Apostle of the Gods Chapter 5


Chapter 05

I leave the girl and the middle-aged man, and run through the forest .

「It took a bit longer than expected」

Still I have no regrets .

I do not know their situation or identity, but they don’t seem to be bad people .

Moreover, I love their attitude of not abandoning their companions .

While I was running through the forest in a good mood, I realize that someone is chasing me .

How am I being chased even though I erased my presence?

I carefully look at the surroundings to see the person who is chasing me .


It is a beautiful blue slime .

Its size is about 0 . 2 meters in diameter and is a relatively small slime .


The slime is chasing me while crying out with all its might .

Though I am not running at full speed, I am still quite fast; not the speed an average slime can catch up to .

I am curious, so I stopped running .

「You, what happened?」


The slime is jumping around me as if it has something to say .

A behaviour unbefitting a slime . Normally, slime is a weak monster with low intelligence .


As I watch the slime, it starts acting meek .

I feel as though it is trying to say「I am not a bad slime」 .


「Do you want to come with me?」

Somehow I feel like I can understand the slime’s intention, although I do not know exactly why .

「Pigi! Pigi!」

The slime looks at me like it wants to befriend me…,

「Well alright, come along with me!」


The slime jumps around happily and leaps onto my shoulder .

My instinct tells me it’s not a bad slime .

If it is a bad slime, I’ll take responsibility and exterminate it .

「You can come with me, but don’t leave my side for the time being」

It will be troublesome if you do bad things while I’m not looking .

「Pigi!」, sounds like the slime is saying 「Of course!」

I run towards the Royal Capital with the slime on my shoulder .

Before jumping over the walls of the Royal Capital, I inform the slime .

「Hide in my clothes so you won’t be seen by people」


The slime answers with a single cry and goes inside my clothes . Quite the obedient slime .

It is not illegal to bring monsters into the city, as some adventurers have monsters as their familiars .


However, it is a different story if it is an eight year old child . The guards will surely make a fuss .

I decided to hide the slime from even the retainers after returning to the mansion .

That night, we grilled and ate the bird meat from the birds I caught . It was very delicious .

And after eating, I tried to sleep with a blanket in the stable as usual .

The slime is jiggling like a jelly beside my pillow .

And I call out to RunRun .

「RunRun, let’s go to bed」


Usually, RunRun sits near the entrance of the stable facing outside .

By the way, RunRun noticed the slime immediately because of his sharp sense of smell .

But I was not on alert . After returning to the stable, he sniffed the slime to his heart’s content .

「What is it, RunRun?」


RunRun runs out of the room with a silent bark, and returns soon after .

Saria is on his back .

「Saria, what happened?」

Saria is still young, so I entrusted her to the retainer who was a former wet nurse .

I sleep in the stable because I was instructed to by the scions . It’s cold in winter, but I can manage it because RunRun is together with me and the retainers offered me a good blanket behind the scions’ back .

「I want to sleep together with Anicha and RunRun」

「…This is a stable, you know」

「I want to sleep together…… No?」

「It’s not that you can’t… … Well, tell me if it’s cold」


Saria happily crawls into the blanket with RunRun .

「Ah, it’s jiggling! Kawaii」


「This is a living thing called slime . Don’t tell anyone about the slime」

「Ok! Fluffy is secret!」

Saria covers her mouth with both hands . So cute .

For a while, Saria keeps happily rubbing the smooth skin of the slime .

「Saria, what happened? Were you scolded by the nanny?」 I ask .

Nanny is the former wet nurse .

「I was not scolded . Saria is good girl」

When I heard the story, it seems she told the nanny she wanted to sleep together with me today and asked the nanny to send her to the stable .

And the nanny seems to have carried Saria near the stable .

The nanny must have dropped her on RunRun’s back when he ran out of the stable a while ago .

I have bothered the nanny retainer unnecessarily .

As the older brother, I have to thank the nanny properly tomorrow .


I pat Saria’s head gently .

「I see . Saria is a very good girl」 「Funfun」 「Pigi」

RunRun worrisomely sniffs Saria’s scent . The slime keeps jiggling .

I wonder if something else happened, if she wanted to sleep with me even though she wasn’t scolded .

If the scions made her cry, I won’t forgive them .

Saria hugs me while I was thinking about that .

「Anicha… are you going to leave somewhere to study?」


While we were talking about the Academy of Heroes, Saria was on my lap . So naturally, she was listening .

Even though she is only three years old, she seems to have understood our conversation to a certain degree .

She must have been sad because she thought I was going to leave her .

RunRun is also uneasy after listening to Saria .

He might have also thought that I was leaving and he starts to lick my face . RunRun might be telling me not to leave in his own way .

「It’s alright . Your big brother is not going to leave you」

「Saria is not a baby, but… Saria will be fine alone」

Saria says so and sheds tears .

She must have thought I was leaving to Academy of Heroes without sparing a single thought about her .

She is already very smart and kind for a three year old . And I take it for granted .

It should be alright for a three year old child to act more selfishly .

「Don’t worry; when I leave for the Academy of Heroes, Saria is going together with me」


「Really . Well, there is the possibility of failing the exam」

「If it is Anicha, you can surely do it!」

Saria seems relieved .

However, RunRun is still anxious and has his ears drooped .


「RunRun is also coming along so rest assured」


RunRun is also relieved and wags his tail .

The blanket starts shifting away . I gently hold down RunRun’s tail with my hand .

Then Saria tells me everything that happened today .

「And you know… today, Saria…」Saria starts .

「I see, I see」

「Woof Woof」

My younger sister is so adorable . She spares no detail in her stories when I am listening .

RunRun is also seriously listening to Saria’s story with me .

After a while, Saria falls asleep after getting tired of talking .

「RunRun, thank you for your hard work too」


「Don’t lick, don’t lick」

RunRun licks my face while wagging his tail .

The blanket moves sloppily thanks to RunRun’s tail .

It would be a pity if that wakes up Saria .

I gently hold down RunRun’s tail and pat his head .

Then, RunRun shows his belly as if requesting me to pat there .

As I was petting RunRun’s belly,

「Fushu–, fushi」

(He fell asleep I’m guessing)

Three days later . As ordered by the scions, I am cleaning the toilet with my bare hands .

It is the toilet for servants . The Wolms house has many servants who do housework that is different from the retainers .

There are a total of seven private rooms for both men and women, so it is a little hard to clean them all by myself .

While I was cleaning with maximum effort, the entrance of the mansion abruptly became noisy .

Due to the sound, the slime in my clothes starts moving in an uneasy way .

Something must have happened .

But it concerns me not . I just focus on cleaning and training .

After the memories of my previous life returned, I always devise a way to train both my body and magic while cleaning .

Circulate magic in the body while doing chores .

At the same time when moving the body, apply weight in the opposite direction with magic .

Do it with your bare hands! As ordered by the scion it’s now a part of my training menu; enveloping my hands with a membrane of magic so as not to touch the filth directly .

It requires delicate handling of magic . This is good training exactly because it is difficult .

「That is too selfish!」

I hear the panicking voice of the eldest scion .

「That’s right! Even if you are from the Salvation Organization, this is the Wolms House!」

I also hear the loud voice of the second scion .

「If you have any problems, please ask the Lord of this house to send a formal complaint to the Council of Sages」

The voice of a calm woman… no, a girl echoes . It’s a quiet voice but resounds strongly .

「As I have been saying! While the Lord is absent, I am in charge of the Wolms House! So selfish…」

「Don’t get me wrong . I am not asking for permission from you or the Lord of Wolms」


The voice is getting closer and closer .

As I continue cleaning while thinking it is about to get troublesome, the toilet door flies open .

「You are Will Wolms, right?」

It is an extremely beautiful girl with a serious expression on her face, who dons metal armour and a sword .

「Yes I am…, but what is it for?」

「Will Wolms, I have come to escort you」

Saying so, the girl, with a stiff expression, extends her hand to me .

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