Completion Chapter 179


I can see the steel in her watery gaze, which is zeroed in on me. I give in. "I'll follow you."

She nods and climbs out of the Rover. I wait for her truck to pull in front of me then keep her in my sights all the way out to my place.

My house isn't exactly close. I grab my phone from the middle console while driving, find Jeff's number, and dial. I don't let him finish saying the name of his law office. "Danny won't be in for the rest of the day. She's not feeling well. She'll be in early tomorrow to do whatever it is she needs to work on."

"Okay, Van, but do not hurt that girl."

"Got it." I end the call and drive. Finally, my house comes into view. I drive up to the front porch and climb out. Danny, who's already parked, does the same. I walk around her truck and take her hand, leading her up the steps. I don't know why I suddenly need all this hand-to-hand contact with her. I'm not a hand-holder. For some reason, I'm just afraid she'll slip through my fingers if I don't hold onto her, and her hand is the safest place.

I live far enough out of town that I always leave the door unlocked, so I open it and let Danny enter first.

"I need to use the bathroom," she says, and shakes her hand out of mine as she heads to the small downstairs powder room. Danny has been over here numerous times and knows her way around.

The click of the door is soft when she comes out and I look up. Slowly I take her in, from her athletic shoe-covered feet to her long legs and up farther. I didn't grab her jacket before we left, but my house is warm. Her brown tee ends about six inches below her waist. My eyes continue traveling and stop on her breasts. They're larger, and she's obviously wearing one of her actual bras. Maybe she does it often and I never noticed. Truthfully, before the other night, I don't remember taking notice of her breasts at all. When my gaze flicks to her face, I see anger. No, fury. She's not happy with my slow perusal and she's ready for a fight.


"Are you done?" she asks through clenched teeth.

I leave her question alone. "I won't apologize for kissing you. Not Friday night or earlier in your office. It might have been the stupidest thing I've ever done, but I don't regret it."

Her fists clench and her eyes remain glued to mine. "This won't work, Van. I want to remain your friend, but you've pushed your luck too far." Her voice has dropped and a weary sigh finalizes the end of her statement.

Pulling her into my arms and kissing her again will gain me nothing at this point. I give her my best shot. "Our friendship is important, but maybe it's time we tried more."

Her laugh isn't a delighted sound. "I won't be a notch, Van Stelson, and I won't be a friend with benefits you can get it on with when the mood strikes you. I need to head back to work and cool down so I can think about this. You need to do the same. Separately. Friendship of any kind might not be the best idea right now."

She's serious. I read it in her eyes and the firm set of her jaw.

I'm not giving up. "No. I tried working through this separately." I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. "All weekend I thought about it. Dammit, I care about you. I worried sick when you didn't return my calls." I step forward.

Danny steps back, which is something she never does. That gives me pause. "You need to listen to yourself, Van. You haven't been yourself for months now. For some dumb reason you're going through a mid-life crises before you even hit thirty. For a dumber reason, I'm the girl you've suddenly set your sights on. Your brother got Cami. You were stupid and threw away the chance. But that's all it was. A very small chance. Get over it and go on with your life. Go fuck the girls who know the score. It should be easy, because most every girl in Ohio knows the Van Stelson score by now."


God, I want to kiss her outrageous mouth again even though her words piss me off. I take a slow step into her personal space and keep stepping until I back her into the wall. "For your information, Miss Brighton, I don't love my sister-in-law. Well-" I move just a bit closer. "I do love her, but only as a sister. I don't think I ever loved her the way you're saying. I was confused and jealous as hell of my brother. Cami is not for me." I lift my hand and cup her cheek. "You kissed me back, Danny girl. You can't deny that."

Her brown eyes are darker than I've ever seen them. "I'm not your type at all, Van."

I inch forward so our lips almost touch. "Everyone thinks they know my type. You're my type, Danny Brighton. You always have been. I'm not looking for another one-night stand or a quickie. I can't promise happily ever after, but I'm tired of being alone. Give me a chance. It might not work, but I'm only asking for a chance."

Something crosses her face. It's almost calculating, but she leans in and our lips brush. I push in a bit more and her lips part. This girl can fucking kiss. Her mouth is sweet, and the taste has blood surging straight to my dick. My hands travel over her sides and upward. I remember her bruised ribs and don't squeeze the way I want to. Not until I reach her breasts. Just the sides. My thumbs curl under the weight and the squeeze I give is gentle, though I'm in the opposite mood of gentle. I want her so fucking bad and it takes everything I have to go slow.

A thought enters my headI'll hurt her and ruin our friendship forever. But, for the life of me, there is no way I can stop myself from taking her.

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