In Serial

Retiring as an Incompetent Queen

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Author: Type:Male

What happens when you transmigrate into a transmigration story?

Another story unfolds.

Once upon a time, there was a Queen.

A Queen of a land that contained magic beneath the earth, a land where fantastical creatures used to live and roam.

A Queen of a land established by four Heroes, may they rest in peace.

A Queen who came from another world, far, far beyond the horizon.

The Queen who was not Good, nor Evil, for she thought dwindling on the lines that separated them foolish. Good did not exist, nor did Evil. There were only lines for each individual person, lines that they would not cross.

But the Queen did what she had to do, and she didn't look down on others who did the same.

She hadn't wanted to become a Queen, at first. After being plunged into a world she knew nothing yet everything about, she ran away and tried to escape from her fate. Running, running. Always running, never stopping.

Some like to think fate is inescapable, that it decides our life and the choices we make.

They are half right.

Fate you cannot run away from.

But the path you take is up to you to forge.

The Queen ran away from Fate's clutches, until she ran into two others of her world. A Hero who had stolen his Title, and a Creator who wielded his Brush like a sword.

They laughed together, they cried together, and they conquered together.

The Queen had never accepted her Fate, nor did she ever believed in it.

In the end, she hadn't changed.

But even in the end, after she returned home, she never forgot.

What it had taken to be a Queen.

This is the story of Novarra Kiye Ultra.


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