《Accidentally Married A Fox God – The Sovereign Lord Spoils His Wife》Accidentally Married A Fox God - The Sovereign Lord Spoils His Wife


"I-it's quite alright really, I'm not fit to be a concubine..." Li Meirong stammered. He was standing way too close for comfort.

The Jiangshi Master ignored her, whatever she had to say was of no importance to him. His long arms hovered over Li Meirong's face as if he was touching the energy surrounding her.

"You have an aura about you. Something I've never encountered before, certainly not human..." The Jiangshi Master spoke, more to himself than to her, deep in contemplation. He fixed her with an inquisitive stare, studying every aspect of her.

"I'm definitely human." Li Meirong tried to assure him, hoping this might keep him from taking a fancy to her. That was the last thing she needed!

"You are. You definitely are, but there is something else to you. I assume all the beasts saw you and cowered in fright." He chuckled from his own deduction, grasping a few unruly strands of her hair between his slender fingers.

"Please, don't touch me." Li Meirong's eyes turned to crescent moons as she faked a smile and squeaked a response.

"Soon, you will beg for my touch." After all, he was only giving her a choice between topping her lithe body or draining it of her blood. Either way, he was going to use her to enhance his powers.

"..." Li Meirong wanted to cry, but in her shock, no tears came out. She stood frozen and speechless as a dozen thoughts raced through her mind regarding what he could have possibly meant, none of them encouraging.

I can't afford to offend this person! if his weapon would have flown slightly lower, my neck would have been sliced!

The train of terrifying thought was interrupted, however, when something else he said suddenly registered in her mind. Beasts were afraid of her? Was this why she hadn't encountered anything on her own, that is before this guy came along?


Suddenly, it all made sense. Her companions were ambushed only after she had gone to relieve herself, leaving them vulnerable to what wouldn't approach as long as she was near.

Li Meirong's mouth opened in an "O" shape upon her newfound realization. The Jiangshi Master snickered, finding her expressions entertaining.

Maybe he wouldn't drain her dry, just yet.

"Li Meirong." The Jiangshi Master spoke her name aloud.

He liked the way it sounded.

His soft-spoken voice made her feel like a tongue had just licked up her spine. She shuddered, repulsed.

"Since we mean no harm to each other, let's part ways peacefully!" Li Meirong said, slapping on the fakest of smiles and forcing her tone to sound chipper and friendly, the perfect example of a proper subordinate. She backed away a few steps and bowed down respectfully. Ready to run for it at any given moment.

"Haha! who said I mean you no harm? I was going to kill you on the spot, but you are rather interesting! I think I'll keep you as a pet and drain you of blood, bit by bit." The Jiangshi Master laughed out his new plan, apparating once again at Li Meirong's side, closing the distance between them and grasping her thin waist tightly with one arm.

She was so young and frail. Quite easy to handle. Her soft skin was easily squished under his grip.

"Let go of me!"

Li Meirong screamed at the top of her lungs. The words of Captain Liang rang in her mind, remembering the signal stone each disciple was given to use in a life or death situation, she quickly grabbed her own stone from inside her sleeve and reached for her bleeding ear.

To hell with this test, she wasn't going to be this guy's dinner!


The Jiangshi Master immediately caught sight of the pebble and snatched it from her before she had a chance to stain it with her blood. He tossed it aside to be lost in the bushes.

"It will not be so easy to get rid of me, stupid girl!"

He covered her mouth roughly with his hand, muffling her screams.

Just as the Jiangshi Master was about to teleport with his newly acquired loot, Li Meirong's old threat reappeared, the Carnivorous Pitcher Plant.

The Plant stood tall and mighty in front of them, its vines reaching high into the air. If it had eyes, Li Meirong would have imagined a look of great determination on its crimson upper half.

Based on how this day had begun, she could never have predicted what happened next. The red and green organism leapt up in a wondrous feat, using its vines as long legs to cover the distance between them. It aimed its large gaping "mouth" right at the Jiangshi Master.

The movement was so unexpected, the Jiangshi Master didn't even have time to apparate away. His arms were forcibly removed from Li Meirong as he was swallowed whole by the Man-eating Plant.

Li Meirong stood stunned, unconsciously mumbling as she stared wide-eyed at where her latest attacker used to be.

"The Killer Plant just saved me..."

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