《V.I.R.A.L 》Chapter 6: Naivety and the beast part 1
The rain was still quite heavy. It had been heavy like this for the past few hours without much sign of stopping. Because of this, the streets were dead of life. Mostly. A man rushed down a set of alleys bleeding from the head. His feet crashing the puddles drenching his already filthy outfit. He wore a long cape which was torn to shreds and the mask he wore fell off being lost into the puddle. He didn't stop as he just kept running with a matter of urgency. He never once turned around, not daring to see what was in pursuit. This would all come piling down as he reached a dead-end. The streamer choked on his breath, looking around desperately for a way out. There was a ladder leading to the roof, but it was just out of arm's reach.
That was then he heard footsteps echoing with the rain. His eyes widened as his head raced with emotions, mainly of fear and panic. Cupping his gloved hands together, he jumped up missing the ladder. He tried again knowing this was his only escape. Still no use. He tried once more this time with much more luck. His heart lifted as a smile crept over as he grabbed onto the ladder. He began to pull himself to his escape. What the streamer didn't put into consideration was the ladder itself. Taking grip of the next part his hand slipped due to the rain making the ladder borderline impossible to hold onto. He smashed back to reality and his eternal fate. The streamer lay on the floor, drenched and in pain. His head turned as an item was thrown in his direction. The thing landed right next to him, making him all the shakier. It was his streamer drone, the one which live-streams his daily crime-fighting. It was destroyed, beaten to there was hardly anything left but the lens and parts holding it together. The streamer crawled back as his pursuer had found him. The figure stood at the end of the alley staring in not saying a word nor moving a muscle. The streamer began crawling backwards until he was now backed against the very wall he tried escaping. He held his hand out, terrified. "Please, leave me alone! I'm begging you!" The figure began approaching. The streamer cried out, blasting him with bolts of electricity. The attack hit the purser head-on frying him. It, however, seemed to do nothing. The streamer out of pure desperation just kept hitting him with everything he had. Over and over, and just like every other attack, it seemed to do little to nothing.
The purser yanked forward, lifting the streamer by his shirt holding him high up. The streamer screamed out in horror as he was knocked against the wall with more force than he remembered last. He was dropped being dragged by the cape. All the streamer could do was keep the electricity coming from his body going in hopes it would eventually lead to his escape. This, however, only seemed to make the attacker more powerful. The streamer was jerked around strangled by his cape as he was kicked to the floor. Holding his hand out, he began crying begging. "Please! Don't! I've done nothing wrong! Why are you doing this?!"
The figure lifting him once more hissing his words slowly making sure each word sunk into the streamer's mind. "I'm doing this to save us all. I won't rest until every last streamer is dealt with. They are a plague to this world, and I'm the cure." The figure threw him back, landing a punch which sent the streamer roaring out of the alley and into the shop across the road. The streamer smashed through the window, disappearing into the darkness. The alarm started going off as people began emerging to see what happened. The attacker watched his accomplishment from the shadows tightening his glove. "And I won't stop until the corrupt are longer on top. Every last streamer shall fear the very idea once I'm done with them."
Alton sat half asleep yet again, finding himself in another karaoke room. He leaned his head back, dropping the last can of soda from the fridge as dirty deeds done dirt cheap boomed. The door to the private room slid open as Zinnia crept in with a smile burned in on her face. Lifting his head, he quickly noticed she was holding a large box with the V.I.R.A.L logo plastered all over it. He sat up yawning. "Were you in the middle of this song?"
Alton glared at the screen, rubbing his eyes. "Huh, no. No."
"Great!" She said acting like a child on Christmas morning jumping down on the sofa next to Alton placing the box on the table. "It finally came!"
"The V.I.R.A.L starter box. With this, we can start getting to work." He mentioned overlooking the box. "Can't help but be a little excited."
"See I told you this would be fun. Think of all the people we can save. Bad guys, we bring down. Oh, I just can't wait!"
"Alright. Calm down superman, baby steps."
"Right, sorry. It's just I've been dreaming of this situation for like ever. I can't believe it is actually happening. Before we start, I just wanted to say, thank you, Alton."
Alton looked away, slightly embarrassed, waving his hand around. "Alright enough of this sappy shit. Let's get this box opened."
Zinnia jumped in, tearing the box open to find a note at the top first. "To the next generation of streamers, both old and new. Welcome to V.I.R.A.L, the CEO of V.I.R.A.L. Hey, who is the CEO of the streamers?"
"Damn if I know, nobody has seen their face, we don't even know if they are male or female. Enough of that keeps going."
She nodded scavenging through the box, finding a small drone. Zinnia held it up, turning it around confused. "Oh, is this the drone thingy we use to stream?"
"I believe so, have this follow us around and it can get great shots of us fighting crime. We just have to set it up." Alton inspected. "What's that?"
Zinnia took out a set of wristbands with the V.I.R.A.L logo on. "Ooh, some cool merch."
Alton grabbed one to take a look at. "Hmm, might be a tracker?"
"A tracker?"
"Yeah, sends signals to V.I.R.A.L to tell us where the nearest crime is. I also heard it can connect to live feeds around the city for more eyes on us during our fights."
Zinnia placed it on without a second thought admiring her new toy. She tipped the box over continuing to search for more goodies. Crouching down, she shot back up wearing a dirty white mask which had a shocking resemblance to a particular phantom thief. "Hoo boy, our costumes were approved!"
"Yeah, during the sign-up procedure I had given in costume designs for us both. I didn't think they would arrive so quickly."
"And you had one made for me before asking?"
"Well, you weren't giving me any ideas. So, I saved you the hassle."
"How thoughtful of you."
Zinnia danced a Victorian looking trench coat which was blood red. She threw it on striking a pose holding her hand over her face breathing heavily. "Have no fear, for Zinnia is here."
Zinnia began giggling to herself, looking far too proud of her cheesy one line. Alton folded his arms, clicking his tongue. "That is going to need some work to sound less generic. I hate to ask but what's my costume." Zinnia proudly held up what looked like a scuba diving outfit matched with an oxygen tank and flippers. "No."
"What? What do you mean, no? You haven't even tried it on yet."
"Zinnia, I wouldn't be seen dead in that thing! Why the hell would I want to wear a scuba diving outfit while fighting crime when we fight crime in the city!"
Zinnia pouted holding the costume tightly. "I wanted to match your powers with a costume. Scuba diving gear was the best I got. It keeps you warm and dry, and the oxygen tank can be used to hold a large amount of water so you can always be in the fight."
"So far this all makes sense, so why the hell did you include flippers?! How am I meant to fight crime wearing damn flippers?"
Zinnia stared blankly realising her mistake. "Damn it, I didn't think of that. Can you at least wear this mask?"
Alton took a steampunk looking half-mask which covered on his left eye, it was covered in clogs and other steampunk looking pipes. He gave it a strange look before looking at Zinnia who was awaiting the moment, he put it on. Sighing he spun it around, placing it on his face getting a little squeal from Zinnia. "There happy?"
"It's so cool! It matches you perfectly. Cold like a machine. I've really outdone myself."
"That hit where it hurt again," Alton grumbled looking down, he quickly noticed another small note. Grabbing it, he glossed over it, giving a slight chuckle. "You might want to read this."
Zinnia took the note, clearing her throat. "Team Rhapsody, I heard from my sister you passed the test. Rock on guys. If my sister is talking about you already, I'm looking forwards to what you do in the future. Best of luck to you all, Violet is already looking to team up with you all. Ruby. Wait, Ruby? Wasn't that the famous streamer Iris was talking about?"
"Indeed. Seems we've already made a name for ourselves if someone on her level sent us this. More reason to keep going, right?"
"Hell yeah, so we got all the stuff, now what?"
Alton spun the drone around looking at the time. "Well, maybe we should give this baby for a spin? Set it up, and we can start officially tomorrow."
"In breaking news. The stream sniper strikes again. Earlier this evening, the streamer Professor understanding was attacked and was placed in the hospital by the vigilante. He is in a stable condition with his loved ones, saying he is making a quick recovery. This is the seventh attack the stream sniper has struck with no sign of stopping. Police are looking into the matter. However, with no statement made by either the head of police or the chairman of V.I.R.A.L. We will inform you with more knowledge of the situation as it comes."
"Tch, a stream sniper, huh? Thought that trend was long gone."
"What's a stream sniper?" Zinnia asked.
"Stream sniping is when someone joins the stream with the whole purpose to sabotage the streamer in question's session. Taking crimes down before the streamer does, or worst-case scenario, they attack the streamer in question as their location is always known. Cheap moves and difficult to stop. It was easy enough in video games as the streamer's name could be hidden, and they could just delay the gameplay by a few seconds. But in the real world. Isn't that simple."
"Do you think this stream sniper will come after us?"
"Nah, we aren't big enough yet to be considered targets. Nothing to worry about might have to warn Iris though." Alton said, trying to ease the tension. "Come, our time is almost up, let's set this drone up before nightfall."
Zinnia held the drone up high as the two were stationed not far from the karaoke bar. The place was just on the outskirts of town, making it quieter than the rest of the bulking city. It also meant fewer streamers as there was less action. Alton was setting up the last of the drone's start-up as Zinnia stepped her foot out of the puddle. "Thank god it stopped raining."
"You don't have to worry about the drone being destroyed if that's what you mean? This bad boy is completely waterproof. Although yes, much rather set this up without the worry of being drenching. Speaking of which, you know we aren't streaming yet, you don't need to wear that ridiculous costume."
"It's not ridiculous, I think it's cool. Besides, it matches my powers."
Alton pressed the last button giving Zinnia a dodgy look. "And what exactly are your powers? You didn't exactly impress me back at the store fighting Monty. You better not be dead weight."
"I said I can talk to nature."
"Right. Sure, you can. Guess that's what the extra wrist bands were for, probably best to gain more teammates to avoid me doing all the heavy work." He muttered under his breath. "Alright, I think you can let go now. It's all set up."
Zinnia dropped the drone as it hovered in the air scanning the area. "What is it doing?"
"Matching up the location to its map to make sure it's up to date. Give it a few minutes. Take it in Zinnia you're a real streamer now."
"Streamers." A voice hissed. The two turned around, seeing a boy wearing a torn leather jacket with blood trickled on his sleeves. He stared daggers at the two with his cold black eyes. He moved his hand through his crimson red hair, adjusting the ponytail tightly. "More sinful pigs that need a lesson taught."
Alton stared back with just as much dismay as he made sure Zinnia was behind him. "From the looks, black eye, scars, thug-like appearance. Take it you're the stream sniper yeah?"
"If that is what your kind has come to know me as then so be it. And here I thought my night of purging was over. But here I find two rookies Streamers just beginning their campaign of bloodshed and greed. What an opportunity to stop the tumour before it reveals it's ugly head."
Alton glossed down at the floor, seeing a large puddle from the rain. His eye darted around, seeing similar opportunities around him. The rain had only just stopped making the area a goldmine for his powers. "I take it we can't talk our way out of this? Just our luck. Face to face with a stream sniper before we even start." The stream sniper took one step forward before that turned into a full sprint. Alton raised his hands as the puddle shot up, freezing into a wall. Crashing into its Alton acted up with serval more attacks as the water was smashed into him with a sheer force. The water soon froze into ice ramming further into the stream sniper, knocking him into an alleyway. "Don't think I'm going to go down without a fight though buddy, I'm not letting this story end before it even began."
The stream sniper stood up seemly almost unharmed by Alton's flurry of attacks. He didn't once even try and block or dodge the attacks, the boy took them all head-on without a second thought. Although strange Alton wasn't going to question such means. Small drops of water fell from the roofs of the alley as they all turned to icicles leading to a bombardment of attacks each hitting the stream sniper head-on. He declined to one knee seemly defeated before a fight could even break out. Alton approached the stream sniper with a small sense of caution but nothing to call for backup. He had a small ball of water dancing around his hand. "Alton, be careful."
Alton looked down at the thug, not impressed. "I don't know what your problem is but attacking people who have done nothing wrong is just as sinful and disgusting as you make out streamers to be. You messed with the wrong superhuman."
"My problem? My problem is not just with streamers, but all of society which idolises them!" The stream sniper roared bolted forward. His speed was unmatched to what it was once before so much, so it caught Alton off guard as the stream sniper was already behind him. "Instead of facing our problems, they worship false heroes whose only interest is money and fame. With enough of you gone, defeated by my two hands, society will realise their saviours are nothing more than cowards who run at the first sign of trouble!" The stream sniper darted back, throwing a punch. Alton didn't have time to even count as his ball of water formed into a shield freezing. This, however, would result in nothing. The stream sniper broke through the ice like nothing his strength, unlike anything he had shown before. Alton was blown back flung into the end of the alley hitting a brick wall falling to the floor in pain. He was entirely taken by shock. He wasn't quite sure what happened with all that came to mind was the thug was holding back and waiting for the right moment.
He was completely cut off as his only escape was blocked by the enemy. He tried pulling himself up but fell back down winded by the single blow. A dark shadow lingered over the entire alley as the stream sniper roared out. "I'll wipe the blindfolds from this world and save them from their doom. And you'll be the one to empower that message in showing what happens when someone wants to become a streamer!"
Alton's eyes widen as a large truck was thrown into the alley. He looked up in dismay as the car toppled towards him. With no way of getting out with his back against the corner and injured his chance of escape was almost none, Alton tried getting up but fell back down again gasping for trapped air. His eyes were met with the truck as he was without a doubt about to be crushed to death.
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The Solipsist
Every novel needs a main character, and in this case, it's a young man named Jacob Bates. Jacob is your average guy who likes books, television, and long walks on the beach. One day, Jacob was diagnosed with a condition that made his body frail and weak. This drove Jacob to focus solely on his studies, ending up becoming a fairly capable guy, despite his condition. The road ahead was looking great! That's when a little scene occurred between Jacob's girlfriend and one of his male classmates. Jacob's mood was a little lower than dirt from thereon. His motivation to pursue his studies, gone. This event caused Jacob to fall into the death grip that is a job in retail. One day, while Jacob was mopping the cold floors of the grocery store he worked in, a strange blue screen appeared in front of him, notifying him that the world was going through a change. Now if this change was a good or bad thing, he didn't know. But there was one thing Jacob knew for certain. He didn't have to mop the floors anymore. Author's Note: (This is my first story, and I would be very thankful if grammatical errors were pointed out. I could also take a few suggestions in the comments if you would. This is less a planned production, and more a little project that I'm winging as it goes. I will try and be consistent with at least 2 chapters a week. Also, as I am a completely new author, the number of words per chapter may fluctuate. The minimum will be around 1000 words, while other chapters may be 2000-3000. It will hopefully only get better with time.)
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49 and one hero.
Hi I'm Spint, 27, and I'm from Sweden.This is my first attempt of writing something readable.(A first attempt on making a proper description.)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Heroes, a word normally associated with people who do extraordinary deeds that others would shy away from. Deeds like jumping in front of a car to save a child. Like walking in to a burning building to save those inside. Like taking a bullet to save another. Save, this is the word that defines a hero, to save others at the cost of oneself. But what would happen if a hero was not made by his own actions but was instead forced in to situation that would eventually make him into a hero. What if everyone around you saw you as a hero, named you as a hero and looked upon you to save them from what was to come. Would you become a hero for them, or would you lash out against them for forcing you? This is a story about those that walks the road of a hero, and the one who makes his own path. Written in the classic """"Summoned heroes"""" style set in a fantasy world.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I hope you will enjoy it!Ps. I would love to know what you guys think, good or bad. Feel free to wright a comment in the individual chapters or wright a review down below telling the readers what you think about it. But please keep in mind that good or bad scores don't tell anyone anything. If you are hesitant about reading this fiction then try out the first chapter. It is short ^^. Ds.
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── ( 🔗# 𝐀𝐆𝐄)+%*〰️ ⤷ • HARRY POTTER !! ❛ 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗂𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗀𝗈𝗇𝗇𝖺 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗄, 𝗒𝗈𝗎'𝗋𝖾 𝟣6 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗂𝗆 𝟣𝟪! ❜: : where rubi weasley falls forthe emerald eyed pretty boy. who by the way is two years younger than her. 🏹 . . ! ,, . °[BOOK 1 OF THERUBI WEASLEY SERIES ]RANKINGS!{ #1 percyweasley } { #2 harrypotterlovestory }{ #9 wattpad }{ #2 mollyweasley }© -ALIENRCGINA
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