Night Crow Master Chapter 444


Chapter 444: 444

A few days later, at Yager’s house .

Simple chandeliers dangling from the ceiling shed light, blocked by old bookshelves and desks, and cast a shadow on the wooden floor .

Countless purple and black eyes move around the room, and the purple and black forces surround the eyes, forming a contour similar to a flying one eyed crow .

Purple and black one eyed crows are dancing and chasing on the table and hanging lamp .

The chased one eyed crows are hopping around . Some crows directly change their shape and become a purple black spider with a huge one eye, and get into the crack between the desk and the bookshelf .

The body shape of the chasing one eyed crow also changed at this time . The power of the magic eye swayed, making it become a one eyed creature with countless tentacles, similar to octopus .

Then it shakes its twisted tentacles and reaches into the gap between the bookshelf and the desk —

“what is consciousness? What is self? What is the soul

These crows are magic creatures created by art with the power of magic eye .

They’re really crows . Yes, they can also add a bonus to art’s Raven master skills .

And they will disappear after the power of the eye dissipates .

Self? Consciousness?

Are they alive? of course .

Are they conscious? of course .

Do they have selves? of course .

It’s all consciousness given by art, some simple, some complex, they’re all under the control of art .

In another way, however, it’s just artificial intelligence .

If in his original world, it is estimated that there will be a group of Virgin Mary jumping out, shouting what – they have their own, should not control them, they need to be free!

If the magic creature he makes is human, the reaction of the virgin will be more intense .


In other words, if the same self-consciousness is given to humanoids or non humanoids, the Madonnas treat them differently .

At the beginning, “Virgin Mary” refers to those who love life and give great help to others, things or things, but ignore their own vital interests . Such people who devote themselves to the good can be called saints .

However, to realize one’s moral superiority by being generous to others . . .

no one will like it .

Even, some people are false Virgin Mary . When they don’t threaten themselves or have no interest to do with themselves, they preach morality and impose them on others . When they threaten their own interests, their nature is revealed .

At this time, on his desk, a strange instrument suddenly vibrated –

it looked like a large brown walkie talkie, two palms big, covered with metal buttons and gears .

This is a cell phone .

A Steampunk style mobile phone, or walkie talkie, is better .

According to Yager’s memory, he twisted the left gear knob three times, and then operated ten key positions –

after the metal click, accompanied by a rustling sound, the sound came from the machine .

“Yage, come to Wudu University . . . ”

. . .

“hasn’t Yage come yet?”

In a cafe next to the University of fog .

The number of people in the group was reduced, which made him almost work until he vomited .

The cost of using ability is much higher than that of her . Ability can’t be easily used . Most of the things except ability to use are handled by Delores, and he has a lot of work .

And Yager’s ability . . . It seems that Yager’s ability is less expensive to use – on the day of grouping, he noticed that after using the ability twice in a row, there was not much reaction .

Either it’s like amansera, which has a high affinity with ability, or the cost of using it is relatively secret, and Yage doesn’t express it .


But no matter what, he had to help him this time .

soon after, he saw a strange gentleman with a bag coming up to him and sitting down in the seat opposite him .

Simon looked at the gentleman in a purple black suit and tuxedo, sighed, and then said politely:

“Sir, I have an appointment . . .

” Simon, it’s me . ”

Simon watched the tuxedo gentleman take the walkie talkie out of his briefcase .

A unique mark on it made him immediately understand that the man in front of him was Yage .

After testing with a few words and confirming his identity, he said his purpose:

“I need you to sneak into a nearby stronghold, I doubt . . . ”

. . .

across from the bar, Simon looked nervously at Yage who had changed his appearance and walked to the bar again”This bar is likely to be the stronghold of the Eight Legged church that has suddenly become active . I hope Yager can find out something . ”

Feeling Simon’s sight, art couldn’t help but curl his mouth .

Art, who changes her appearance to a new guest, goes straight into the pub .

And as he entered the pub and came to the bar, he immediately noticed more than 20 lines of vigilant gaze .

Then, he raised his hand, and the purple and black power surged, forming a spider pattern on his chest .

What’s more, the head of this spider, the gap is still open, and one eye rotates two times in it .

He didn’t move away from those lines of sight at all, or rather, to show them to the observer .

And when he did, the sight was gone, and a young man dressed as a bartender came up and whispered in a respectful voice:

“Your holiness . ”

“This stronghold has been discovered by the temple in the fog, and they suspect that this is the stronghold of the Eight Legged Church . . . ”

At the same time, as if nothing happened, he took the money out of his pocket and handed it to the bartender .

The bartender, like an ordinary transaction, takes his money and tells the bartender next to him to start mixing . At the same time, he answers in a low voice to Yat:

“I see, Pope, this is our negligence . ”

At this time, he looked around and did not find his “dependent” subordinates, so he asked in a voice:

“where’s Banksy?”


Jiubaolue said to himself doubtfully, then he seemed to think of something, and quickly replied:

“adult rat spider? He’s in the basement . I’ll call him right away

As a new Protestant in the Eight Legged church, he immediately remembered the name of the corresponding person, immediately replied respectfully, and was about to leave .

And Yat did not stop him, so he sat in front of the bar and watched him leave . After hearing the conversation, the bartender also knew that this unknown person was the legendary patriarch of the Eight Legged Church –

ghost spider .

No one knows who he is, just like a ghost .

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