Night Crow Master Chapter 571


Chapter 571: 571

The difference between material state and soul state and belief state is just like a solid, a liquid and a gas .

As a regular state, bad luck is even more different .

And, because of the plan, he can’t directly implant the bad luck into the player’s body .

This is because the player does not follow the path of doom . On his body, there is only one bad luck related item –

[unfortunate shadow dagger]

[level: lv35]

[quality: Purple]

[State: intact]

[type: dagger]

[additional attribute:

material: cutting, penetrating attribute level + 2( Upper lv40)

Soul: dark, shadow attribute level + 3 (upper limit lv40)

belief: none

rule: doom attribute level + 1 (upper limit lv40)


[additional skills:

1 . Shadow attack lv35: passive, unfortunate shadow dagger can cause up to 80% damage to the target body when attacking the shadow of the target .

2 . Curse lv34: passive . When using the unfortunate shadow dagger to attack the target, remove the lucky gain from the target and add the curse of doom .

3 . Shadow of doom lv32: active, summon “shadow of Doom” . When using this effect, the first two passive effects will not work .


1 . In the world with “shadow”, it is in a perfect state, and in the world without “shadow”, the whole level is reduced by 3-5, and the level of weak shadow world is reduced by 1-2 . 】

[- “the dagger that killed the shadow of doom, your ears are haunted with its curse”]

after he has investigated players in withered countries, dark moon countries and several other countries, he still finds that this person is the most suitable carrier for him .

Not the man himself, but the dagger of shadow .

The shadow of doom was familiar to him .

In the glory of the world, he cast a body for the shadow of misfortune .


Compared with this person, the prop itself is more suitable as the place where he hides the core of bad luck .

And this person itself . . .

[ID: 3-57-452-0157-02404-297257-375425-5054273 – Damon Artel LATON haggardn]

[nickname: all are void]

[race: material state soul dual form life (dark spirit)]

[rank: lv37 (multiple third level higher)]

[Occupation: Shadow Assassin (lv39), shadow mage (lv30) )】

the dark shadow of the night (lv31) >


The reason why he took part in the war mission was that he was about to face the world mission of promotion or fall in the next world .

His previous identity, Mordo, was in the second tier of the world group .

After studying the strength and strength of the black thorn, Yat finally decided to choose him .

This man took the path of shadow system . He came to the country of the black moon without any plans at all . He came to search for treasure, to take chances, and even had no plan . . . .

this action that can be criticized by “mindless” in Yat’s eyes makes Yat sigh . After that, art wants to use his identity to sneak into the game country . If he sneaks into the node country, his performance can’t be too abnormal .

Well, at least he has to do things according to the logic of blackthorn’s behavior .

Apart from the others, this kind of action that likes to work hard but has no good brain is too unbearable for Yat .

But there is no way, compared to other players, the black thorn can be said to be the most suitable for art .

Whether it’s taking the path of shadow, the branch of dark attribute, or the profession of shadow mage, and most importantly, the property of unfortunate shadow dagger .

Compared with other favorite containers with only two or even one meeting point, this black thorn can be said to be the best container at present .


If there is a chance, Yat would like to find a better container carrier .

However, this is not feasible .

After all, the world transformed by the night crow can only be used as bait twice .

Yes, now is the second time .

That ferocious spirit is one of the players that are lured by the night crow world as bait .

Other players, in that ferocious spirit discovers this world is a “not discovered by the game country” world, directly killed .

For the first time, art didn’t get the right container .

And after the first time, the game nation has also known the existence of the night crow world .

Even if att kills all the other players, the game nation will take over the world .

Art didn’t have to do that, and he couldn’t do something that would make the night crow world suspect .

After all, it was part of his plan as one of his three means of resurrection in case his first plan failed .

However, there are also some problems .

That’s because the blackthorn is too low .

He also noticed that this time, among the group of players led here by the ferocious spirit, the strongest ones can even have the ability to compete against the strong players of multiple levels and five levels .

And this black thorn, in the face of multiple four level strong, do not necessarily have a way to do self-protection .

” . . . ” shakes his head . After penetrating the player’s logo and deleting the records of his encounter, Yat integrates the system core – the ontology into the unfortunate shadow dagger and the doom shadow puppet .

Then he began to manipulate memory .

He did not modify any memory of the black thorn itself, but only made his memory and cognition disconnected, and let the body self cognition of the shadow dagger replace his cognition .

In short, black thorn is now like a puppet of the unfortunate shadow dagger .

However, because of Yat’s penetration into the player’s badge, he did something to monitor the physical condition of blackthorn, which was not recorded in the player’s badge .

“Well, now it’s time to make a formal move . . . ”

Yat, who incarnates the black thorn, feels and sweeps through this deep shadow world .

“First of all, we should make ourselves” reasonable “stronger . ”

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