hair, wash your face, stop getting into bloody cuff fights, change your wardrobe. Stop looking so constipated when you talk and learn how to smile. Apart from that, you'll be fine."
"You think so?"
"Oh, believe me, I know so. Soon Zinnia will be unable to stand to look at you before she rolls over like a dog begging for attention. Speaking of which, I think it's time to call an end to this wild goose chase." Alton pestered, rubbing the back of his neck in desperation. "Zinnia, I'm going home, time to end the stream."
Zinnia's heart dropped as she turned around, broken. "No, no! We can't! We haven't saved a single person!"
"Who cares? I sure don't. I fancy Pizza, yo Gale fancy Pizza?"
"Fuck yeah, dude!"
Zinnia began tearing up, making a tantrum, acting like a real baby. "If we can't save a single person, what sort of hero am I?! A failure. I can't be a failure on my first attempt; this is my chance. But everyone keeps taking the saves from me; Vanguard is a big bully! He won't let me save anyone or stop any crime! I hate him…."
"The way I see it if we have no one to save, aren't we doing our job well? I mean, just think about it, no saving means there is no crime, right?"
"And no crime means we've done our job, right?"
"And if we have done our job and there are no crimes or people to save, then we can go home, right?"
"So, let's go home."
"No way! There could still be a person in trouble."
"Damn, it's Zinnia. Give it a break! Using that mindscape, you would never stop until your body physically breaks down. Unless out of nowhere someone comes begging for help, I'm going home. "Alton twisted back around, cupping his hands in his pockets, sighing. "It was never going to be easy, Zinnia… come on, pizza on me."
"Ok… I was just hoping to save at least one person. Just one."
As Zinnia began dragging her feet across the floor, keeping her sulking means going, an old lady approached. "Excuse me, are you two, perhaps streamers?"
Zinnia's eyes lit up as she jumped up, spinning around to the mere question. "Why, yes we are, mam! My name is Zinnia, and this is my partner Dauntless."
"Oh, I am glad. I need your help; it is horrible. The love of my life is in danger."
Zinnia could barely hold in her excitement as she accepted the plea, no questions asked. "Fear no citizen for help has arrived. I will save your loved one."
"Oh, wonderful, thank you so much; I don't know what I could do without my whiskers."
"Whiskers? Umm lady? Is this loved one a cat by any chance?" Alton questioned, knowing something wasn't right.
The lady nodded, slowly moving her walking stick and pointing towards a tree. "Why yes, my cat Whiskers has gotten himself stuck up another tree. He hasn't come down no matter how many times I call for him. So if you could please save him streamers, I'll be forever in your debt."
"A cat?" Zinnia spoke in a dry tone, looking extremely disappointed in the task. "I was hoping to save an actual person, not a cat…."
"Don't be mean Zinnia, the cat has feelings too, you know." Alton mocked, stabbing Zinnia with a sly, smug look.
Zinnia pouted, wagging her finger in disapproval. "You knew this would happen, didn't you?"
"Oh, how could I know such things? No, no. I just don't jump on the bandwagon about saving people before I know what I'm saving. You've already agreed, so now you've got to do it. You don't want to hurt this poor old lady's feelings, do you?"
Zinnia ground her teeth, falling for Alton's trap. "No, I do not." She hissed.
Alton smirked, turning to the old woman. "Worry not, mam, my partner here will be then capable of saving your precious cat."
"Certainly." She said, trying to keep a smile going.
"Oh, don't forget the drone. We want the viewers to see this amazing save!" Zinnia snarled, programming the drone to follow her. Alton leaned against the lamppost, yelling out. "Be careful, Zinnia! Cats have nine lives you don't."
"Ha, ha. I'll keep that word of advice in mind."
Gale came back, releasing no one was following him; now slightly embarrassed, he coughed, getting Alton's attention. "What's going on?"
"Oh, Zinnia agreed blindly to help save this woman's cat from a tree."
"That's awesome. No really. The little things."
"You really think so?"
Gale began picturing the scene using his fingers to match out a window as he started seeing through it. "A true hero will help anyone in need no matter how small the task is. They will help; that's the moral code of a hero."
"Yeah, well, she has to get the cat out of the tree first. But, mind you, I think purposely ran up the tree to avoid the woman…."
"Hmm, want me to punch the tree until it falls."
"Easy Steve, this isn't Minecraft. Zinnia is so hellbent on being a hero. If she can't do something so basic, then how can she save anyone?" I've given her the benefit of the doubt until now. If she wants to be a part of the team, she needs to step up. If we do get famous, we may have to face dangerous threats. She will need to defend herself."
"I see, so this is a test?"
"Yes, so let's see if she passes…."
Zinnia looked up the tree to see a small ginger cat looking down, meowing at her. Zinnia began cooing the cat, rubbing her fingers together and clapping. "Come here, kitty, kitty. Here kitty!" The cat didn't budge as she was left slightly dumbfounded. That was the only idea she had because Zinnia didn't want to admit it, but she was scared of climbing trees, fearful she too would get stuck.
"Any luck?"
"No, tell me, why is your cat up there?"
"I was going for my daily walk where I found mister Whiskers following me. I was trying to make him go back, he wouldn't listen to me, so I yelled at him, he ran up the tree."
Zinnia gave another look at the cat, sighing. "If you didn't shout, I don't think your cat would be up there. He is scared."
"I don't want to hear such mundane excuses! Can you save my cat or not?"
Zinnia tapped her foot on the floor, thinking of an idea. The cat began hissing as the old woman started yelling. That's when a smile came to her. "I have an idea. Would you mind taking my hand, mam?" The old lady did so as Zinnia closed her eyes holding her hand towards the cat. The wind began to blow, running through Zinnia's hair. The negativity started to drizzle away as the quiet hissing down. Soon both the old lady and the cat were completely silent, and with that, the Cat slithered down the tree, rubbing against Zinnia, purring. She kneeled, stroking the cat smiling. "There you go, mam; your cat is safe and sound."
"Oh, thank you so much, dearie. I won't forget this."
Alton nodded, nudging Gale. "See, that's the thing Zinnia is most good at. Solving problems without any sort of violence or force. And there was you want to cut the tree down like a baboon."
"Wait, you knew she would succeed?"
"Duh, after all these weeks of not much happening. Getting arrested. Poor viewership Zinnia needed this. She needed to prove to herself. She needed this win even if it was this minor." Zinnia came running over all red from exhaustion. She looked so proud of herself, tears in her eyes. "Good job, girl."
"Did you see that? I saved that cat! I saved somebody."
Alton peeked over her shoulder, nodding. "Yeah, you sure did. There will be plenty more where that came from, too, trust me, even with no viewers. We will get there one step at a time."
"Thank you, Alton…." She whispered. "Come on, I'm beat; let's eat."
Alton grabbed the small drone turning off the stream. He placed it in his backpack, ready to switch the stream off. That's when he stopped. "Zinnia, did you check the stream when saving that cat?"
"Huh, no?"
"You better take a look."
Zinnia snapped her phone out, turning on the app. She froze in shock at what she saw. One new follower and comment on the stream. "Loved the first stream, Rhapsody, looking forwards to many more. Keep up the good work, Zinnia. Avalanchefan554… no way, we got a new follower. We got a follower!" She screamed, jumping for joy. Then, tears began forming as she held her phone up with triumph. "I got my first follower!"
"Avalanchefan554? Who is that?" Gale asked.
Alton looked at the stream with a faint smile as he chuckled to himself. "So, you did show up after all? Thank you, Iris." Alton placed his phone away, stretching. "I think this deserves a celebration. Let's get that pizza on me this time."
Zinnia kept jumping for joy, screenshotting the message saving it to her phone as she gripped herself tightly. "I hear by declare Team Rhapsody first a success!"
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