《Number 7》Chapter Number 126 - Retry


"This is my chance."

"This situation is an opportunity."

"I can break free of the chains that have been placed on me."

"The world has changed, and so too can I."

"I won't allow this opportunity to go to waste."

A man who enveloped the very concept of indulgence stood in front of a large group, acting out a set of statements as if to mock the naivety contained within such words.

"Don't allow such foolish thoughts to enter your mind."

And with this statement, his tone shifted from one of mockery to one of condemnation.

"Nothing has changed."

And as he said these words, one particular girl felt her heart clench with sorrow as they were engraved deeply within her.

This girl - with silver hair that radiated as it dropped from her head - had eyes which were dead of any sort of hope.

With suffering in her expression, she stood there silently, clenching one hand to her heart as she fixed her gaze upon the mustached man who spoke with authority.

"The world is still in a state of chaos... the strong still stand on the top... and the slaves cannot... do not... will not hold any of that power."

The men in suits who surrounded the group all stood at attention, enforcing the rule which he had over this collection of whores.

There were numerous women present, all of whom had been employees at this "Hotel", yet the words which the man spoke denied these women any hope of improving their standing.

"This is not a new life."

And as he said these things, the women present understood it all too well.

"There will be no retries."

Just as this man had controlled them before - he would control them even in this decimated world of calamity.

"Your position has already been determined... and it will remain that way until the day you die."

'No retries... eh?'

Closing her eyes, the girl took in a deep breath.

With everything in her being, she suppressed the quivering that begged to overtake her, silencing it as she forced a smile upon her face.

'But what if I give up on living?'

She did not move.

'Will I be able to retry then?'

She did not take any action, nor did she say a single word.

'Or maybe... I'll finally be free of this cycle?'

But at that moment, a demon seemed to whisper into her mind.

And whether or not such a voice actually existed - even the girl did not know.

[Why don't you go ahead and find out?]


"The hierarchy remains in place... but I suppose we will have to make a few adjustments, given that the situation has become all the more chaotic."

Crossing his arms, the overweight man known as Gerard spoke in a gruff tone, thinning his eyes as he began to pace.

"To begin... we will adjust the rules concerning room restrictions. As you are all aware, first floor residents are not allowed to leave their rooms unless it is to perform a job or at the order of a second floor resident or higher. This rule will still apply under the circumstances, however I have another role that I would like all first floor residents to perform... therefore you will not be present in your rooms quite as often."

His mustache curling up as the man smiled, he spoke in a low tone as his words spread fear throughout many of the women present.


"All of you are going to go out on jobs to gather supplies. While I would like to return this hotel to its previous functions immediately... that won't do. The fact of the matter is that the majority of stores and places within this city have been overrun - which means that everything within them is free for the taking."

As she listened to the words of the man, Eclair came to a realization.

'Ah... he's going to have us fight those monsters... just to scavenge whatever scraps we can find.'

She had seen those creatures face to face.

As a matter of fact, she had even resigned herself to death.

But even so, the thought of being forced to fight one of those things worked away at her heart, spreading fear within her.

'Am I really going to have to fight?'

Gazing around her, the woman took in the fearful expressions of those present.

'Even if he made us do all of those things... none of us are fighters, right?'

Nervous faces surrounded her, and her eyes soon fell upon those who stood next to the one in charge.

'The only ones who have combat experience are the executives - and even among them, the only one who has any direct combat experience is Valerie.'

The men who surrounded the group remained perfectly still, awaiting orders like soldiers without shifting their expressions in the slightest.

'Isn't that the whole reason the bodyguards under Yakov exist? To protect the employees of the hotel?'

Stopping herself from laughing, Eclaire covered her mouth.

'Or at least... the profits that we make.'

It was at that thought that Eclaire's eyes widened in realization, and she almost let out a sound before holding herself back from doing so.


'I see now.'

'Because the paying clients of this world are gone... our services are useless to him.'

'The concept of money will likely disappear for a time, and only physical things like food and supplies will become worth anything.'

'And so... we're going to be thrown away.'

As the girl thought these things to herself, the man seemed to explain further.

"You all will form teams of five. One of the five will be selected as a Captain to lead their group. Each group will go out in order to find whatever supplies they can. Medical supplies, food, water, clothing, fuel, electrical and mechanical components, anything that you think might be useful to us here. We're going to make this place into our home... into our paradise. So don't leave anything untouched."

With these orders, the man glanced around him, his eyes falling upon many of the women who were wearing nothing more than basic nightgowns.

Out of the roughly 30 women who were present, around 20 of them wore clothes so plain that they could barely be distinguished from one another.

The rest of the women wore more standard outfits, and even a few wore more extravagant things like dresses or the sorts - though even among these women, time had worn away at even the most expensive of fabrics.

'In the old world, even a gang like this one had their limitations. They could do as they pleased, but if they made too much of a mess then even the politicians and bureaucrats would have a difficult time cleaning it up.'

"You, you, you... and you."

Pointing out four girls in particular, Eclaire found herself being pointed at as the man selected her.

'Which was why it was always easiest to focus on single targets.'


"You four will each lead a squad of five. I don't particularly care who goes with who. Pick your members as you wish. I'm sure you all are well aware... but running is not an option. Isn't that right, Yakov?"

Turning around, the man glanced to the stairs behind him, at which a man slowly ascended.

"My... to think that you've grown accustomed enough to the point where you can sense my presence... you certainly have grown, Sir."

"If I couldn't even sense a subordinate of mine waiting nearby, then I would be a failure as a boss, wouldn't I?"

The man chuckled as he said this, turning back once more to the women as his tone became deadly.

"Any runaways will be demoted to the basement level."

And with these words, a sensation of shock and terror spread through the crowd unlike anything else.

The women seemed to freeze in place at these very words, looking to one another as sweat seemed to bead down their foreheads.

"Of course... there is no punishment without reward. Any groups that are particularly successful in their endeavors will be promoted to the 2nd floor, at which you will no longer have to go out on these supply runs."

'So he intends on using both negative and positive reinforcement... those who are successful are rewarded, and those who fail are punished.'

"Ah, but rewards aren't merely enough to motivate you all. After all, you all might simply hole up without putting yourselves in any danger - wasting time and resources. Therefore if a group is unable to return with a sufficient haul at the end of the week, then every member of that group will be demoted as well."

'There it is.'

As if she was waiting for it, Eclaire stopped herself from chuckling at this added condition.

"I've already sent the clients to clear the entrances. Despite their... high upbringings, they all are likely capable of at least a basic level of combat. Am I correct, Yakov?"

"That is exactly right, Sir. They have all managed to take care of their respective entrances without great issue. While they are not exactly professionals, they are at least somewhat capable."

"I see. Well, we can't expect much from those types, so I guess this is as good as it'll get. Now then... Yakov, why don't you take the 2nd and 3rd floor residents somewhere else. I'll be taking your men with me to the basement."

"Oh... I see. Very well."

With a polite bow, the man motioned for the women to follow him, at which all of them who were not in plain gowns did exactly that.

Some of them carried themselves with pride, while others looked around with jealousy in their expressions, but not a single one of them seemed to be fearful - far unlike the rest of the women who remained.

"As for you all..."

Turning to look at the remaining women, the ones who had been labeled as 'First Floor Residents', the man known as Gerard Stirling spoke with disgust evident in his tone.

"Get to work."


"I can't believe I got stuck with this dimwit for a Captain..."

"I know right. Could he have picked anyone more incompetent?"

"Hey, aren't you the little miss perfect who tried to save everyone and ended up in this place?"

"Hahaha! I heard about that as well. The idiot who-"


Two of the girls in Eclaire's group seemed to be gossiping aloud, speaking with enough volume for the one they spoke of to hear them - however their mocking words were cut off by the very person they mocked.

"It's true that I came here because I wanted to help people."

As the group of five headed to the Northern entrance at the orders of Gerard, Eclaire found herself surrounded with people who didn't hold the slightest bit of respect for her.

"It's true that I was naive enough to get locked up in the debt of others."

However the haughty words of the two in particular were not enough to shake her.

"And it's true that I was used."

Stopping to look back at the four, two of which were looking at her with rotten expressions, the white haired woman seemed to smirk in a victorious manner as her eyes met with them.

"But even if that is the case, I'm the only one here who didn't rack up any debt myself. Isn't that right?"

And with a gorgeous smile, the woman fired off vile words.

"So why don't you shut your mouths."

Turning around with the nonchalant wave of her hand, the two women were left speechless, opening their mouths to respond yet cut off before they could even do so.

"Ah, but that's something you two aren't very used to. Especially because you always seem to have something in them."

"You bitch! Who the hell gave you permission to talk to us like that!?"

"That's right! You're nothing more than a loser who can't even mind her own business!"

"Then what does that make you?"

The two shouted out in retribution for the harsh words of the girl, however she responded without flinching.

"You two 'minded your own business.' You focused on yourselves, not caring about anyone or anything else. You spent your lives trying to get what you could, and were even willing to sacrifice those around you if it meant going higher. And where did that get you?"

Closing her eyes, the white haired woman turned to face forward, maintaining her mocking tone all the while.

"In the same spot as this idiot who went into debt just to save someone else."

With a bitter smirk plastered upon her face, the woman walked forward, leading the group.

"So if you're going to gossip about me... if you're going to talk shit about me... then say what you want. And maybe it's all true. But even if it is... that doesn't mean I'll allow myself to stop trying to change that."

As she said these words, Eclaire seemed to remember something - and her eyes suddenly lit up with motivation.

'That's right.'

'Isn't that the whole reason I'm here?'

Stepping forward through the facilities filled with bodies of the undead, she continued towards that Northern entrance, and the doors which were once mechanical quickly came into her sight.

'Giving up?'

'Was that what I was considering?'

'I can't afford to give up.'

Nodding her head as the bitterness left her smile, she looked forward with confidence.

'This is a chance.'

'This is an opportunity.'

'No matter what that man may have told us... even if we can't escape right now... there is still plenty that I can do... so long as I stay alive.'

'I can help myself... and then maybe... just maybe... I can go back to helping others.'

'And so long as I remain alive... I will always be able to retry.'

As she forced open that door, the woman stepped through without hesitation, not looking back as she entered the courtyard.

'So long as I remain alive, that is.'


"Hey! What the hell is going on here? I thought there was supposed to be someone waiting for us here."

One of the more noisy girls within Eclaire's group decided to voice her complaints as the four entered the courtyard to find it empty of any humans.

Of course, there were plenty of undead - though these were all lifeless bodies upon the ground, and it was clear that someone had been here previously, however said person was nowhere to be found.

"Did that person go off on their own!? I mean... there are a lot of bodies and all... but didn't Yakov say that he would have weapons for us to use? What are we supposed to do without any weapons!?"

Another one of the girls shouted this out as Eclaire walked forward, inspecting the undead on the ground.

'They've all been shot... bullets straight through the heads... and not just any bullets. The heads exploded as if the bullets contained a lot of power in them. The killer must have some sort of rifle, though I don't really know much about guns.'


It was as she bent down to inspect one of the zombies that a bullet whizzed right by the head of Eclaire, who froze up in tension as her gaze moved towards the pavement that the bullet had shot through.

And then, turning upwards, her eyes fell upon a man.

'He was up there?'

"You lot aren't very attentive to your surroundings, now are you?"

Standing up from on top of the entrance canopy, a man bit on a cigar as he cocked a large rifle within his arms, smoke emitting from both.

This man had a large orange beard, and he carried himself with confidence as he looked down upon the girls from on high - to which he jumped down to the ground with a roll.

"You walk outside and immediately focus on all the bodies around you, unable to see anything else - and you seem to forget that there might be an enemy behind you waiting for you to fall into their sights."

The man began to lecture as he slid the bolt, preparing another shot to be fired at any moment as he approached the women.

"Ah, but you all are nothing more than whores, no? Civilians who have no place in a war."

As he slung his rifle onto his back, the man opened up his coat as he threw out a number of small pistols - weapons which even untrained civilians would be able to carry - though whether they would be able to use them was another question altogether.

"But the entire world has become a warzone... therefore if you don't get yourselves into shape, and quickly... then you'll be consumed by the enemy."

"The enemy... and just who is that?"

Thinning her eyes with suspicion, Eclaire was the first to grab a pistol, keeping her eyes on the man as she watched him with distrust.

"A good question."

Waving for the five to follow him as he stepped forward, the man's tone became lower as he spoke.

"But I don't have an answer for you."

At that moment, the man gazed back at the girls - and as he did, Eclaire felt a strange amount of pressure emitting from the man - as if she was being pressed down by his sheer force of will.

"That's something you'll have to decide for yourself."


'There's something... something strange about this man.'

'I don't know what.'

'But I don't like him.'

'I don't trust him.'

'I don't want to work with him.'

'I should stay away from him.'

This was what Eclaire's intuition told her.

'He isn't as powerful in a fight as Yakov or Valerie... that much is certain. Though he's still a veteran of war, so his fighting ability is probably nothing to belittle... but that... that isn't...'

She could not quite describe it in words, however as she gazed upon the man, something told her that it was not his combat strength which made her feel this way.

'That isn't it.'

'There's something OFF about him.'

"Given that you five likely have little to no combat experience, I think we need to set some ground rules if we're going to work as a unit."

Without wasting a moment, the man scouted the area with his eyes before confirming that no undead were nearby, relaxing slightly as he turned to the women.

"At all times, you five will take the lead. I will take the rear. As for the reason... there are many."

Quickly taking command, the man listed off his reasons hastily to the group - not allowing any opportunity for objection.

"First, you all might have zero experience with guns, and I don't feel like getting shot in the back."

"Second, you all might have experience with guns, and I don't feel like getting shot in the back."

"Third, you all might have no experience guarding the rear - and I don't feel like getting shot in the back."

"And fourth..."

The man rattled off one item after another, however he paused for just a moment as he waved the final notion off.

"No, nevermind. There is no fourth."

Changing the topic, the man pressed his point onto the women.

"My point is, I don't want to get shot in the back. So you all will take the lead."

"Hey, how is that fair!? Just because you're some sort of... war veteran... or whatever... who gave you the right to do whatever you want!?"

"That's right! We have no intention of becoming your meat shields!!"

As the two girls shouted out in protest, they were met with the ferocious eyes of the man.

"If we were back in my country, you would have been sent to the gulag for those words. Women don't get a say in these sorts of things."

Taking a chauvinistic attitude, the man's demeanor immediately changed as soon as he received the complaints of the two.

"In case you're still living in your capitalist dreamland, this is a warzone. We could be attacked and killed at any moment."

With heavy words and an even heavier tone, the man spat out these words without reservation.

"You are now soldiers."

And as he said this word, the five present all knew immediately that everything had changed.

"And soldiers who don't listen to orders... die."

A number of gulping sounds could be heard as the man seemed to grin upon witnessing the five become so obedient merely upon his shift of demeanor.

"Whether by the hands of the enemy... or by the hands of the Commander."

Lifting up his weapon as he swung it around like a toy, the man's smile seemed to deepen as he opened his arms with grandeur.

"Make your decision quickly... because my trigger finger won't wait."


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