I Became The Younger Sister Of A Regretful Obsessive Male Lead Chapter 10


Translator and Editor: Skye and Einna


Chapter 10

I stretched out my arms as if I were copying one of the cartoon characters that I had often watched before my transmigration here.

Damien flew beautifully at my command.

The sight was very satisfying.

I thought it would become a hobby.

But the fox didn’t start doing anything and stared at me.

For some reason, his eyes seemed to be saying that I was pathetic, is that my imagination?

I lavished praise on the child who went hunting first. On the contrary, I did not give any snacks to the child who left late that day.

After learning how to rule a Su-in in this world, I decided never to punish him.

More than I had originally thought, the method of dealing with Su-in in this world is very simple.

So the only way I figured that I could train him was not to give him snacks when he disobeyed.

I don’t know if this will work or not.

I don’t know. I had doubts, but I had no choice but to go ahead as planned.

I asked looking at the still fox.

“Are you going to lose again today?”

The fox looked up at me for a while and began to tease me. It’s not that fox Su-in is precious and rare for no reason.

His nimble body movements, which were completely different from those of usual foxes, were magnificent every time I watched him.


Lucian was secretly watching his younger sister train with the hawk and the fox.

It wasn’t like when she first came here and he didn’t go out of his way to see her at all, but the time when he could go see her decreased significantly because she had started training the hawk and the fox.

Recently, he thought his condition was strange.

At first, he wanted to look good for his father, so he wanted to be nice to his younger sister.

However, the more he got to know Rachel, the more he focused his attention on her rather than focusing on the affection he wanted to get from his father.

Especially when she put fruits or desserts in his mouth, he felt something indescribable.

What kind of existence is she to make him become this confused? After the training, he’ll be starting the next class without any free time in between.

If he wanted to visit her then he had no choice but to stop by his younger sister’s training ground before entering his own.

It was because he was worried about whether she liked the hawk and fox more than him.

Lucian murmured quietly when he looked at his sister, who was currently teaching the hawk how to fly.

“What was he even thinking, giving her that big hawk as a gift?”


As the hawk leaped from Rachel’s arm, Rachel’s soft and small body reeled powerfully.

He quickly stood up, worried that the delicate Rachel had been hurt.

Lucian watched the hawk and the fox enter the forest, which is located on the Duke’s private property, and his expression turned cold as he glared down at the animals.

I wish they were gone.

The momentary and fleeting thought of it made Lucian feel ashamed. He shook his head with the intention of regaining his level headedness. Then he heard his sister screaming.


Lucian raised his head.

The white fox that had gone off hunting had somehow attracted something and returned with a look of elation.

Rachel became flustered and fell backwards.

When Lucian saw it, he instinctively moved his body.

The sight of the maid defending his sister and the movements of the angry boar following the fox all seemed to slow down.

Lucian bolted out like a shot. He quickly pointed the sword, he had taken out from the sheath at his side, at the boar.


He heard a new kind of voice he had never heard from her before.

He could feel the anxiety seeping out of her voice.

Has he ever heard a person with that kind of voice?

The short-lived anxiety quickly disappeared, and Lucian, who was staring at the boar with alert eyes suddenly jumped upwards.

He didn’t take his eyes off the wild boar and plunged a sword into its forehead without hesitation.



Hot blood splashed on his face.

Nevertheless, Lucian pushed the sword in deeper without batting an eyelash and then calmly pulled it out.

The heavy body slumped over.

“Keuk,keuk,keuk.”[e/n: he’s breathing heavily here, as one would expect from a child defeating a boar]

Maybe because the boar was so big, and because of its great momentum, it slid on its front legs that had collapsed underneath it, several feet until it stopped. Even after its eyes had already glazed over from its death.

Lucian’s eyes seemed to be twinkling due to the scent of the blood.

It has already been 10 years since he had begun training by wielding a sword.

He received a sword as soon as he began to walk.

He wielded it every day from the age when he didn’t even know what a sword was, but this was his very first direct killing.

He couldn’t stop his trembling hands, but he didn’t drop the sword he was holding.

Then he heard someone running.

It was the quick sound of someone stepping on the grass as if they were trying to take off flying.


Worry, anxiety and worry again.

Her voice was full of concern, and just by hearing it, you could tell that she had become a bundle of distress.


“Are you all right?”

A trembling little hand touched his wrist.

She had always thought he was skinny and soft, but he was a lot stronger and athletic than she had originally thought.

“Oh, my God! Blood, blood…”

A flustered face stained with shock came into his field of view and became engraved in his mind.

Tears sparkled brightly in the sun as they filled the edges of her eyes and her beautiful emerald hair shook in her distress.

Unexpectedly… no, he liked it very much.

Among the things he noticed, he liked the fact he was the only one fully reflected in her dark night sky-colored eyes the most.

He was so happy to see his sister’s eyes full of him.

Amber rushed into the mansion.

Lucian, who was displeased that Rachel had turned to look at her, tapped her cheek with his fingertips.

Just look at me.

Rachel turned her head as if she had heard what he was thinking.

“You’re not hurt, right? Blood… This blood…”

When she couldn’t speak properly, Lucian shook his head slowly to calm her.

Then the hawk appeared.

The sound of it cutting through the air was fierce and loud.

Lucian glared at the bird, which was descending close to them vertically.

Lucian grabbed the neck of the hawk, which was trying to settle into Rachel’s arms as if it were only natural that it returned there.

And threw the creature at the fox.




At the same time, three voices rang out, but only Rachel’s voice resounded in Lucian’s ears.

With an expressionless face, he slipped her hand off his wrist.


Rachel didn’t even realize she was still holding his wrist.

She was restless, unable to follow Lucian, who had turned around already and approached the hawk and the fox.

He bent down onto one knee and gazed at the fox and the hawk.

The hawk, who didn’t understand any human language, flapped its wings to get up, and the fox, who had been crushed underneath it, growled.

Lucian tilted his head towards them slowly, and whispered quietly.

“If you don’t want to die, you’d better not mess with me anymore. This is my only warning.”

He whispered without hesitation, but his words were full of intensity.

The hawk and the fox, who were keenly aware of his energy, were unable to move and their bodies stiffened and their eyes trembled.

Lucian stood up, leaving the two animals that were pretending to faint as if they were dead.

Slowly, he turned around and looked at his sister. His cute little sister, who was looking at him quietly, ran to him quickly.

Without knowing why, Lucian smiled timidly because he liked her mannerisms so much.

[e/n: we’re switching over to Rachel’s perspective now]

I thought I was going to faint.

When I saw Lucian running at the boar, I wanted to hit myself recklessly.

I can’t believe you’re bringing this kind of danger to your favorite. I don’t deserve to become a die-hard fan!

However, Lucian easily managed to get rid of the wild boar just like one would expect from the main character.

It is fortunate that he wasn’t hurt, but when I saw him covered in wild boar blood, my blood went cold in fear that he was.

His appearance reminded me of the last scene in the original plot, but I managed to come to my senses while we were dawdling.


No matter how many times I called, he didn’t answer.

His cold golden eyes were looking at me, but at the same time, they didn’t really look at me.

My mouth went dry.

Even if he looked so dangerous, he is still an innocent and good man.

I’ve tried to slowly prevent him from becoming swallowed by regret, but an uneasy feeling that tells me I should hurry up is slowly rising up from my toes.

Lucian didn’t reply to my words, but only after sending Amber away, he touched my cheek as a reply.

He smiled lightly when I looked at him. It was a real but small smile, but I saw it clearly.

He turned his back and approached Damian and Doggy.

The two, who had been clamoring for a long time, soon became calm and were a little surprised.

Those two animals are much more vicious than I thought.

And he just pressured them like a large predator.

Those two even pretend to be dead.

What the hell did Lucian say?

I had that question enter my mind for a moment, but when he looked straight at me, the sudden thought I had evaporated immediately.

He beckoned to me.

I ran to him.

As I was beckoned to come closer, I ran fast as I could, almost as if I was possessed or something due to his appearance.

As usual, I didn’t notice his deepening smile and his feverish eyes directed at me.

I didn’t know he was extremely relieved that I was breathing and alive.

I had wanted to change the ending to be different from the original plot.

I wanted Lucian, who had similar childhood experiences as me, to be happy even before I had transmigrated.

“Brother Lucian.”

I stood right in front of him and looked up at him. Standing still and looking down at me, he looked at me with his eyes as narrow as possible.

I just looked at him as if nothing would make me happier than calling his name over and over again, while smiling brightly as though I had never seen someone so amazing before.


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