《Unkillable Will》Where am I? (Prologue Draft) Unedited.


'He wasn't supposed to wake up', he didn't say it but I could feel he was thinking this.

I was stuck in the bed being examined by someone called a doctor, if I could get up I would have but my legs felt like frozen ice and my arms like someone stitched weights to them, moving was difficult.

These people looking at me like I was a lab rat did not make it any easier.

then came the questions.

"Do you know where you are?" said the doctor

"Where am I?" I asked back,

The doctor taken back by my question simply answered,

"A hospital in Anchorage, Alaska"

"then I don't know where I am"

"Do you know what date it is?"

"I don't know"

"Do you have any family members?"

"I don't know"

"Do you know your name?"


All these questions where unfamiliar to me, what time it was?, I cannot remember when I last looked at a clock. Family members?, that question itself made my heart ache with no reason why. My name?, was I given one when I got here?, how did I get here?, wait from where was I supposed to get here from? how old am I?.

Stolen from Royal Road, this story should be reported if encountered on Amazon.

I started to feel pensive, what was I doing here?, more and more questions started to fill my mind.

"Do you know why you are here?"

My thoughts stopped, now all I felt was pressure, It came from my gut, something very important was missing, something I could not forget, but did.

"Nurse get me some tissues, and please call in Dr.Park, we need a neurologist"

My eyes were watering, my heart aching, and I just-

Don't know the answer



[Dr.Park, Darl Park Gumzoo]

A few days have passed by and he wasn't feeling any better, they asked for my help to see what I could do to for a patient that had forgotten everything about themselves, who had no family members alive, and probably had many disabilities from having been in a coma for 10 years.

I do not know how to help this patient in the long run, he has no one, and nothing.

I hope after a while he can pick himself up, we have to start rehabilitation right away.

Karlin was the nurse I asked to take care of this patient through his rehabilitation, after knowing her for so long, I knew how capable and patient she can be with people trying to learn, she was one of the most qualified nurses in this hospital.

As for my game plan, I will have to figure it out as I go, and gently open up his wings to really see who he is.

I just hope he doesn't get too comfortable with the nurse.


I was in a wheel chair

Being pushed by a kind looking nurse down a white hall.

Every now and then I could see patients, barely any who looked young.

This place is still very silent, apart from what I can feel, the only thing I could hear are the wheels from my wheelchair, I could tell it has a long life, makes me wonder how many people had sat in this same chair, and just how many are still alive now.

I wake up from this thought by the grin of another kind looking man, only then did I realize I was in a room, the nurse closed both the door and my previous thoughts.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Darl Park, I also go by Dr.Park, and the nurse who has brought you here is Karlin, she will be taking care of you until you fully recover and are able to rejoin society"

Unfamiliar words were said, but the only thought lingering in my mind from these words- "What is society and why should I be part of it?"-

"Because society is who we are"

I had thrown my thoughts out of my mouth, but I there was something I didn't understand

"Then who are you?"

"We are humans"

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