Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ Chapter 1


Chapter 1

Chapter 1 (Prologue)

I raise my head and scrub my eyes .

There was drool on my face . It seems I had slept on top of my desk .

I must have lost consciousness while in the middle of reading a book again .

While it’s not healthy, there isn’t a person to call fault to this .

When I gained awareness, my mother was already gone, and my father was stabbed by a knife and died while I was still small .

Since my grandfather who took me in died last year, I am now living alone .

My father was a magician who had his name known quite well in the business, an oddball who liked traveling .

A no-good father who left his child behind to wander around across the sea, buying meaningless souvenirs to try and curry favor with me .

”I’m a real magician,” was father’s catchline while he was working .

As part of his performance, he had a hired applauder take a knife and stab him as a magic trick . A viewer who saw that and got excited used their own knife to cut at my father .

After that his consciousness didn’t return and he quickly died .

When I was small, I believed that father was a real magician, so I believed that he would sometime, someday return .

If I asked, “When is Tou-san coming back?” grandfather would narrow his eyes and pet my head .

If I think of it now, he was showing pity to me .

I direct my eyes to the front cover of the book I had been reading .

Middle Ages Black Magic Encyclopedia

I don’t want to acknowledge it, but what got me into this sort of shady stuff was unmistakedly the fault of father’s souveniers .

Not limited to this suspicious book, there are many shady black magic kits in my house .

After continuing to think something like, ‘There’s definitely no such thing as magic, but if there were, it would be nice,’ I reach seventeen years old .

If it were the past, it would have ended as an imaginative kid, but now I’m completely what society calls a chuunibyou .


I naturally don’t have anyone to talk with at school, and am looked at with eyes as if directed toward an unusual bug, cast out .

The people I can call an acquaintance are just the black magic research society, but due to studying for exams, a lot of seniors have retired and right now is just the underclassman Icchan and me .

In short, Icchan is the only person I can talk to . It’s lonely .

By the way, with accordance to the school’s rules, if no club applicants appear next year, our black magic research society will be shut down . Evil will be destroyed .

The black magic research society is the only place I feel comfortable .

I have to protect it no matter what .

I have to start opening meetings with Icchan about freshman soliciting methods soon .

Perhaps in the black magic kits I bought on the net, if at least one of them could be called the real thing, applicants will appear . No, something like that, I understand couldn’t possibly exist .

When the event occurred was after school .

“……No, I, think I, will stop participating in the club . ”

After school, the underclassman I trusted resolutely handed a club withdrawal form to me .

If I think of it now, the fact that the Icchan who was a well mannered beauty and a person of common sense remained in this odball club until now was a miracle .

However, even if I think so, considering the club’s situation I can’t give in so easily .

For now, I wanted to negotiate for a break from the club or if impossible, leaving her name in for the head count .

However, Icchan gave me nothing to cling to .

After recovered from my panic and sought to proceed the conversation, she had already left the clubroom .

I somehow managed to catch up at the school gates, but I couldn’t make the discussion there .

Due to the uncomfortable atmosphere, Icchan suddenly walked out as if to run away from me and tried to pass through a pedestrian crossing .

The traffic light was red .

Probably, she was distracted by me and didn’t notice the the light changed .


Unluckily, it was when a large truck attempted to pass through .

After I noticed, I had dashed out .

My body suffered a strong impact, and my vision turned to black .

Hot . My body is hot .

I somehow manage to open my yes, but my sight is horribly blurred . な

Rather than my eyes, it seems my brain has undergone damage .

The surroundings start becoming noisy . I thought, ‘It’s noisy, huh,’ as if it were someone else’s problem .

Someone is clinging to me .

“――――N, Nooo! I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Because of me, …… ”

While in intermittent, I was able to hear my underclassman’s voice .

Great . I managed to save her .

If we both died after I jumped in, it wouldn’t be cool after all .

Rather than the school’s popular person, it would be better if the social outcast, I, died, since the people who would grieve are less .

While it’s strange to call it lucky, but I have no relatives anymore . I barely have any acquaintances either .

Even my regrets are just that the alchemy history research I did was done half-heartedly, and the ‘dragon’s nails’ that I ordered over the internet arrive today . Even if I say so, I’m sad .

Even a dream of the future, I don’t have .

At the end of such thoughts, my consciousness ceases .

Chapter 2 (The day of reincarnation)

Just where is this exactly?

My mind is dim, but I certainly have consciousness .

I should have been hit by a truck .

I thought I had completely died, but apparently the human body is much more durable than I thought .

Perhaps it’s a miracle provided by one of the black magic items I ordered from overseas by working .

If I’m not mistaken, I have a memory of zombie powder and phoenix’s fried chicken .

By the way, zombie power was sweet tasting . I put it in coffee and drank it .

The phoenix’s fried chicken had a taste like an eraser . I have a memory of splitting it with my club’s upperclassman Yama-san and eating it .

I have the feeling a long time has passed since I was hit by the truck, while also having the opposite feeling .

It unexpectedly might have ended in a minor injury .

I remember until getting struck off the walkway and losing my consciousness, but I don’t have confidence on how bad my injuries were .

Although, I’m glad I’m alive .

Which reminds me, I have the feeling that girl clung to me while crying .

That’s a good sign I’ll be able to convince her . The black magic research society is unending and immortal .

After thinking about such worthless things, I open my eyes and see an unknown woman .

She’s clearly not Japanese . Her hair and skin are white as if transparent with red eyes .

It was a beautiful person with a ephemeral impression .

Her face is quite close . I attempted to pull my neck back without unconsciously, but I can’t move my neck well .

The woman’s eyes meet with mine and she smiles sweetly .


This is clearly a language I have never heard before .

From beside the woman, a single man peeks into my face .

This man has white hair and red eyes in the same way as the woman .

Um, what country’s people are these…… ?

“A, a, au…… ”

I mix in hand gestures trying to communicate my will, but words wouldn’t properly come out .

No, it’s not just that .

I looked at my own hands and was shocked . They were small hands, as if those of a baby .

Furthermore, in the same way as the two in front of me, a low pigmented white .

I instinctively sensed it .

Perhaps I have been reborn .

Perhaps this handsome man and beautiful woman who look to be from another mysterious country are my parents in this life .

No, something like that is impossible .

I quickly take a glance at my feet .

I was lifted up by the woman .

“Au, Auu! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

I cried and screamed .

The woman moved her hands holding me up and down as to comfort me .

No, that’s not it .

The man and woman looked at me with a happy expression .

Their eyes were completely those of a parent looking at their child .

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