《Gamer Reborn》Chapter 271


Jones’s suggestion was something Ajax hadn’t thought about, not because he forgot but because of the financial impracticality of the idea. Sure monster parts were known to have an extreme value when it came to crafting, their high mana density was renowned, the only issues with the idea was that they were only useful as a partial ingredient. With extreme mana affinities they made for a great addition to potions, alloy mixes and especially mana conduits.

Using only monster parts however was not only extremely expensive but also seen as wasteful, from the tooth or claw used to fashion a single sword you could have made at least five superior swords so long as you mixed them with a metal of equal quality.

It was this knowledge however that convinced Ajax that he should in fact be actively sharing his discovery of Magnetic mana. Sure he had no way for other casters to use it directly as he didn’t know any chant or rune but that was hardly a hard limit.

More than that Ajax was actually hoping that word of his magnetic mana would spread. Unlike all his other types of magic, magnetic mana was harmless by itself, sure it could immobilize an opponent but that was also the extent of what it could do. A really obvious counter to this would be a very strong defense that wouldn’t care if someone was immobilized. After all its limited offensive uses were as likely to spread as the extremely high mana cost that came with using it like this.

All of this would culminate with the reveal of his ‘secrete’ mana type being easily countered by strong armor. While the idea was good, in reality anyone attempting this tactic against him would run head first into his actual hidden ace : Void mana. Void would simply ignore all of the armor and let him dispatch people with relative ease.

By the time the first day of the next cycle came around Ajax had practiced teaching his magnetic mana to Nelly. Unlike with Void, Ajax might not be able to formulate a chant or a rune with magnetic mana but he did know how to create it artificially. Despite this being even more mana inefficient.

“How did you come up with this?” Nelly asked in awe after they finished their lesson. She had managed to not ask this exact question in their first or second lessons as she was in shock with the new application but now she couldn’t hold herself back.

“Unlike chanting mages, I can use two different mana types at the same time.” Ajax answered as he called Lightning mana in his left hand and Metal mana in his right.


“Rune mages can do that as well.” Nelly countered.

“True, but rune magic has little to no time for intent to be imparted, not only that the runes' rigidity would mean the resulting mana type would be rigid and brittle.” Ajax said. “I’m sure magnetic mana had been noticed before, however it would most likely have happened when users of metal and lightning mana fought each other.”

As Ajax walked towards the Academy he was resolute in his decision to share magnetic mana. His recreation of a battery however was something Ajax would keep to himself. The creation of consistent current wouldn’t be all that big of a discovery in this world, with mana taking the role as societies main source of fuel it would do little in terms of inventions. What it would do however is allow others to recreate the same experiment that Ajax hoped to use later on to learn about space and whatever that other mana type was, and that he did not want to share just yet.

The school day passed quickly as Ajax focused on his studies, leaving the new topic for after they were all finished with their training. One thing that did stick out to him was that Anna seemed to be a little nervous about something. She was maintaining her composure well, Ajax doubted anyone else had noticed but whatever it was seemed to concern him as well from the way she kept stealing glances at him.

“Ajax, a word?” Anna asked once they were dismissed from their physical training.

“Sure, but is it sensitive?” Ajax asked.

“Not very, why?” Anna confirmed.

“Could we talk as we make our way to the headmaster, there is something I want to talk to him about.” Ajax answered. When it came to a new mana type the headmaster would be the most interested as he could then attempt to create chants for it with his Legendary skill, especially so since this mana type wasn’t all that violent.

“Grandpa?” Lexi, who had been with Anna quickly perked up. “Of course we’ll join you.”

“My father has finished the negotiations with the Empire” Anna began when they started making their way up the stairs. “I’m sorry to hear about your… incident with some empire spies the other day but it seems that gave him quite a bit of leverage in the negotiation.”

Both Ajax and Lexi twitched a little at the awkwardness that rose as Anna mentioned the incident. “Well, at least somebody got something good out of that.” Ajax said, unaware that the king had already squeezed quite a bit of information out of the captured spies.


“It seems like the Empire is also very interested in what you can do.” Anna continued. “They were adamant on the conditions they outlined for their main dungeon, this rigidity let dad push for a lot more.”

“Oh?” Ajax perked up a bit at this. “How much of this am I getting?” he asked, unable to keep the greed from his voice.

“Don’t drool now.” Lexi teased as she picked up on it.

“You get will get exactly what I outlined last time.” Anna said, and Ajax frowned as he was expecting he would get at least a taste of these unexpected extras. “The only change is that the team delving their main dungeon will get two delves.”

“What does that matter?” Lexi asked while Ajax processed the information. “So what if he can delve it two times, if he can’t take a booster with him the second time it’s going to be almost the same thing as only going once.”

Ajax’s thoughts went in the same direction as Lexi’s but one idea stood out to him that would make this second delve a lot more valuable. “When?” The single word was all that Ajax said.

“The first delve is going to be three months from now, we’ll leave for the Empire in one month.” Anna said. “The second will be in six years.”

There it was. Just like Ajax thought he was going to get a chance to collect the extra stats from a lot more floors than he had expected. It was such a good deal that Ajax berated himself for the moment of doubt and ungratefulness he had felt towards the Goldmancer patriarch moments before when Anna said he would only get delve slots.

“Dad tried to get the second delve in twenty years but it seems the Empire wants to take a look at what you can do after they see you in action in the tournament as well.” Anna quickly tried to explain when she interpreted Ajax’s silence as displeasure with the timeline.

Ajax was actually ecstatic with the six year timeline, a twenty year timeline would have actually been detrimental to him. The reason for this was simple, access to the dungeon became extremely limited as one got higher in level. Considering his leveling speed Ajax thought he would be able to reach level eighty, maybe eighty-five, in twenty years so long as things went his way. At that point, considering his stats after all of the extra floors he would be able to clear in his two delves in the empire now and the delve in the Republic, it wouldn’t be a surprise for the Empire to break the agreement justify it by claiming that allowing him to delve could pose a serious security threat to the capital.

“That's a great deal.” Ajax said with a smile, one that brought a wave of relief for Anna.

“You’re done right?” Lexi asked as they all stopped in front of the headmaster’s door. At their nod Lexi simply burst into the room without even a short knock. “Grandpa, how are you? Did you miss me?”

Ajax could swear he could see the vein on the headmaster’s forehead pulsing before he let out a long sigh and calmed down. “How many times have I asked you to at least knock once before you open the door?”

With his Perception Ajax managed to make out a long line that cut across the parchment in front of the headmaster and even continued off the paper and onto the desk, not only that but its starting point was from the last word written on the page.

“Yes grandpa, sorry grandpa.” Despite the words it was clear to all that Lexi was only pretending to be chastised. “Ajax said he had something he wanted to discuss with you.”

“Oh, what is it?” the headmaster asked.

“It’ll cost you a coin.” Ajax said with a small smirk as he had practiced the unveiling of his new mana type.

The headmaster raised an intrigue eyebrow but nevertheless pulled out a large gold silver coin. Once the coin was in his hand Ajax released a strong pulse of magnetic mana from his own hand and towards the coin making it jump from the headmaster's palm towards his own. While his trick worked perfectly on the coin, Ajax hadn’t expected that the large candle stand that was pulled off balance was also falling towards him now.

Ajax’s reflexes were quick enough that he managed to catch the candle stand without making a mess in the office and he quickly apologized. “Sorry about that, I’m still getting used to using it.”

The headmaster was staring wide eyed at him as he fumbled to stabilize the candle stand. “Forget the candle stand, what was that?” The calm and composed voice was gone and in its place was one that reminded Ajax of the old librarian when they were experimenting with cursed mana.

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