The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf Chapter 17


The wind gushes through Selene's skin while she walks towards the woods trying to find a spot where she could summon Fluffy.

After a while, the sound of the dancing leaves from the trees due to the gust of wind surrounds the woods. The noise coming from the tavern can still be heard but the enchanting combination of the wind passing through the branches of the trees all seemed ominous for Selene.


Selene could not shake the feeling that there is something about to happen and she could not point out what it is.

So in her surprise, a familiar voice suddenly greets her.

"Look what we have here! My runaway mate, who thought she has completely got rid of me." her handsome mate revealed himself as he stand not afar from his mate.

Sylvia, Selene's wolf, suddenly became ecstatic with the presence of their mate.

'Damn it! Sylvia, You should have warned me that our mate was nearby.'

'Why would I do such a thing? If you getting caught by our mate would be something I am looking forward to?'

'You are a traitor, Sylvia! I thought we are partners?'

'Look! sometimes you need to be blindsided for you to see things in my way. It is for your own good. Our mate will not harm you. I guarantee you that.'

'Whatever! I will deal with you later. Now I need to figure out how to get away from our mate.'

'Good luck with that!'

The Alpha Prince can see how his mate is trying to think for her way out of this situation.

"You think you can easily get away from me?"

The other Executive Officers of the Alpha Prince surrounded Selene as if she has nowhere to run.

"I am not going with you!" Selene declares to her Alpha Prince.


"As if you have a choice! Just be a good mate and come along with us peacefully." Prince Alcyd proudly tells his mate.

"Try me!" Selene challenged the Alpha Prince as she decided to use one of her elemental powers which was, >>.

The ground started to shake at the command of Selene. The Alpha Prince and his Executive Officers are surprised how she is controlling the ground to shake and made them assume that her powers maybe related to her possible White Witch origins which they were hoping to be true.

No one knew how capable Selene really was. The Executive Officers tried to connect with their Alpha through mind-link and Garrett informed their Alpha Prince not to provoke their future Luna or else they will never get her to come with them back to the Golden Moon Pack.

Then it came into Alcyd's realization that he has a leverage that he can utilize in convincing his mate.

"Stop this non-sense! I have your friends, The Rogue Brothers!"

Selene immediately stopped and took her attention towards her mate.

"What did you do to them? I swear if you harmed them . . ."

"Do not be over dramatic! They are alive but I cannot promise you until when, if you do not come with me. If you want them alive then you have to come with me to the Golden Pack! If you don't, then might as well turn them into fertilizers to my garden."

"DON'T YOU DARE !!!!!" Selene warned her Alpha mate.

Prince Alcyd seems to realize how effective it is to use the Rogue Brothers as a leverage. He planned to use it to manipulate his way into his mate's mind.

"Oh, YES I WILL ! SO you better come with us or I leave here and end your friends lives."


Selene realizes how much cornered she is. She does not want her friends, especially Georgie whom she values like a younger brother, to be killed because of her. She knew that she is already cornered but she does not want to be defeated completely so she devised a counter-plan to make her somehow not completely defeated and emerge victorious instead.

"Well then! I will go with you IF YOU PROMISE ME that you will follow ALL my conditions and assure my friends safety."

Prince Alcyd did not hesitate to think over what his mate meant of conditions. The idea of his mate going with him back to the Golden Moon Pack meant everything to him and what mattered to him. He did not think twice or even thought of it carefully what it entails for him following his mate's conditions.

"Yes I accept and I PROMISE"

"You PROMISE ???"

"YES I PROMISE!!" Alcyd raised his voice but Kraton reminded him to keep his cool or they will lose this momentum at the moment which is about to go in their favor.

Prince Alcyd recollected himself and reassured his mate about following through on his promise.

Selene finally cooperated and went along with her mate who is escorting her back to the cars that were parked on the side of the road. She is holding on to the grey briefcase and let Garrett take it to the back of the car.

Garrett escorted Selene to the car just beside their Alpha Prince who is looking triumphant.

"Drop the smirk before I change my mind!" Selene warns her mate.

Prince Alcyd tried to hide his joy and looked the other way. Though, his Executive Officers are all worried that their Alpha may blow up his momentum if he is not careful enough.

While the Alpha Prince is gloating in his triumph silently, Selene is contemplating on what lies ahead for her. She looks at the windowpane of the car, just beside her. Her mate may be sitting right near her but her mind went vagabond.

'Finally! you succumbed to our mate!' Sylvia tells Selene.

'You are wrong! I am just using this opportunity to utilize him for my advantage since I want to save my friends and I am already desperate in finding my older brother.'

'Okay! you say so. For me, I am already satisfied we are finally together with our mate. I have nothing to ask for but just to be around our mate.'

As Selene shuts her wolf down due to annoying gleeful celebration inside her mind which she finds so distracting, she stares at the vastness of the starry sky which holds so many possibilities and uncertainty.

The mysterious warlock with a royal blue hooded cape revealed himself from the shadows of the trees keeping his presence on stealth. He watches the convoy of the Alpha Prince with his mate set off without getting noticed.

He utters to the wind where only he could hear,

"So you finally found your mate, Prince Alcyd, son of our beloved Queen Esmeralda."


Finally! Prince Alcyd got Selene back.

What awaits for the stubborn duo?

How will Prince Alcyd react to his mate's conditions?

Will Selene find out the bargain that the Rogue brothers did in exchange for their freedom?

Who is this mysterious warlock who appears to know the late Queen Esmeralda?

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