《Gamer Reborn》Chapter 297


The trip back was very much like the trip to the Empire yet for Ajax they might as well have been completely different. The only part that hadn’t changed for him was the noble parties that he dreaded to attend.

“Are you sure that’s what you want to focus on now?” The Goldmancer guard that had joined them in the carriage asked.

“If I wait any longer than this coming summer break I know I’ll lose out on a floor worth of rewards.” Ajax was adamant.

“You do know those dungeons have an insane floor leap, there is a reason why no villages have survived anywhere near them.” the guard asked again.

“I know.” Ajax confirmed.

Ajax had spent a good portion of the trip trying to plan his progression into the two remaining dungeons that the kingdom had. Both dungeons started higher than the regular 30-35 with them being 31-36 and 32-37 for their first floors but their real challenge came from the fifteen and twenty respective level leap between floors. This made progressing from one floor to the next an impossibility for any delver, it was also the reason why the dungeon arches were always surrounded by the monsters left by the last group of people to go and gain their extra stat points.

Ajax was hoping to be able to gain a three floor bonus from the twenty level leap dungeon and four floor bonuses from the fifteen level leap dungeon. This however would mean that he would need to be able to defeat a level eighty-one level monster by summer time. The seven level leap might not seem all that insurmountable in half a year but Ajax couldn’t surpass level thirty-eight if he wanted the reward from the first floor.

“As long as you can afford it I’m sure House Goldmancer will let you hire their booster, but don’t expect me to come do it.” the guard shrugged with helplessness.

Even now Ajax could see that the boosters had a much tougher challenge than expected, sure they were all level ninety-five but the three of them had managed to clean an entire level 79-84 floor in less than twenty-four hours which was truly impressive.


“Dad will probably get you a really good deal.” Anna joined the conversation.

“Will he though? I all but promised him I would take care of anything that would happen to you inside the dungeon.” Ajax replied but his tone made it clear it was a joke, his confidence actually stemming from the fact that he had done House Goldmancer another big favour.

“Saving me was part of the deal, but you also managed to get him a gift wrapped prisoner to interrogate about who was involved, that’s worth a bonus at the very least.” Anna decided to go along with his joke.

“My lord do I really have to hold them?” Theron complained again.

Since the second trip of their return journey the worms had hit their first growth spurt. This wouldn’t have usually been a problem however along with that growth spurt came a large release of slime as they constantly outgrew the soft exoskeletons for the next two months. Already they had grown to be almost as thick as Theron’s legs and had his height in length.

“Yes, Theron.” Ajax sighed having had this discussion before. “It’s only one more day before we get home… and you’re already slimed.” he only whispered the second part as he really did feel a little guilty for what Theron had to put up, he’d make sure both July and his grandfather would learn of his plight and have them reward him for bringing back the worms.

This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.


Emperor P.O.V. as Ajax was departing

“Well? What did we manage to find out about the boy?” I asked my advisors.

“There is definitely something special.” my spymaster said. “Despite their best efforts to hide what he can do we are confident he can fight as well as a level fifty.”

“An almost fifteen level jump in power from a seventeen year old, that certainly is something.” I comment. “Are we any closer to figuring out how he did it?”

“Yes, sire!” my head advisor chimes in. “We’ve uncovered that he somehow managed to hold back on assigning any points in his stats until he almost turned fifteen.”


“That can’t be everything.” I say.

“It actually fits pretty well.” I am surprised to see the general answer.

“Go on.” I urged him.

“Most nobles only manage to gain an extra twenty stats through sheer effort between the ages of ten and fifteen.” The general says. “Commoners manage twenty-five to thirty. If he found a way to hold on to those points it means that not only his challenge in gaining extra points didn’t spike like most people does when they reach ten but as a spellblade fighter he would have been pushing all of his stats daily.”

The argument certainly got more traction when you looked at it like that. How much would it be worth, an extra twenty points in every stat maybe. Add on stats from potions and dungeons, as long as he is a talented combatant it makes sense that he would be able to hit fifteen levels above even at his age.

“Find out the method he used, if it is easy to replicate we need to start teaching it.” I order.

“And what about the boy?” the spymaster asks.

“Leak the information about his performance.” I decided after a moment to think about it. “Mention nothing of his technique but let the pointy ears and the animals know what he can do. If we’re lucky they might just make a move and push him straight to us with a more understanding outlook on our views.”


Sylvanthal as Ajax was arriving in Gryndor’s capital

“So the empire is hoping we will bite?” the elven king asked his old friend and champion.

“It certainly seems that way.” the champion responded.

“The boy will be a problem.” The king sighed.

“He will be outmatched by more than fifteen levels in the tournament, some of our people will be above eighty by that time.” the champion sounded shocked.

“Maybe he will not play a big part in this contest.” the king admitted. “But he is young, give him another two decades and Gryndor will have him win everything under fifty years of age.”

“Are you suggesting we kill the boy?” the champion frowned at the idea.

“No, disgusted as I am to say it, we might just use the boy to make sure we extend this forcefully peaceful.” the king laments. “We just need to make a good impression on him.”


The Proudrock as Ajax was arriving back in Gryndor’s capital.

“We have news on the boy, my king.” the rat beastkin said as he bowed to the lion and tiger beastkin.

“That’s great to hear!” The king said with a roar.

“The imperials managed to confirm that he is able to fight fifteen levels above himself.” the spymaster squeaked out.

“And where did you get this information?” the duke asked, his mind already running through different scenarios.

“It was actually surprisingly easy to gather, it came from at least ten sources.” The rat beastkin revealed.

“You think it isn’t accurate?” the king asked, his enthusiasm dampened.

“No, it’s accurate.” the duke responded quietly as he began to pace as his tail flicted. “It might be a lowball actually, but the empire is leaking the information.”

“Why would they?” the king asked.

“They want us to make an attempt on his life.” the duke answered. “We either kill him for them or push him more towards their views where they might recruit him.”

“So you’re saying we should leave him alone?” the spymaster asked surprised, knowing the duke’s usual tactics.

“Unfortunately, yes.” the duke let out a remorseful sigh. “It was a good plan by the imperials, under normal circumstances I would still recommend that we eliminate him early due to his potential but doing so would tip our hand too early, maybe we will get lucky and one of the other kingdoms will take him out for us.”

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