《Mortem Comedenti(Death Eater)》Chapter 9.8: The Equinox(R)


Summer had run away from the domination of fall. The air turned crisp and the strength of the golden plain stocks had withered to rise again next spring.

The Farmstead as a whole looked to the future as sentient, plants, animals, and all had prepared for winter. The horses were fattened and their cold blankets were revealed from dormant storage. Coops were reinstated with extra insulation, and some of the weaker pigs were slaughtered while the rest were put with extra hay in the barn.

Lucy had the job of butchering the animals. The meat they didn’t sell or eat was given to Ava. She prepared all of the foodstuffs for long storage in the fall. While everyone else manufactured the broad strokes for winter, she placed all the other small details. Ava was the grease for the cog of The Farmstead. Tyris was absent for most days. The times he had been there, he set about to fill up his cart with the year's grain or stocking it full of fresh pork.

For years it had been Doco that picked up where his brother left off for autumn. Now, the son had grown into the shoes of the father. Kenan had replaced Tyris’ labored hands. It was hard work but he managed most days and some odd times he exceeded the challenge. The chores and training were the mixture that formed his catalyst.

In body and mind, he had transformed. His tissue had gotten over his rejection of mana and devoured all the nutrients it was given. Height flourished and strength was expanded and compressed. All previous fat was purified and the leftover was concentrated into muscle. Progression showed as flesh tightened the skin overhead and peeked out.

His mind had thrown away the sluggish behavior of mana deprivation. Now he was attentive. Information was all around him. In the dirt, the sky, and the wind. Doco had taught him how to look for the secrets of nature, and more importantly himself. The functions and the rapid-fire calculation of the body were known. Kenan knew how to exercise his body and master it. Beyond that, his lessons had just touched on the hidden mechanisms behind the metaphysical.


Kenan had finished the day's chores. He went inside and had supper. Tyris was in today and would stay the night for an early leave tomorrow morning. They all talked about their objectives, the goals they met that day, and what they had upcoming tomorrow. They were now at the tail end of the autumnal equinox and the season wrapped up nicely. All of the tasks assigned to everyone were done without any significant hindrances. Thanks to Kenan’s extra hands. The family could handle more projects, more projects meant more produce, and more produce meant more income.

Ava excused herself to the dishes. Tyris and Lucy both shuffled off to bed. That left Doco and Kenan. The former sighed and the latter smiled. Each got up and went outside.

The staff drills they had started had been altered. At first, they were slow periods to stretch Kenan's muscles and for Doco to provide information about certain topics. It was much the same, but now they sparred. The learning curve was steep, but Kenan took the turn at full speed. He learned the weapon fast and started to take in the lessons faster.

The previous night's bout had marked the change of the goal. Kenan had put his uncle on the backfoot. After that, it had been an uphill battle to wrestle down his excitement. All of his chores were done with speed, even the morning session was tackled with a smile. Something that Doco didn’t like. Hated it even, and showed Kenan that by making him late. Not even that mattered.

The nights of the fall were longer and came sooner. So by the time they arrived each night, it was already dark. They resolved to use lanterns at each of the posts. So the figure in the middle of the ring that was lit by the low light gave Kenan pause. Doco bumped into him. “C’mon, kid.” Kenan saw his uncle give a sickening grin and suddenly he wasn’t as thrilled to hold a staff as he was moments ago.


He encroached on his uncle and the person. They talked. The individual had long dark hair, locks fell in front of their face while the rest were put up. They were slender, bright blue eyes and alarmingly familiar. “Ma?!”

“Hi, honey!” Ava’s hands were behind her back. “Are you excited Kenny?”

“Mother you swore!”

Ava gasped. “Oh, I'm sorry. It just slips my mind sometimes.” Her smile was easy, warm. If it wasn’t for the mischievous gleam that peaked out behind her teeth he would’ve welcomed it.

“What’s happening? what are we doing?” Kenan asked.

“Start with your drills and listen.” Telekinetically Doco shot a bo staff in front of his nephew. Who, grabbed it quickly. Kenan slid into the first stance and the drill started without a preamble. The movements, pauses, and the slow strikes have been perfected. Doco waited for Kenan to transfer his energy into his second set, where he incorporated quicker speed and spins. “Sense you have seemed to master the tricks that I have taught you.” Kenan grinned at that. “You will still have to listen to me, but you will fight Ava.”

Kenan almost missed a pull with the staff, but before it could go spinning in the air he caught himself. “Are you sure?”

“Oh? You don’t think your momma can hold her own.” Ava’s hands slipped from her back and put them on her hips. The localization of memory snapped and the relation between mother and daughter was clearer than it had ever been.

There was a gush of air as Kenan snapped a twirl out of motion. He put the weapon in the dirt, upright. “No no.” He gestured to the staff. “Stick.” He pointed to his mother. “No stick.” Both of his relatives laughed.

“Well then. I don’t think we should dally. Start!” Doco said.

“Hey, wait. What do you mean…” Kenan wasn’t sure what hit him in the stomach. What further confused him was the air that left his lungs and the cold that shocked his nerves. “Wha…” Then he saw a gelatinized gyrating ball of water. It was too late, too close for him to dodge or maneuver. It was in the middle of his decision matrix that the half-frozen fall water swill soaked his head and hair.

Kenan hadn’t any other choice but to run in the hope that he would dodge the liquid projectiles. “Our mind communicates to our body how to move. You have learned how to take information and react.” Kenan tripped. That wasn’t right. A tendril of water snagged his foot and then flipped him upside down. Doco stepped right up to his nephew. “That drill was for a certain set of moves that eventually created a pattern. You saw it and took advantage. Here is the problem. I am not remotely restricted to that set of strikes and defenses. Add magic and the options become endless. My spells are hard to counter because it’s sightless. It would be too hard to learn on.”

Doco took a step back and made a grand gesture towards Ava. Who waved and had blobs of water revolving around her head.“Your mother is a water artist. You can see it, it's less lethal, and most importantly one of the most versatile magics out there. Even beats mine.”

Kenan tried to poke his uncle with the staff. Doco stepped back and in his place was a ball of magically contained water that hit home on Kenan’s abdomen.

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