《Unkillable Will》Chapter 10 - A Start [Draft/Unedited]


The library seems to have no end, as if endless, Han walks down its halls.

In Han’s eyes he saw countless trains of thoughts, both finished and unfinished, they laid within the contents in each one of these books, and it makes him wonder how many ideas were burned and forgotten, and how many stamped into these books to fight against time. Han could not help but wonder what was the cause for each one of these books to be made, and why there weren’t more, but he did not entertain that last thought, this was far bigger than he could’ve ever ask for.

“so, what do you think Han?” asked me Dr.Park ,“it’s way bigger than where we found you previously right?”

Han did not know how to respond, he felt calm, more calm than he has ever been since waking up, more clam than he could ever remember.

“It is a very large collection, one of the biggest in the far northern sphere”, claimed Buck. “It might not seem like a very big deal from the outside, but I pulled on some favors to make sure the insides were properly built. Now days no one goes anywhere or does anything without knowing someone”.

“That is a cute way of saying that the world is divided between the connected and the not” Said park, “With the way the tides are intensifying, true safety extends only as far as your reach, being able to have good connections is on extremely high demand, and it will only get worse”

“We’ll said Parky”,buck cheekily added “lucky you, to be a close friend of mine, had you not stopped me from going too far back then, I would be richer and not even know your name”, Buck cheaply laughed.

“If i had not stopped you back then, then no one would’ve remembered yours” Dr.Park quickly rebutted “And wait why do you even want more money?, are all those assets really that worthless to you?”

“Hey!, I wanted to invest a small fortune to the SEE project back years ago when it was in its infant stage!” Buck talked about his missed opportunities.“the Space Excavation Exploration will soon finalize all its test, can you believe how they managed to send the firs dozen semi-autonomous A.I assisted deep space mining ships?. If even the chances of accomplishing the mission are close to 0, if even one manages to reach Saturn, it will completely change the dynamics of everything!, imagine the…..”, buck kept yapping out to Dr. Park.

Hanniel had already grabbed a book and Karlin was sitting next to him.

“Hey Han, don’t you think this book is a bit too hard?” Karlin said softly, “there are a lot of books in that other area that might be a good start”, Karlin pointed towards a group of shelves which held books for teenagers, It was not odd, she had tested Han’s writing and reading capabilities while he was in the hospital, and the results surprised even Dr.Park, there were no signs that he had ever learned how to write the alphabet, much less read it. To Karlin, watching Han look directly into the book was like watching a 3 year old a book made by William Shakespeare and trying to learn it.


“No, its fine” answered Han, not losing eye contact with the book. “After staying in that small book store that night all I’ve done is re-read the books on my mind”

Karlin was shocked, this either meant that Han had some form of deep rooted brain damage that meant he was crazy, or he had the capabilities to quickly learn and memorize everything he’s seen so far, “Han, can you please explain to me what you mean by that..?” Karlin worriedly asked Han.

“After reading the books from the book store, the ideas just kept running around in my mind.” Han kept telling Karlin what it was that he experienced, “The more I read, the more complicated my thoughts were, and I couldn’t stop thinking about the different ideas held within them, they simply wouldn’t leave my head” Han continued, “It helped me get through what happened in the hospital, and slowly I am starting to realize the full context of my situation”

Karlin was beyond surprised, saying she was shocked was a speck of what she was feeling now. To her Han sounded more mature than ever, his dead-set focus on the book kept her quit, not wanting to disturb him.

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Han continued, “But the more I read, the less it makes sense.” Had had a deep sigh, “I just don’t understand, in this book they talk all weird and a weird tension can be felt, I don’t know how to explain it.”, Han had spend just a little bit over 5 minutes reading the book , “just why is there such a big problem for a girl to fall in love with this man?, the man falls in love with this girl at first sight, but why?, these characters all claim something, yet fight for the other,and the constant change of attitudes makes me confused, it all is explained, and the emotions i feel coming off from them are strong, yet I cannot find myself understanding them”, Han closed the book and put it down on the table, he slowly massaged his eyes.

“Wait don’t tell me you finished reading it already, its supposed to take at least 1 hour to read and that is only if you read fast!” Karlin said surprised.

“No I didn’t finish it, I just gave it a quick look through, my head started to hurt” Han answered, “I think you were right Karlin, some of these books are too difficult to understand, I’ll make sure to avoid the romance section”

Buck and Dr.pack were looking from the side, they had finished their conversation after agreeing to disagree, and overheard the exchange between Han and Karlin.


“I didn’t know you brought Han here with ulterior motives” Buck looked at Dr.Park carefully, “so was him being in a coma just a-”

“You are misunderstanding, I really just intend for him to use the library here.” Dr.Park quickly interrupted his friend, “This library barely receives any guests and its close both to the hospital and my house” Dr.Park explained.

“Hey!, just letting you know that this is a private library so of course we don’t often receive guests!” Buck retorted and walked over to Han.

“Since you say you are good at learning I know of good tutors, sadly, I doubt they would be interested in teaching someone with your background Han, and much less come to a uninteresting area like this one, but I can ask for their teaching curriculum” Buck told this to Han while looking at Dr.Park, he did not know why Buck was doing him a favor he did not ask for, but he welcomed it.

Buck grabbed a phone off his pocket and dialed a number, “Hey, yeah its me, no I am not calling to ask you to pay it off.” A few inaudible sounds came off the phone, “Sorry but I am not interested, I am calling to collect interest…No not money…No, I need the best teaching curriculum you can get your hands on…I do not want something off of the cheap public domain…Getting my hands on those books wont be a problem…No I do not need you to come here…”Buck kept exchanging information with the man he was talking to, meanwhile Han already had started reading his next book, but his face looked worse than when he was reading the last, reading the book he was holding was not any easier to understand, it could be related to the fact that he picked a book from the Politics section.

Dr.park look at Han and asked, “Why did you pick that book?, it looks like it was written a long time ago and might not hold up to current events”,

Han rebutted, “This book holds strong unyielding emotions, as if the person who read this poured their true unfiltered souls into it” Han closed the book while keeping a finger on the page he was reading and touched the cover, “Also, the people on the news always talked many bad things about politicians, so I was curious, it seems far more complicated than I thought”.

Buck finished his call and was about to finish saying something. “Yeah! you are absolutely right!, we-”

“No, they are all greedy corrupt chickens who cowardly hide behind the laws they bend to better fit their agendas” Dr.Park quickly interrupted, and Karlin was trying to hold back her laughter next to Han.

“HEY!, WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT” Buck yelled, his face all red.

“oh, I am sorry I forgot you were here, I’ll make sure to talk about it behind your back next time” Dr.Park looked away and laughed at himself, Karlin couldn’t keep in her laughter.

Han seeing them laugh affected him, and a small smile could be seen in his face, seeing this Buck walked over to Han and grabbed him by the shoulders, “Don’t listen to him, if you are interested I can definitely overlook your learning and guide you down the best path!” Buck tried to convince Han, but Dr.Park was not allowing it “Buck, I asked for permission to use your library, not for you to be a bad influence on my…Patient”.

“Nonsense!, you are a top notch doctor, always busy with your work so I bet you don’t have any time for Han, hell I wouldn’t even be surprised if you said you left him in a room all by himself” Buck was spitting truth, “Also, I am but a retired business man who was forced to give up on politics, so I have all the free time in the world and no children to spend it with.”

Dr.Park and Buck started to exchange thoughts once more. Han was honestly confused as to why Buck had any interest in him, but he hoped it wasn’t anything perverse, he often heard about the bad things rich people did to others in the hospital. The idea of being a politician sounded awful in his head, yet he entertained the idea.

“I wonder what it means to be one” He talked to himself, and Karlin could only overhear what he had said.

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