《Stray Cat Strut — A Young Lady's Journey to Becoming a Pop-Up Samurai》2024 Stray Cat Strut Fanfiction Contest!
Contest Rules
Hello and welcome to the 2024 Stray Cat Strut Fanfiction Contest!
Like last year, we're holding a contest for fans of SCS to test their mettle, give fanfiction writing a chance, and to gain access to some neat cash prizes!
This year the contest's prize pool of $1,000USD will be split evenly across four categories:
General Best Ongoing Best Comedy Best Slice of Life
Each writer can submit one story to any one of these four categories starting on the 25th of April 2024! (Yes, you can submit four stories!) Submissions will close on the 25th of May, and the final contest's winner should be determined on the 25th of June (assuming there aren't a million submissions!)
The winners will have their story posted and/or linked on the main SCS story thread for all to see!
You can submit here: https://forms.gle/MTvDJcjNqRY2gsqy7
Below are an explanation of some further rules:
The categories are divided as follows:
General For any story in the Stray Cat World. Best Ongoing For all stories that were posted before the start of the contest and which are ongoing/completed. Basically, for entires that have had dedicated writing. Best Comedy For the funniest fics. Best Slice of Life For the coziest fics.
This narrative has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road. If you see it on Amazon, please report it.
You can find the story submission form above, but the full rules are just below:
Stories must be over 1,000 words long. Very long submissions are accepted, but be aware that they might tax the judging process. Ideally, 3,000 or so words should be your upper limit.
For the Best Ongoing category, a story will be judged based on its opening chapter alone. Ie: the Prologue, or Chapter One.
Submissions can be made via Google Doc files. Please remember to set permissions so that everyone can read! I enjoyed leaving comments, criticism and chatting about a story as I read it, so please make this accessible if you wish.
To submit a story: Send fill the form linked above!
You are allowed to change, update, and refine your submission until the 25th May! Give us your best!
The voting process this year will be limited to paying patreons only to avoid any tampering or confusion. As with last year the votes will be split into three steps. Each one will cut the number of submissions in half.
Submissions are open to anyone!
On the subject of copyright: You own yours. This contest only gives us permission to distribute your work to participants and voters. I will be asking for permission to post the four winners at the end across a wider audience!
Each person can only win in one category. You can submit in multiple, but if you win in two, the second place winner of one category will be awarded the first-place prize. Each winner will be given $250 over Paypal. If that doesn't work we'll try to find a solution together!
You need to have written the work yourself. No AI please. Though using AI for inspiration and notes is acceptable.
No cover is required. Please submit the story in this format: STORY NAME - YOUR NAME.
And finally, good luck!
Arrogant Young Master Template A Variation 4
What would a Xianxia MC do?Seriously, what would they do? Asking for a friend.
8 218Ortus
A woman wakes up in a forest, naked, alone, and injured. She has nothing but a strange, black dagger and mysterious, floating, blue boxes to aid her. Can she find food and water? Survive the deadly animals? Escape the forest? Learn about the life-altering magic the boxes provide her? She has to use her wits, her knowledge, and maths to do so. But first, baby steps. She doesn't even understand the language, yet. If you see any maths mistakes or strange story decisions, leave a comment and I will either fix it or consider changing it. This is also, essentially, a first draft. That means I will edit older chapters and nothing is final, including numbers. Any major changes are listed in the changelog below each chapter. Since this is a first draft, the start is noticably bad and inconsistent compared to the more recent chapters so you will have to endure that to get to the good stuff. Rewritten version of Ortus (Old Version)
8 321Unstable World
No one believed that could happen. Back in 2014, the world was at peace. At least to some point. But the truth was different. One conflict changed into two and then the war came to be. There were to factors that could change the the scales of victory. One of them was technology and the other, the ability of Espers, humans with special abilities.
8 218SoulBound
What is Soul? A spirit or a spiritual part of a living being that which gave life to a shell which is the so called body. Is that it? Is that really what a soul is? What if its transferred to another body in another world like game? Would you like it? If you don't know the answer, then try reading this, maybe you'll have some idea if it happens to you. [Mature in the future chapters. """"MAYBE""""]
La începutul acestei lumi, când Primul Război dintre Bine și Rău a avut loc, Balanța Timpurilor s-a despărțit și multiplele ei părți s-au ascuns pe Pământ. Acei care au în puterea lor restabilirea Balanței sunt Rophionii, despre care profeția spune că v-or da naștere Unului, ființa cu sânge de om și lup curgându-i prin vene și singurul care v-a fi capabil să controleze timpul. Dar răul nu doarme. El spionează de pretutindeni, dar acolo unde este casa Rophionilor, în pădurea cu același nume, este și ascunzătoarea întunericului, care așteaptă doar momentul potrivit pentru a ataca Lumea și a o supune pe vecie. Cu toate acestea Lumea are propriile planuri și va fi cea care va decide cine va fi cel care o va conduce, în Ultima Bătălie, din Valea Tăcerii, acolo unde totul a început și unde totul se v-a sfârși, dând Rophionilor Putea Magică și darul Iubirii. Semințele Răului. Pădurea Rophion este prima carte din seria de 10 romane, care se v-or axa pe relatarea istoriilor interesante născute din Magie, Fraternitate, Iubire și Devotament, care sunt capabile să lupte împotriva răului, doar pentru a-și controla propriul suflet și pulsațiile vieții lor pe pământ. Pentru ce tip de cititor este această carte? Este posibil să-ți placă Semințele Răului. Pădurea Rophion, dacă… iubești să citești povești pline de secrete, trădări, lupte pentru supremație și o mulțime de secrete și Evenimente Epice relatate în Mitologia Internațională. **** Acest roman conține în sine Magie, Acțiune, Iubire și Suspans, incluzând în sine puterea cititorului care iubește să citească povești fantastice în care frăția prevalează asupra trădării, iar iubirea învinge Răul. (Traducere a originalului „Seeds of Evil. Rophion Forest”) (Translation into Romanian of the Original Novel "Seeds of Evil. Rophion Forest.")
8 161Two Wastes of Space- J.C
8 102