Completion Chapter 104


The rest of Reed's friends showed up. Alex was single like Mick. Once Bitsy got over her fear of Mick, she was his best friend. She followed him around and played her million-question quiz.

Reed had his arm around me, keeping me pulled into his side while he spoke with Alex and Sal. I tried to wiggle away, but he stopped me. "What's up, baby?"

Shit, that was his bedroom talk and he was now doing it in front of his friends. "I need to rescue Mick. Bitsy will get to the inappropriate questions next."

Reed and his friends laughed.

"Mick has five sisters and if anyone can handle girls, he can. He's having a good time chatting with her, so let him be."

Reed and his friends were evil. I'd saved Reed from Bitsy's question-fest and the least he could do was return the favor to his friend. Chi Chi walked up before I could give Reed a small piece of my mind.

"We're going to change into our suits. You wanna come with us, Jaycee?" She stood waiting with Dustin's wife, Clare. Dustin played center field. Clare was a pretty little thing who didn't talk a lot, but seemed to be good friends with Chi Chi.

What the hell could I do? "My swimsuit's in our apartment. I'll need to go get it." I dreaded being seen in the awful thing, but I just wanted to get it over with.

"Meet us upstairs in the guest room after you grab it," Chi Chi said.

I walked purposefully out of Reed's house, but dragged my feet once I was outside. It sucked being poor, but I'd never noticed it quite so much until I was with Reed. Well, I did notice ithaving no money for food, using food stamps and government assistance; that was humiliating. I straightened my shoulders and grabbed my suit. I would put my tank over it.

I could hear the women laughing when I got closer to the guestroom, and I was glad because I had no idea which room it was. Both times I'd been upstairs with Reed, we'd had more on our minds than a tour.

The women were sitting on the bed waiting for me; they hadn't changed and both looked up when I walked into the room.

"Close the door behind you so we can begin the interrogation."

What? Who? They smiled at me, making me very uncomfortable. It must have shown on my face.

"Don't worry, chica, we won't get into the nitty-gritty unless you wanna dish. We just want the scoop on the big romance," Chi Chi said while Clare was practically jumping up and down with excitement. She reminded me of Bitsy.


"Umm, what romance?" Completely clueless, that was me.

Clare spoke up. "You and Reed. He's only the hottest guy in baseball and, believe me, with our men, we know hot."

They grinned at me, giving me all the attention I didn't want.

"I start working for Reed on Monday. I'll be his housekeeper slash secretary. I think you both have the wrong opinion of me and Reed."

Chi Chi shook her head, calling my bluff. "I've never seen him put his arm around Maggie, kiss her every time he can sneak one in, or give her the attention he gives you. The man is hot and bothered, not to mention the love bites all over you. Sal says Reed's talked about nothing but you and your brother and sister for the past week."

I just couldn't help myself. "What does he say?"

"Sit down here and we'll tell you." Chi Chi patted the empty space beside her on the bed.

I'd never been into the girlfriend girl-talk thing. For most of high school, I took care of my mom. My classmates ignored me and thought I was just stuck up. I knew this because I heard the whispered jibes they made at me. I didn't care. A few of the boys gave me attention, but wanted only one thing. Mark, the creep, made sure all his friends knew I gave it up in the backseat of his car. But what could I do now?

I walked over and sat next to Chi Chi, laying my swimsuit on the bed.

Clare moved a little back on the mattress so she could see me. "Dustin says Reed's underwater when it comes to you. He's been telling the guys what a beauty you are and brags about you taking care of your sister and brother. You might not know this, but Reed doesn't do the whole relationship thing."

Now there was a little more than shock on my face, and Chi Chi continued where Clare left off. "Reed takes women to some of the formal social functions required by management, but it's never the same woman twice. And he never talks about them before or after they go out. We wondered if he was in the closet, which would have been an incredible waste. So give us the 411." At my blank look she added, "Information."

I took a steadying breath. I would just give the truth. "There's not much to tell. Reed and I are exploring our feelings. That's separate from working for him and I just want to do a good job and make sure his life runs smoothly while he's away at spring training and on the road once baseball season starts."


A slight frown marred Chi Chi's perfect face, but only for a moment. "Okay, you and Reed are in a new relationship and we'll respect that for now. But seriously, we'll eventually get the information we want. So do you plan to wear that old lady thing or do you want to borrow one of the ones I brought?"

She'd picked up my suit and I could feel my cheeks blossom with color.

Chi Chi gave me a soft smile. "I was dirt poor when I met Sal. That's nothing to be ashamed of. Clare and I are friends because we're not into the 'who's got bigger diamonds' game. We leave that to other players' and management wives. Girlfriends come and go in professional sports. Most of the wives won't give me the time of day even with mine and Sal's relationship lasting longer than some of their marriages. We've been together for two years and I'm still treated like a ball bunny."

"You aren't a ball bunny and Sal loves you. That was apparent from the beginning." Clare sounded really affronted.

"We both know that, but Jaycee needs to be prepared for the wives, and let me tell you honey, the pitching wives are the worst. Pitchers are the biggest crybabies in baseball and they marry bigger crybabies. Pitchers make all the money and want to be treated like prima donnas and so do their wives. Stick with us and we'll be sure you don't take any of their shit."

I looked at my swimsuit still in Chi Chi's hand. "You brought an extra suit?"

"Oh did I. It's new and gorgeous."

"I can't wear your new swimsuit."

"Of course you can. I bought three that day and I'll wear the other one I brought. Let me show you."

The swimsuit was a barely there red bikini. I'm talking maybe six inches of material max. "I can't wear this!" I think my voice squeaked.

They laughed. "Of course you can," said Chi Chi. "You have a killer body, great tits, and a tight ass. Reed will love it."

"So will the other guys," Clare added.

"Try it on and let's see." Chi Chi stood up, putting her hands out for Clare and me. She pulled us off the bed.

I carried the dental floss into the bathroom and closed the door. I'd put my tank over it if it fit. I had to adjust the ties and just as I was examining myself in the mirror, a knock sounded at the door.

"Don't you dare put that top over it. We wanna see."

I might change my mind about liking Chi Chi.

I took a deep breath and walked out.

"Pinchy, mamacita. That suit was made for you."

Clare actually clapped, reminding me again of Bitsy.

"I need to wear my shirt over this."

"Not a chance in hell. We'll rock our men and give Mick something to tell the tall boys. And that man needs a steady chica and a family. If Reed doesn't work out, trade down to Mick."

Clare had slipped off her shirt and she threw it at Chi Chi. "Give Mick a break. He's only a half-step down."

I laughed, because what else could I do? Reed was incredible, and I wouldn't pretend to have any interest in Mick. He seemed like a nice guy, and yes, very good looking, but he was no Reed. Of course, I was biased.

Chi Chi and Clare completely undressed in the bedroom like they'd done it many times and had no problem being naked with other women. I couldn't help staring at Chi Chi's breasts when she pulled her shirt over her head.

She laughed when she noticed. "Nope, they aren't real, but I don't care, I love them. Sal bought 'em for me on our first Christmas. He said he liked my body like it was, but I had a serious hang-up about my tits and convinced him. Yours are lovely, Jaycee; you've got good genes. My ass is my own, though, and I have booty on you."

She did and it no longer mattered whether her breasts were real or fake. Chi Chi was a doll, outspoken, and funny. Even with fake boobs, she was real. I tried not to panic as the three of us made our way downstairs and outside. They made me leave my shirt in the bedroom and even with them wearing as little as I was, I felt naked.

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