Last Wish System Chapter 11


Yale opened his eyes confused, his memories were fuzzy and his body heavy.

"You finally awakened, I already thought that you would remain unconscious forever."

That was Swordmad's voice, who was beside Yale's bed, sat in a chair.

"Master, what...?"

"Stop. You look confused. Clear your mind, or even if I explain to you what happened, you won't understand."

Yale stopped talking and tried to recall what had happened to him.

"I went to the Clan's Gathering and won the exhibition battle against Blackor..."

Until that moment, he recalled clearly.

"After that... something weird happened... everyone fell into an illusion... but I wasn't affected... Someone wanted to kill my sister... and I tried to save her..."

Yale expression changed.

"But I failed... and received a hit in the chest... I died."

"To be more exacts, you almost died, you are still alive and completely healed since a long time ago, but you remained unconscious until now."

Yale was trying to think more quickly, but his mind wasn't completely clear.

"Then... for how long I have been asleep?"

"A bit more than sixteen months."

Yale face changed. Even in his confused state, the fact that he had slept for more than a year was still shocking.

"That wound... it should have been lethal... but I'm still alive."

"I asked all the healers present in the Clan's Gathering to save you. Your sister persisted in healing you until she fainted from exhaustion. Don't worry, she's fine."

Yale felt grateful to his master and wanted to thank him, but he had no chance to do so.

"You mustn't thank me for that. It was my fault. If I had attended the Clan's Gathering, there was no way something like that would have happened in front of my eyes. Furthermore, I was too slow and only arrived after the attack hit you."

Yale didn't blame his master because no one expected that something like that could happen. However, he didn't thank him either. That was because Swordmad himself didn't want Yale to thank him, not because Yale wasn't grateful.

"You don't have to worry about your body, even if you slept for more than a year. The clan and the Nacesai Academy used a lot of precious herbs and treasures to help you recover. I can ensure to you that they weren't stingy with their methods."


Yale didn't expect that his master had done that much to heal him, but Yale was mistaken because it hadn't been because of Swordmad.

"Your sister is a very important person in the whole city. The Nacesai Academy and the Roanmad clan value her a lot. You saved her when not even her bodyguards could. If they hadn't tried their hardest to help you to recover, they would have become a laughingstock."

Yale was beginning to understand why that many efforts have been made to help him to recover. Even if Swordmad's words were true, Yale was sure that his sister asked for help from the clan and the academy.

"The one who attacked was an assassin from outside the city. He and his clan lived in the mountains and killed in exchange for money or valuables, I already exterminated them, but I wasn't able to discover who was the mastermind who paid to get your sister killed."

Yale was shocked that Swordmad truly exterminated a whole clan. He heard about that before, but he had thought that it was something exaggerated, not literal. However, Yale didn't feel pity for them; they were assassins who tried to kill his sister and almost killed Yale himself.

"The bad news to you is that your sister hasn't left the Nacesai Academy since that day, and she will stay inside until the mastermind got killed. The academy doesn't want to take risks."

Yale felt depressed after hearing those words. He wanted his sister to be safe, but he couldn't reunite with her until he entered the Nacesai Academy.

"I will let you rest; you need to absorb all the information. I doubt you would do it, but you can't train until I allow you to do it. Starting to train hard just after waking up isn't good for your body."

After that, Swordmad left the room. Yale didn't have any chance to speak more and simply stayed thinking about everything that happened.

After resting for an hour, Yale's mind was in a better state, and he remembered the Last Wish System. When Yale tried to interact with the system, some notifications appeared.

[User has been badly injured. The system will take control of the body functions to help the recovery.]

[The intense pain has generated the Passive Skill "Pain Tolerance: Level 1".]


[System has forced the body to enter into hibernation mode to ensure a full recuperation.]

[A big amount of healing magic has been detected. Redistributing it in the most optimal mode way.]

[The user's body became familiar with healing magic, "Healing Elemental Affinity: Lowest Grade" generated.]

[The user's body became familiar with healing magic, [Healing Elemental Affinity: Low Grade] generated.]

[Enhancing body treasures are being used on the user's body, redistributing to enhance the user's physical body.]

[After having recovered from a fatal wound, the system has rewarded the user with the Passive Skill "Auto-regeneration: Level 1".]

[The user woke up after risking his life in a heroic act, Legacy Skill "Absolute Protection" unlocked.]

That was a log from all notifications since Yale was badly injured.

The system was one of the reasons that saved Yale's life, distributing all the healing in the most optimal way, otherwise, even with that much healing magic, Yale's chances of survival would have been slim.

His slumber had also been to let his body fully recover from all internal injuries and sequelae; the wounds were too heavy, Yale was only alive because of the system, his master, and his sister's status. Without any of those, Yale would have had no chance for survival.

Yale was also startled by all the notifications. There were many things he wanted to check, but he started with the Stats Menu.

[Name: Yale Roanmad| Age: 8 (World's law protection)| Origin Level: 0]

[Vitality: 10| Strength: 8| Agility: 7| Intelligence: 10| Wisdom: 10| Dexterity: 8]

Yale looked at his Vitality. With the help of the system, it had become maximized out by all the treasures used on his body. His strength also increased one point.

"I lost more than a year of training, but I doubt that I would have been able to have my Vitality points already maximized with normal training."

Yale had strict requirements to accomplish within a time limit, so he became depressed when he heard that he lost a bit more than sixteen months. That meant that he had less than twenty-two months until reaching the time limit.

However, with his Vitality already maxed, he couldn't say that he lost those months. Yale still had chances of maximizing all the stats before the time limit.

Then, Yale went to the Innate Talent Menu to check the newly acquired Elemental Affinity.

[Healing Elemental Affinity: Low grade.]

[Low affinity to practice healing magic.]

[Upgrading: Absorb massive amounts of healing magic to enhance the affinity.]

Yale was happy with this new affinity, even if it was low grade. Any grade of healing affinity was useful. However, he didn't understand the upgrading part.

[The system has a hidden function that allows the user to absorb some of the magic used on the user's body or environment and use it to increase the affinities. The amounts required are extremely high.]

Yale didn't know about such an awesome function, but it wasn't something that he could use at that moment. Yale received an incredible amount of healing magic, and the affinity generated was still in only low grade, upgrading it or obtaining more affinities using that method didn't seem realistic.

"Is there a time limit to use this hidden function?"

[There is no time limit. The function will always be available for the user, but the quantities needed may increase with the time.]

Yale sighed in relieve. He couldn't use that function well at that moment, but in the future, he could slowly get some more affinities.

"It will take a lot of time, but after I reach Rank 1, I will have more time."

Yale then went to check the Skill Menu. He had obtained two new Passive Skills and that mysterious Legacy Skill.

[Pain Tolerance: Level 1. Increases the tolerance level of pain. This Passive Skill can be leveled up by suffering extreme pain.]

[Auto-regeneration: Level 1. The body will be automatically regenerated as long as the user isn't dead. The regeneration speed will increase with each level. This Passive Skill can be leveled up by getting injured and then recovering.]

Yale liked those skills but hated the way to level them. He had just recovered, so he didn't want to get more injuries or suffer more pain.

Yale sighed, and he finally put his eyes on the Legacy Skill. When he did it, his face changed because he couldn't believe what he was reading.

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