《The Charm of Soul Pets》Chapter 60: Slaughtering Everyone Present (1)


Chapter 60: ​Slaughtering Everyone Present (1)

​“You guys… what are you guys getting distracted for, quickly get rid of it!!!”

Every soul pet had been stunned by the tiny Moonlight Fox. Wang Keluo’s anger had also completely erupted as he roared at the other peons!

The others had also, in a sudden moment of realization, understood that not only was this battle not over, it was just beginning! The beginning of a bout of slaughter!!

Indeed, being immersed in the moonlight caused Mo Xie’s strength to increase once more. Mo Xie, who had already completely revealed her indignation and killing intent, did not plan on letting off any one of the soul pets.

“Mo Xie, Moonblade!!”

Even though he was continuously resisting Cao Yi’s mental attack, he was still able to maintain his calm. His two bloodshot eyes that were suffering from the oppressive mental pressure still closely...

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