《Number 7》Chapter Number 135 - The Present


"Well, they certainly are... using their resources efficiently."

Five people sat at a booth in a restaurant, each of them with a platter in front of them.

While numerous dishes were available, there were some very specific conditions to the dishes based on the availability of resources.

No meat was currently present. Any and all meat, regardless of its condition, would have rotted away over the course of the six months that had passed.

All refrigerators or chillers would have shut off with the power outage, so even in places where the strange aura of rot that destroyed the world did not reach, natural rot would overtake.

Similarly, most fruits and vegetables were out of the picture - especially those prone to rot with high water content.

However, this was not to say that all vegetables were ruined. If they were stored in a room that was deep in a building where the rot didn't reach, things like onions, beets, and potatoes which would not naturally rot quickly were at least edible. Canned foods in particular were usable.

The same went for pasta, flour and other basic ingredients could be used to cook bread or even cakes and desserts.

"They certainly are using their human resources efficiently as well.", Sylvia added to Marcus' sarcastic comment.

Surrounding the group were a number of women who were wearing the outfits of servers while ensuring that the buffet spread before the group was stocked with dishes.

These women had greeted the group as they entered the hotel, taking every effort to serve them with care after Eclaire had handed the five over and ordered for them to be fed.

"Would you all like a refill?", one asked as she faced the red haired man.

"The Lady doesn't exactly want me to interact with any of you, so I'm just going to push my glass forward and allow you to figure it out for yourself."

Bradley responded in this manner, pushing forward the glass as he said - clearly messing with the parasite within him as he exposed her envious orders to all present.

"What? I listened and did exactly as you said, did I not? Why are you so irritated? Oh... so you didn't want them to think that you were being manipulative or envious? Well, I suppose that's understandable. Tell me next time and maybe I won't say anything."

With a smirk, the man spoke to himself, at which none of the people except for the waitress seemed to look at him with bafflement.


'So these are the prostitutes...', Marcus thought as he glanced at the waitress, moving his own glass forward for a refill.

"You as well, Sir? Here you are."

The woman quickly shifted her astounded gaze from the red haired man to Marcus, flashing him a bright smile - one which was clearly meant to ensnare the hearts of the men she served.

'Well, if anything, they certainly know how to serve clients. I suppose they were trained for such a thing their entire lives. Being able to please the ones they serve is paramount to their survival, after all.'

"If you all need anything, please don't hesitate to call out to me.", she stated as she left with a light bow.

"I think they're wasting a large amount of food by placing it all out for a group as small as us. However, if I recall correctly, this is a typical service for people who are severely important. Large amounts of resources are gathered at a single point, to the point where it is wasteful, and as a result there are many other places that lack even the most basic of resources."


The one who said this as she glanced over to the buffet was Isabella, calmly analyzing the situation as always.

"That's correct, but there isn't exactly much to do about it.", Marcus stated as he looked over as well. "People who are considered important will always wish to have whatever they want, whenever they want. But in order to have that, it means that you have to prepare anything and everything for them at all times, even if it means it will go to waste."

"I suppose we're considered important then?", George chuckled.

The policeman had barely touched his food - a light piece of bread that had been freshly baked.

"Of course we are.", Sylvia answered. "We're the newly appointed leader and the executives of another branch of this organization, so it's obvious that we would be welcomed like this. Well... I suppose this isn't exactly a feast of luxury by the standards of the previous world, but in this world it's insane to show this level of courtesy."

George seemed to nod, taking another small bite.

"I suppose so..."

He seemed to be in deep thought.

"By the way... are you two not undead? Even if you used makeup to look good, can your bodies actually digest food?"

"I've noticed that there is no direct issue, likely a result of the regeneration we have. Somehow or another our functions keep intact, unlike the other zombies. If that were not the case then our insides would likely have been ripped apart at this point."

Marcus explained this with a whisper, careful of any prying ears.

"But enough of that. Isn't it strange that they were able to get this restaurant up and running so quickly? It's only been a few days since the awakening, and I believe that everyone woke at the same time, so why is this place so different from everywhere else?"

"That would be because they have so many workers in the first place.", Sylvia stated. "These women are likely trained in every job when it comes to caretaking and service, including cleaning. That could be extended to interior repairs if necessary... I suppose."

"Is that really the case? I can understand cleaning... but repair work isn't something that a woman would typically perform. And especially not a prostitute."

Something seemed off about the atmosphere.

"Well, I'm sure they have some men here too. Perhaps it's just the ones serving us who are women."

"I suppose. But I haven't seen a single man since we entered this place."

As Marcus brought this fact up, the others looked to one another as if they had come to a realization.

"I guess that's right... I mean, most of the workers here were probably women, but you'd think that there would be some men. We know that the Owner of course is a man..."

"Ah, Uncle Gerard only hires men as janitors, except for the ones he sends to the basement."

"Janitors? That's an oddly specific profession to only hire men for.", Sylvia stated as she dug her fork into some pasta. "I mean, if he was only going to hire women for everything else, why would he hire men specifically to clean?"

"There are some things that only a man can clean."

At that moment, every single person froze.

A man had appeared right in front of them without making a sound - almost as if he had teleported.

He was an older gentleman with gray hair and a mustache of similar shade, and he wore a suit as he stood in front of the five like a butler prepared to serve.


"I do hope that the food is quite acceptable. You must be quite disappointed with our limited resources, so I would hope that you will forgive us of this unfortunate scenario, Lady Isabella."

'How did he get there?'

'I didn't even notice him.'

'Who the hell is he?'

Flustered thoughts entered the minds of all except Isabella, who answered with a pleasant smile.

"Yakov. I haven't seen you for quite a while. I hope you're doing well."

"I see that you are doing well yourself, but I have heard the unfortunate news that your brother is not doing so well. I am very sorry for your loss."

"Brother... his will has been transferred to me. I will do everything in my power to fulfill that will."

The man seemed to smile gently, as if filled with pride at the response of the girl.

"I see. How resolved of you. And these people. Are they your most trusted subordinates?"

The man seemed to be pressing the girl for information, however she didn't flinch for a moment, prepared for such questions.

"That is correct, Yakov. These people are trustworthy beyond doubt. Despite their appearance."

The girl seemed to take a jab at those around her - though her cold expression suggested that such a thing was not meant to offend, but rather that she was simply stating a fact.

'Seven... did you notice him coming?'


'So you didn't?'

[Something is wrong, Marcus.]

'You're telling me that even though you're some sort of superhuman monster that you couldn't sense a mere man approaching?'


'Answer me, Seven.'

[He's human... but...]

Seven seemed to be in deep thought - something that Marcus thought would never occur.

If this man was truly so powerful that even Seven would become unsure, then how would Marcus stand a chance?

[There's something about this one... I have a feeling that he's another one of the Unnumbered.]

'So he has an ability?'

[That's the only thing I can deduce for now.]

As soon as Seven made this statement, Marcus' expression hardened as he realized that the situation had suddenly taken a turn for the worse.

[Otherwise, I wouldn't have been unable to detect him.]


Number Seven was a superhuman.

Eyesight, hearing, physical ability, regeneration, resistance, so many factors of his body were infinitely superior to that of a normal human.

While Marcus could not use these abilities to the fullest himself, Seven on his own should have a perception that far exceeded his own.

Yet... this man had somehow managed even to exceed the vision of Seven.

[The difficult thing about reawakened people is that their abilities transcend what would normally be possible.]

The words of Seven shook Marcus as he quickly realized that even his position as a Host which he believed was a superior one was standing atop a shaky foundation.

[What that effectively means is that even though we are physically the most powerful creatures on this earth... that those with abilities still have a chance to outplay us.]

This story has been stolen from Royal Road. If you read it on Amazon, please report it

'So even if you were the one facing them... you might still lose?'

[I have no intention to lose, Marcus.]

Lowering his voice, Seven whispered into the mind of the man.

[But the fact of the matter is... I may have made a mistake.]

'What do you mean by that?'


'Seven, what do you mean by that!?'


'What mistake did you make!? Hah!?'



[Don't let your guard down for even a moment. I miscalculated... and the situation is far worse than I thought it could be.]


Marcus wanted to ask Seven a number of questions, however he didn't exactly have time to do so.

"At any rate, it is quite good to see you again... and while it saddens me greatly to hear of the demise of the third son, it pleases me that you have taken up his work so quickly. I'm sure that the Owner will be pleased as well."

Yakov spoke these words with a light bow as he prepared to take his leave, after having thoroughly snuck glances at each of the people present.

"Is uncle Gerard coming to see me?"

"That he is. He should be arriving-"

"Now now! Where is my favorite little niece? Hahaha! There she is! Bella, you're certainly doing well, aren't you?"

Hunching into the room was a large mustached man who entered without a shred of elegance, waddling his way over to the table that the five were seated at.

"I would certainly be doing better if brother were still here, but I am doing as well as ever, considering the circumstances."

"Ahh... such a pity, isn't it! To think that my favorite little nephew would've kicked the bucket so quickly... and at something so unpredictable at that! It's a darn tragedy, I tell you. He had so much potential, so many lofty ambitions. Even though he was only a part of this game for a short while, he made so much progress that even I was surprised."

The man spoke as if he were sympathetic, however his nonchalant tone gave off that he clearly held no real concern, and was merely saying such things as a formality.

"But the past is the past, and now he has become exactly that."

And with these words, the man slid aside the person known as Sheldon Stirling - whose name he didn't even bother to recall.

"The past."

Pulling up a chair as he sat in front of the booth, the man folded his hands as Yakov stood behind him, cautiously watching his leader from afar.

"But I'm not here to talk about the past, now am I? I'm here to talk about the present."

Pointing to the girl, the man leaned onto the table in an overbearing manner, not considering the discomfort he created in those directly near him.

"And that would be you, girl. Or should I say... third branch leader."

"So you've heard. Well, I suppose your subordinates ears are as open as ever. Particularly that of your janitor."

"My janitor isn't the only one with ears, but yes. His are particularly well oiled. So? Did you come here on your own decision, or was it merely coincidence that you happened to be in the area?"

As the two struck up conversation, the other four sat straight up, each of them careful to remain quiet, not interjecting without permission.

They were playing the parts of subordinates, after all, and speaking while two higher ups were conversing would have been unacceptable.

"Well, once I found out that brother had died, I tried to gather up all of the remaining people in the third branch. Once I had done that, I started to send people out to confirm the situation in the area. And once we had confirmed everything, I set off myself with my executives to see if there were any remaining branches. Of course, your hotel was the closest."

"I see. So? What's the situation on resources? How are the other kids? What kind of work have you put them to? They were quite useful if I remember what your brother used to tell me."

Gerard asked such things in a vulgar tone, however Isabella didn't flinch in the slightest.

"They're all dead. Unfortunately, the disease eliminated all of them."

She lied with ease, even knowing that the very ones who had killed all of them were present in the group.

"Is... is that so? How unfortunate. The ones in the basement were all spared of the virus on my end, so I thought that would be the case for you as well. Well, regardless, you still have a good amount of manpower, don't you? After all, the men you hired..."

Looking up to glance at Marcus, Sylvia, Bradley and George, the man stopped talking.

"These ones can't be in the same group as them, right? The ones who were working because you had their kids. After all, if you just admitted that they're all dead, there's no way you could say that in front of them."

"These ones are loyal to ME. Not to my threats.", Isabella reinforced.

"Haha! That's my girl. So the other men, do they know that the kids are dead? You should keep that part a secret so that you can still use 'em."

"That is the case. They don't know at this point."

The man seemed to be visually pleased as Isabella said such a thing.

"You really have learned well. Sheldon... he did a good job at raising you, didn't he?"

"He taught me to always use every weakness that people have, in order to get them to do what I want. I am merely applying such a practice."

Things seemed to be going quite well, or at least from what Marcus could tell.

If Stella had a good relationship with Gerard, it would allow them to infiltrate all the easier.

'For now, gaining information is critical. I'll need to make a list of things we need to find out, but the most important thing would be to find out if there are any more reawakened within this camp, and what their abilities are.', Marcus thought.

"So? What is your plan from this point on?", Gerard asked.

"What else would I do but expand? I already have my men in the field, moving to clear the City of the undead and save as many people as possible."

"Saving people... eh?"

Gerard seemed to grimace at the word.

"Now why would you waste time and effort on something like that?"

However at the moment he asked this question to the girl, a demented grin painted itself across her expression - one which made even this man shiver in fear.

"Because that would make them indebted to me, wouldn't it?"


'She... is smarter than I thought.'

Gerard was impressed.

He had never particularly thought too much about this girl.

He had met her a few times when she accompanied his nephew during his business visits, particularly during the times in which they handed over some of the children who had been prepared for his business.

However during the times he had met her, he never had seen her as anything more than a prized experiment.

'Sheldon seemed to take a lot of pride in her, but I never really saw the reason for that. She just seemed like a creepy little girl to me who had lost any sense of self, but now that I see the way she thinks on her own... it all makes sense.'

With a nod, Gerard came to a conclusion.

'He was preparing a successor.'

Of course, Sheldon couldn't have predicted his own death. Something such as the Calamity was likely outside of his calculations.

Even so, in the mafia, death was always right around the corner. Sheldon likely understood that, and raised this girl with such a thing in mind.

"Let's get right down to business then. What would you say to a partnership?"

"We are already under the same colors. It would be strange if we didn't work together."

Isabella responded in a matter of fact manner, which Gerard took as permission to make a proposal.

"You see, this hotel is everything to me. It's my life's work. The people here, the facilities, the location, the atmosphere... this is my home."

The man said this final word with a heavy emphasis.

"And I will do everything I can to protect my home... and to make it as comfortable as possible."

"So you wish to focus all your human resources on improving such a place, and in order to do that you want to partner with us so that we may do outside work. Am I wrong?"

The girl spoke these words as she glanced up to the man, her eyes as cold as ever before.

"That... yes."

Gerard felt a shiver sent down his spine as the girl had caught on with such ease.

It wasn't as if he were talking to a child.

Even an adult would have trouble reading others with such ease, yet this girl's ability to reveal the intentions of her opponent seemed to be almost on par with those of Yakov.

"If you don't allocate people to exploring and overtaking the outside world, then you will be unable to progress with your goals. However if you do, then you will stagnate in your progress at home. Even with as many prostitutes and janitors as you have hired, they are nowhere near the number that you employed prior to the Calamity. Therefore right now, you find yourself at a loss, barely able to even keep yourself and your executives happy - much less any potential clients."

The clarity with which the girl had easily understood the situation surprised even the ones who posed as her subordinates.

"Very well. We will assist you. We will perform our work outside, and you can rely upon us to form a network which you will become a part of. Is that acceptable?"

"I couldn't have said it better myself, girl."

Standing up, the man motioned for the group to follow him.

"Come. It's about time you meet my executives. If you all are still eating, feel free to remain, but at least you should come, Isabella."

"No, we'll all come."

Stepping up was Marcus, who quickly took the lead as he followed the man.

One by one the people exited the booth, leaving their dishes for the waitresses to clean up.

'After all, this is exactly what we've been waiting for.'


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