《Number 7》Chapter Number 131 - Try again.


With the whip of her pistol, Eclaire didn't waste a moment as she prepared to fire upon the man.

She had resolved herself to kill him.

Her finger was on the trigger within an instant, and as soon as her sights were lined up with the overweight man in their path, she pulled the trigger.



However at the same instant, a searing pain tore into her arm as the cracking of bones could be heard.


The girl fell to the ground in pain as she realized that her arm had been twisted in a horrible manner, the bullet having pierced the floor to her side as its path was redirected.

The gun dropped to the ground as the piece of her arm flopped around, hanging on by a few mere threads.

"What do you think you're doing, Miss Eclaire?"

The one who said these words was none other than the gentleman who claimed to serve as a Janitor, fixing his collar as he looked down upon the woman.

Tears filled her eyes from the pain as she gripped her arm, looking up to the man with despair as she winced in anguish.


With a gulp, the woman controlled her breathing - though such a task was impossible due to the immense stinging that screamed out from within her.

"I'm going to try this again..."


'I'm going to try again.'

'I'm going to try again.'

'I'm going to try again.'

'I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again. I'm going to try again.'







'I'm not going to try again.'


How many times had she tried?

How many ways had she been thwarted?

How many limbs had been broken?

How many times had she been beaten senseless?

How many times had she died?

Eclaire had no idea.

She tried, and she tried - endlessly putting forth efforts to kill the man known as Gerard.

She had attempted to kill Yakov first. She had attempted to use words to lighten the mood and distract them. She had attempted to wait a while, or lead them to a different scenery and use that to her advantage.

She had tried using different weapons or methods of killing. She had tried separating them. She had tried putting on every act and persona that she could imagine.

She had even tried getting Number Four to help her.

However none of these methods were successful.

Not a single time had she been able to so much as lay a finger upon Gerard - for every time, she was thwarted by the Janitor.

It was as if her plots had been revealed before even she could think of them.


'Why do I keep on failing... no matter how many times I try again?'

Having reset her state to the beginning once more, Eclaire had given up on thinking of a method to kill Gerard at this time.

She understood now that such a thing was impossible - so long as Yakov existed.

'It's because of him... but why is he so flawless? Why does he seem to know everything? Why does he seem to have the perfect answer for every action I take?'

She could not answer this question.

'If I can't kill Gerard... if I can't destroy this operation... What should I do now?'

Of course, she had tried to escape as well.

In order to find out whether escape was possible, Eclaire had attempted this within the numerous resets she had endured - however on every occasion she was hunted down like a fawn.

'It's as if his entire existence is designed purely to hunt me down... but I feel that it would be the same for anyone else who tries to betray the hotel.'

So long as Yakov had not confirmed Eclaire to be an enemy, he would not attack. As a matter of fact, if she were an ally of the hotel, he would exert all of his efforts to protect her from harm.

However the moment she did something that gave him a definite reason to eliminate her, he would - without question.

'I guess... I'll have to give up for now.'

It pained her to do so after coming so far.

She didn't know just how much time had passed in the alternate realities that she had experienced, but if she were to guess then it would have been at least a full 24 hours.

Her body felt no exhaustion as it was always returned to the state which she began, however her mind was taxed.

[It seems like you're invincible at first.]

As Eclaire came to this decision, the voice which had gone silent during her entire trial finally spoke up once more.

[You believe that you can do anything. That if you know what's coming in the future, you can prepare for it. You can avoid whatever bad outcome you witnessed in the previous loop. You can change things to work out in your favor. However, if such a perfect world were possible... then there wouldn't be so many questions that have no answer.]

As Four spoke with a tired tone, Eclaire listened patiently - exhausted herself as depression welled deep into her.

[People like to regret their decisions all the time, thinking 'if only I had done this' or 'If only I had done that.' But we only ever see the results of the actions that we did choose. We never see the results of all those 'what ifs'. And because we haven't seen the results, we fantasize about a perfect world where we had made such alternate decisions - when no such world could have existed in the first place.]


"I apologize, Sir."

Bowing her head, Eclaire took the course of action that had yielded the best results as she made the decision to take another path.

Without question, she could not kill Gerard right now.

Whatever she did, she needed to lay further groundwork. She needed a better plot which Yakov wouldn't be able to foil.

Merely trying over and over wasn't enough to get past him.

"I was wrong to betray you before as I had. But upon reflecting on things after living on the first floor, I realize what I've lost."


As she lowered herself, to the shock of every person present in that room, Gerard seemed to smile in a lecherous manner as he licked his lips upon witnessing the submissive position that the woman had taken.

"There is nothing more that I would like than to be by your side once more... as an executive."

And with this plea, the woman shamelessly made her case to the man.

"Therefore even if I have to work my way up from the bottom, I am prepared to do that."

The eyes of Yakov seemed to be keen upon the woman, and she understood well that if she were to try anything that he would stop her within an instant.

But she no longer had the will to do such a thing.

"You're asking for a high price, Eclaire. How could I possibly trust you as an executive after your previous actions?"

The man however was not convinced.

Wiping the drool from his mouth, he seemed to calm his own desires as he spoke these words as fact.

"It's true that I am still a person of suspicion - one who has lost your trust. Therefore the position that I am requesting is not to replace one of your executives. Rather, I would like instead for you to create a special new position given the current state of the world."

Looking up, the woman stood as she began to explain her plot.

"Even if you said before that the hierarchy won't change, the addition of a position or two is inevitable given the differences in how everything will work on the outside. Think about this. Most people are likely dead, but there are almost certainly groups of survivors in the outside world that are likely ganging together in order to build up their strength."

The mustached man listened carefully as the woman spoke, nodding as he confirmed her words to be true.

"Communities and factions will form, and eventually the weaker groups will be swallowed up by the more powerful ones. There will come a day where there will be entire cities controlled by a single faction, and perhaps those factions will eventually expand to become nations. But as of right now - the entire world is really just like a massive gang war."

At this point even Yakov seemed to have let his guard down, and was now focused more on the content of her words - as if he had sensed that the girl had no intention to attack.

"There are no countries, no nations, no governments. The most powerful groups in the world right now are the small gangs, the groups of people who have banded together with a common goal."

Though Eclaire understood well that if she tried to pull anything at this point that she would immediately be shut down.

"The small groups can be easily overtaken and incorporated as laborers. The larger groups will be able to provide food, supplies, vehicles, gas, and weaponry. If we split the people of this world into these two groups, then they would end up as either our clients or our employees."

Gerard seemed to chuckle at this classification.

"But the fact of the matter is that unlike the previous society, finding people that will wish to interact with our business is now significantly more difficult. After all, nobody would willingly enter the base camp of another faction. So we will need someone to gather information on the outside groups and hold negotiations so that we can offer our services. In other words... we need a spokesperson."

Placing her hand to her chest as she closed her eyes, Eclaire smiled lightly - speaking words that disgusted her very being and went against everything she considered to be right.

"You already are well aware of my skills concerning diplomacy… and my ability to deceive. Therefore... I humbly request to be given this position."

Thus - she made her move.

The man standing before her seemed to be thinking about his options, considering her words with deep thought, however he ended up looking to Yakov in the end.

"What are your thoughts, Yakov?"

"I don't believe it's a bad idea. Without question, it will certainly establish our presence in this world better than any other method. If we wish to prosper, we will need to search out for parties to act as our clients, and taking in further labor assets would only benefit us with little cost if we were to give them the same provisions as members of the first floor or basement."

As the gentleman put his opinion forward, Gerard seemed to be convinced.

Eclaire was somewhat surprised that she was even able to get this ploy around Yakov, however perhaps that was only because she didn't have a clear idea as to how she would actually use it to improve her chances at killing Gerard.

'Well, I guess outside influences will always be a risk to us, but if we are aware of them, then even if I am planning something, it will still end up benefiting the hotel.'

"Alright. I understand your argument, Eclaire. I'll appoint a spokesperson."

With a smile, the man folded his arms as he stepped forward - bringing himself uncomfortably close to Eclaire as he beamed over her.

"But what makes you think that I should allow you to be the one to hold such a position?"

"I just said, did I not? My skills at negotiation are unparalleled. Even Melissa couldn't match me, and she was the one who replaced me as an executive. Or are you saying that there is someone else more qualified?"

"The fact that you betrayed me already makes your qualifications null. HOWEVER. If you were willing to come with me tonight... then I suppose I wouldn't mind giving you the position."

There it was.

The man made the filthy proposition - one which made Eclaire gag just to think about.

However with a perfect smile, she choked down the sacrifice as she prepared herself to use a method which she had once before accepted - and failed at using.

"Very well, Sir. I will do as you say."

"Gather the executives, Yakov. We're having a meeting. As for these basement dwellers... I suppose we can bring them some food tomorrow."

With these words, the man turned his back to the bowing woman, stopping to make one final comment.

"Ah, but if you cause any trouble with the other executives, then I'll have you removed from your position immediately. After all, if I demote you to the basement then you won't have any right to deny any requests."


[So this is the method you have chosen... it is very fitting for you, Eclaire.]

[You quickly realize your own weaknesses, and take other routes in order to achieve what you want.]

[But don't you think that he won't trust you the same way he did before? He'll likely have Yakov watching your every action in order to catch you slipping up.]

After Gerard had already left, Number Four proposed these questions to Eclaire, who responded with resolution in her thoughts.

'If he doesn't trust me at first, I will just have to build up that trust once again.'

She had made her decision.

'Learning from the mistakes of the past... I will do things better the second time around.'

And as such, with this declaration, the girl posed a question back to the parasite that had overtaken her mind.

'Is that not the very essence of what it means to RETRY?'


"There it is."

A young girl spoke these words as she led a group of five along a major thoroughfare, surrounded by buildings that towered above them.

Pointing to one of them in the distance, the group set their eyes upon one in particular which appeared to be even more luxurious than even those around it.

Of course - even this high class facility had been distorted from the Calamity which had torn away at the world around it.

At this point, the sun was approaching its descent once again.

From the awakening on June 20th, Marcus and Sylvia had met up with one another along with Amy and Shaun, eventually making their way to the school where they met and fought the serial torturer Larry Pertan.

The following day, the two had left after Amy had been taken away by Number Two, heading out to obtain supplies only to be killed numerous times and eventually knocked out and captured by the third branch of the street rats.

Awakening late that night of the 21st, the two had met up with Isabella, defeating Sheldon Stirling - the leader of the third branch of the Street Rats Organization.

After fighting numerous others, the group had eventually made their way to a restaurant where they had found some rest.

The following day, the 22nd, the group had made their way to a particular department store where they faced off with Randov - a reawakened who held the redirect ability.

They had also met with George Troladi - a former cop - and Bradley Vendetta, a former criminal who happened to be the Host of Experiment Number Three, before setting out once again.

And now, after traveling for the majority of the day on the 23rd while fighting off undead all the while, the group had finally arrived at their destination - The Hotel.

This place was the home base for the 4th Branch of the Street Rats Organization - an underground ring for prostitution which was led by Gerard Stirling - the uncle of Sheldon Stirling.

Masked as a luxury resort, the place was every bit as extravagant as one might imagine, even considering the wretched state of the world.

The group had arrived at this place with one intention - to confirm if the 4th Branch was still active, and to eliminate it.

"Everyone remembers the plan, correct?"

A businessman clad in professional attire spoke up to the other three, who currently wore suits and fedoras that boasted of dirty wealth.

Pocket watches lined their sides and brass knuckles decked their fists, with glitters of gold and silver mimicking an aura of importance.

These clothes were created by Marcus using his ability "Redefine".

"Of course I remember. But as for these two... well, I would hope that is the case."

"Don't just write me off so easily, woman. It may have been my job to forget what I saw before, but that is no longer the case."

Sylvia spoke up with a haughty tone, a luxurious purple dress covering her body, however the man who replied was the former police officer who seemed to chuckle at his own past woes.

"Very well then. Isabella. Or should I say... Lady Stirling."

Stepping in front of her, Marcus took the lead as the four surrounded the navy blue haired girl who was now dressed like a young mafia princess as if they were her bodyguards.

"Please make sure not to put yourself at any risk."

Almost as soon as the man said this however, a voice spoke out from the corner of an alleyway.

"Welcome, welcome!"

Then, walking out from the corner was a beautiful woman.

Her pristine white hair drew down her head in a gorgeous manner, amplifying the black dress that she wore as the two contrasted with one another.

"Ah! If it isn't Lady Isabella of the Third Branch! What a delight it is to finally meet you! Oh... but I suppose you all haven't introduced yourselves yet?"

Standing in front of the group as she eyed the five, the woman put on a cheerful smile as she seemed to lick her cherry lips with interest.

"Marcus Coran, Sylvia Berith, Bradley Vendetta, and George Troladi. You four are the subordinates and bodyguards of the mistress who has taken over the third branch following the passing of Sheldon Stirling."

As the woman said these words, absolute shock filled the minds of every person present, and they all looked to one another with eyes wide.

'How does she know our names?', Marcus thought. 'No... more so than that... how did she know about the plan that we had thought up to pose as the girl's subordinates?'

At that instant, Marcus looked into the eyes of the woman, whose smile didn't seem to decrease for even a moment.

And as he did, even as a businessman who had dealt with the most skilled of negotiators - he felt a chill run down his spine.

'This woman... is on another level.'

"That should do it for introductions, no?"

Closing her eyes without a shred of hostility, the group was left speechless as their plot had been shattered in the matter of moments - revealed to them before they could even speak of it.

'What do we do at this point? She must be working for the Hotel, and the fact that she was able to predict our plan before we had even begun it... should we just attack her here and now?'

"That would indeed finish our introductions. You've approached us for a reason, have you not?"

Yet as Marcus considered his options, Sylvia sprung into action as she engaged the woman in conversation.

The battle had already begun.

"Well, yes. You see, you're probably quite confused as to why I was able to tell you so much about yourselves without ever having met you. But that aside... I wanted to welcome you to the Hotel as our honored guests."

The woman spoke these words, and Marcus could tell that Sylvia was calculating - analyzing her every word and motion while trying to get a read on the woman.

'I shouldn't be wasting any time either. We don't yet know that our cover has been completely blown, so we need to probe the situation.'

With this decision, Marcus looked to the woman, waiting for her to continue as she motioned to the grand facility behind her.

"I'm certain that the Leader would be delighted to meet with another of his own, after all."

"Very well. Lady Isabella. Do you wish to accept this invitation?"

Yet it was Bradley who said the next words as the red haired man took the perfect role of servant - putting the final decision on the one that was supposedly his master.

"We will accept. It has been quite a while since I met with Uncle Gerard... and given the state of things, I have much to discuss with him."

And reacting ever so calmly to his words, the young girl played her part without flaw - every single person present mixing a vile combination of truth and lie as their facades floated about them, saturating the air with deception as truth and lie became inseparable.

And with this, the white haired woman nodded, motioning for the group to follow behind her.

"Understood. Then... please come this way. A banquet has been prepared, as I had already anticipated the arrival of some esteemed guests as yourselves."

[Volume 4: END]

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