Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ Chapter 25


Chapter 25

Saikyou Juzoku Tensei Chapter 25: 15-yrs Old (3)

15-yrs old 3

After parting with Philo, we walked for about ten minutes and arrived at my garden .

"Fuu~ . . . we did walked a lot . . . "

I breathed a sighed and spoke to Giselle standing next to me .

"Yes, that's right Nii-sama . Let's take a good rest when we are done . Actually yesterday, I let mother-sama to buy a new tea leaves . It was a little bit expensive, but it smelled nice and I think this would suit Nii-sama's taste . . . . . . "

Unlike me who is breathless, Giselle speaks fluently .

Although she walked that much, she did not sweat a little .

"Is that so . . . I will look forward to it . "

"Nii-sama, why do you turn your eyes, Nii-sama?"

There is already a hole in the garden for planting tree .

In the morning, I let digging type Otem to dig a hole .

If it is this position, it has plenty sunlight and it will not get in the way .

I took the soil which was attacked to the tree carried by the Otem and put it on the soil mound which was formed after digging the hole in the garden .

Then I took out a small bottle from my pocket and poured the powder contained in it .

This powder is a mixture of monster bones and demonic metals .

Then I stirred the 2 kinds of soils and powder with my hands .

The quality of the soil is different between the village inside and the forest . There are things needed for the trees of the Futel and the geology corresponding to the trees of the Futel .

To match it . . . is half of my purpose .

Once mixed the soil, I waved the wand and a magic circle formed .


I casted a spell .

And then the soil mound glows gently .

Yoshi, with this the soil is ready .

I painted the soil that was ready in and around the hole .

After filling enough, I stepped back by clapping my hands to dust off .

"Put it in . "

With my voice Otem started moving .

It put the roots of the tree into the hole which it was carrying .

After the Futel tree entered the hole, I filled the gap between the hole and the tree roots with the soil made earlier .

Alright, it's the last step .

I pointed the little wand towards the ground .



The water overflowed from the tip of the wand and poured onto the roots of the tree .

By adding water, I made the roots familiar with the soil .

The transplant is over with this .

While I touching the tree of the Futel with hands, I started thinking about branches that should be cut out and the branches to leave .

"Giselle, give me that thing that I handed over . "


Giselle handed the paper bundle in her hand to me .

Heavy . If I had carried it all the way my arms would be numb .

I gently returned half of the paper bundle to Giselle .

This is a part of teaching inherited by the chief from his grandfather from their from the ancient times . These pages describe how to make Otems while alive as plants .

I got permission from the chief, I added writing here and there .

As for the living IOtem, in fact there is a people more familiar than the chief .

Among the Maren tribes there are the Chalco and Rietta families who make live Otems making their living .

But for them Otem is a business tool . I do not think they will teach me .

A live Otem withers quickly unless it has a magic mended soil .

That is the other half of the reason why I made that soil .

From live Otem, a special leaves can be collected .

It also serves as a chemical material, but what is the best use is cigarette smoking .

Dried leaves were chopped, they smoke the smoke that came out after putting in a kissel and smashed with fire, it is a Maren tribe's luxury item .

Here in the Maren tribe it is called Koen ha pyipe(smoke-free leaves or smoky leaves), which is said to have a calming effect .

Because it smells when it is absorbed, it is also used as a perfume application .

It seems that there is no age restriction in this world, but it is quite expensive as a child's toy, so it takes time to get used to it, so children do not smoke much .

At best there were few, who smoke it as a bit of mischief by imitating their fathers, after sucking it once they cough 'geho geho' and put it back to it's original position .

Afterwards they will be found out by the leaves content and preached as these are not for play .


It is me 5-yrs ago . Shibi also said that he had exactly the same experience .

I thought that I would never smoke again, but when a boy reached 16-yrs old to celebrate his maturity, as a part of the ceremony it seems that I have to suck smoky leaves for a long time .

I told you I do not like it, but my father was thrust by saying, "It is an important ceremony" with examples .

I doubt that the ancestors of the Calco family have incorporated as a habit, which the villagers tried to make a profit by immersing the villagers in smoky leaves .

There is no tightly monetary system in the Maren tribe .

Bartering at the plaza is the main .

The demonic metal whose chief may have marked with magic is sometimes used instead of coins, but there seems to be some people who do not accept this .

Instead, as light, convenient to carry and stable in value, smoky leaves often used as a bundle .

About that much more smoky leaves are valuable in the Maren .

As I am, it is not very funny .

Even solely because of my father's smoky leaves, many of those hunted are sold to the square .

If I also started sucking smoke-free leaves and doubled the consumption, I also have to go hunting every time .

The son of Calco family rarely goes to hunt, he inherited the making of smoky leaves and sells it occasionally, other than that he only hanging out at home .

I am sure that he will spend his free time in his house and devote himself to my research . Unforgivable .

That's why I decided to make smoky leaves myself .

I was not interested in tobacco, but if I have to suck it up I will make it myself .

I will not give money to those two houses .

Once I decided to do so, I went to chief's house the next day and I gathered the materials written about the living Otem and brought it back to my house in the end .

Because the chief had a grudge against the Calco family, he seems to have tried mass-producing it by himself for the purpose of harassing them in the past .

Unlike his looks he had a quite funky place . He himself said that it was the because of youth .

However, it seems he could only make bad product of smoky leaves .

The things left in the house of the chief was only the writings of materials needed to make live Otem .

He could not have been able to catch up with the two houses that have been improving for many generations .

But I am proud of Maren tribe's number one, if it is making Otems .

I made several hypotheses about what Otem's optimum shape, what I need for earth, with the reference from the chief's failure story .

This time is the first to actually make one, but I am confident .

It is not so long until the birthday and there is no time to try a couple of them .

If I tried different kinds of conditions, there is no end to it .

For me, curiosity is great that I wanted to make it once . I will not make it in earnest that far .

And if I mass-produce it too much, I may be harassed by the eyes of the Calco family . People in that house are famous for being domineering and gloomy .

In the worst case I made a bad product, it means that I did not have enough knowledge and skills .

As make amends . I will smoke it during my adult celebration .

I will not be get addicted to smoky leaves, hunting hell can be avoided .

If I succeed, I succeeded and I only have to keep making it myself, so I can avoid hunting hell at that time .

I can cover my father's share too .

I returned the paper bundle to Giselle and took out the woodcarving knife .

I stroke down the branches of the Futel tree and left only 3 branches that can be regarded as nose and arms .

I left the leaves on the arm part . The nose is like a decoration .

I cut down the nose, the skin around the trunk and make shapes .

After engraving the face, I painted the paint on the part other than the remaining arms of the bark by the brush made from the devil's hair .

Finally, I used treatment magic and restore the weakened vitality .

OK, this is fine .

After two weeks, if I use magic power everyday, it will become splendid smoky leaves . It should be .

Living Otem has few branches and leaves, so photosynthesis can hardly be performed, so it cannot compensate for it's own nutrients to live, so it requires extra magic power .

In two weeks, I can afford to admire my adults in time .

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