《Gamer Reborn》Chapter 321


Arianwyn Sylvian P.O.V.

The Republic is nothing like I had expected. Despite there being ample representation of the other humanoid races in Sylvanthal they aren’t enough to even form a minority, here however all four of the humanoid races live with balanced representation.

The first larger settlement had shocked me with their different districts but nothing could prepare me for the capital. Unlike the other places we had visited the capital had a multitude of districts each split up in their own little districts of elven, dwarfish, human or beastkin architecture. For all of its beauty two locations still drew my attention like nothing else.

“No.” my father said as he let out a sigh.

I had made sure to mask my interest, he didn’t even have to look up to know that I was planning to sneak into the dungeons. “Fine,” I answered with a pout.

I couldn’t bring myself to add another problem to the pile my father was working through. Much as he had always made it a point to speak with respect of my grandfather in front of me, I had managed to overhear him a few times when he didn’t know I was listening.

For all of his good qualities he had been afraid to let go of his power at the end. He held on to the crown even as his aging mind was diverging further and further away from reality. He had thankfully retained enough of his faculties as to not spoil the relations with our neighbors but he hadn’t just blown the vault of the royal treasury open, he had left a crater in its floor as well.

“I’ll look into getting an expedition together for you after the tournament, princess.” Aranor Starfury said. Father’s right hand man and our strongest warrior. “We still have a few maps that lead to dungeons stranded out past civilization.”

The promise put me at ease while also flooding me with excitement. I hadn’t been allowed to leave the safety of our borders until now, I had asked in the past but I was always told I needed to grow stronger, that anything could happen out there. A dragon could descend and kill everyone.

“Thank you.” I offered before relaxing back in the comfort of the carriage. “Has there been any unexpected changes with the tournament?”

I had spent the last year going through the right of passage. Every Blackthorn goes through it the year before they turn fifty, while I was technically not a Blackthorn they were more than happy to make an exception for the princess not to mention my mother was the daughter of the duke. With the tournament falling so closely I had to go a bit sooner but that left me devoid of any recent information on the tournament.


“Yes,” Aranor surprised me. “It seems the humans have called in a rather shocking favor. They spent the last few months delving into all four of the Republic's dungeons.”

“They did what!?” I shouted. Despite my yell it wasn’t anger that fueled it, it was jealousy. I wanted something like that. If we weren’t in such dire financial straits I would have happily traded anything I won in this tournament for such an opportunity.

“At least we finally know what that blacked out favor was.” Father said as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He was under so much stress lately, I was seriously worrying about him being the first elf to develop frown lines before the final aging started.

“Maybe the humans will at least put up a challenge.” The previous information had told me that the only person I should be worried about was the Republic’s melee caster. He was a true prodigy and someone I had spent countless hours preparing a various number of counters for.

This content has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

“Arrange for a meeting with Xandor.” Father said as he opened his eyes and drew his hand away from his face. “He’s here and it would be good to get a feel for what he is planning.”

“Why do you think he is planning something?” I asked.

“Because apparently their training method isn’t a bluff.” father said. “It makes no sense to call in their favor for this generation when the next one will outstrip them. Unless he needs them to be stronger for something.”

I spent the rest of the trip to the embassy in silence. Fighting with the small amount of guilt I felt. Despite how the news seemed to worry and stress father I couldn’t help but be happy that the humans were stronger. They might make it interesting for me, I had always had problems finding worthy opponents in my age group and the problem only escalated as I got older.


“Pleaseeee” I tried a final attempt at getting father to budge as we were getting ready to walk into the ballroom.

“No.” his answer was the same. “You are to not engage Archduke Goldmouth under any circumstances.”

I loved events like this one almost as much as I enjoyed fighting. I had to have gotten it from my mother's side but I simply enjoy confrontations. It doesn’t matter if they are handled with words or with spells. To think that it all started with the simplest of bullying.


Back home more than one of the noble families that had made the transition and offered fealty to the new rulers my mother’s family had helped crown had always disliked me. Explaining that to a four year old who was upset about comments made about her was difficult however so mother taught me to treat it like a game I could win, and win I did.

The moment we entered the ballroom my eyes were drawn to the other tournament participants. Shadow was the first one I focused on, he and Aranor were the benchmark I was trying to surpass. One was the strongest person in single combat and the other the most feared ace up his nation's sleeve.

“Why did he dye his hair?” I was surprised as I finally turned my eyes to the competitors in my own bracket. “More importantly why is an elf fighting for Gryndor?”

Among the Gryndor representatives had to be one of the most built elf I had ever seen, his shoulders were far too wide. His hair covered his ears and the black coloring made it seem like he was hundreds of years old instead of fifty but he could only be in my bracket since I already knew everyone else there in the other brackets. But there was no way to hide the ageless features of an elf.

“He’s not an elf.” Father said as he noticed who I was staring at.

“What is a human who put more than one thousand points in Vitality doing in this competition?” I asked bewildered, he’ll be crushed.

“I intend to find out.” Father said as we separated, he was going to join the other high nobles as I took my own spot among the celebrated participants.

Curious as I was to get to the bottom of who that human was and why he was competing I made no move to approach and confront him. It took no time at all to notice just how much he disliked being here, much as I like a verbal spar. It was no fun beating someone that was so far outclassed.

“Welcome, princess.” Shortly after the participants disbanded I was approached by a young elf who looked to be about my age. “Though I suppose you’d feel more welcome if you came uninvited during the night and fled by morning leaving chaos in your wake.”

A quick look at the House sigil prominently displayed on the elf’s suit explained his hostility. He was part of the few noble houses who fled to the Republic during the rebellion. They would have a grudge not only with my family but with the royal family as well.

“I’m not quite sure what you mean, I don’t think I’ve been in the Republic before.” I say as innocently as I can and I watch his satisfaction grow. “After all, I wouldn’t be a coward who runs from my home when trouble comes.”

I delight in the way the smile drops from his face. Despite managing to keep the blood from rushing to his face I still notice the way his vein is throbbing in anger at the insult. “If I could borrow you for a moment princess.” Aranor pulls me away.

“Aaaww” I tease Uncle Aranor. “It’s just like you to ruin my fun.”

“My mistake, princess.” The tone in his voice tells me I made a mistake teasing him. I'm as excited to find out why as I am dreading my upcoming defeat. “And here I had assumed you'd be interested in Baron Hearthbound seeing as you may end up fighting him in a few days.”

I never heard of Baron Hearthbound before but it isn’t hard to make the connection. “ What can you tell me about him?”

I’m surprised to see Aranor drop the joking demeanor. “He’s human, around level fifty but his stats and power surpass anything we can expect from that. He’s a hybrid fighter who at only twenty-three years of age has managed to defeat a level one hundred mini-boss inside the dungeon.”

My jaw drops, for the first time in a decade, as all my willpower is focused on keeping me from scanning the room so I can zero in on the human. He’s better than me, sure I may have defeated a level one hundred and ten mini-boss and cleared an extra floor but I didn’t do that at level fifty. More than that I was barely forty at age twenty-three. I want to fight him, all the years I was called a genius and now I finally get a chance to fight someone who now only makes me feel like I don’t deserve the title, but is so far ahead that he belongs in a class of his own.

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