《Unkillable Will》Chapter 8 - Clearing View


I am, without a doubt, awake, painfully aware of my surroundings , yet I refuse to face the reality.

I’ve woken up moments ago, but I can’t bear to open my eyes. I know where I am, but by keeping my eyes close, I can imagine the place where I wish I could be. A room with no pain, paintings hang from the walls, and colors . A place where things made sense. Away from here.

If someone where watching me, they would not understand. If someone could read my every thought, they would clueless.

-What does he mean I wouldn’t understand?-

Being trapped here is unexplainable with words. A ominous feeling radiates from this place, constantly shredding my sanity like sandpaper. The pain not much, but the constant grinding I feel is like torture.

My imagination of the room with books doesn’t last too long. Instead its interrupted by a door opening. I hear a few steps closing by my left side, and a gentle touch on my forehead. I slowly open my eyes to meet the glance of the person by me. Not out of curiosity for who it was. But simply because there is no one else to share my desperation with.


[Nurse Karlin]

Today is the day to give him the news.

I walk down the blue corridor, after many days patients have gotten better, the hospital no longer as busy like it was the day it happened.

After talking to Dr.Park and other Senior Doctors in the facility, they came up with a solution. A weird one that was sent to administration. It was initially denied, but after more careful observation and rephrasing of words in the initial proposal. Hanniel is being let outside the hospital. Of course not alone, he will be accompanied by doctor park, a security member of the ward facility and I.

If it were up to me, I would have asked for at least 2 more security wards and an officer. But it is clear that no hospital would spend so much resources on someone who has just woken up from a coma that lasted nearly a decade. Its already bizarre enough to let a person like Hanniel outside the hospital, considering his unstable condition. It seems like the situation is different than what I thought it was. For administration and the other Senior Doctors to let this happen. I wonder what Doctor Park must’ve done for this to be allowed.

In front of me is the door to the room that Hanniel rests. I open it confidently, I know he won’t be able to run out like last time, I walk closer and sit down on the chair in the right side of the room. Hanniel’s neck, chest, arms, legs and feet are all tied tightly to the bed.

There is no reaction in Han. I reach for his forehead, hoping to get a movement out of him. Han’s eyes slowly open, his eyes deep black like an abyss, almost looking lifeless. Just meeting his gaze is enough to make my chest ache in pain.


“Hey Han, I am here to tell you good news. Dr.Park and I will be bringing you to a place we think you’ll like. The board has agreed to let you go there but only on the condition that you have to behave”, I softly tell him the news.

He seems excited so I continue to share with him the details,

“We’ll be bringing you to the local library which isn’t too far. It is scheduled for the day after tomorrow early in the morning”, his glaring eyes have revitalized, life touching his eyes once more. This touches my heart, I’ve finally been able to help this patient which we’ve been hopelessly trying to help. Even if its only relaying the news, it still warms my heart to see him lively again.



‘What do you mean we can’t let him leave?, even if we do not have the luxury to do that for every patient, if it’s a request of mine, it is for a reason.’- I rebutted at them.

I sat in a chair by the side of a long table, it was a large staff meeting which we’ve been doing a lot more recently, compare to before. The large accident which is still being investigated by the police really strained the resources of our hospital, but as the days keep going its finally starting to calm down, at least compared to how it was.

‘You all know more than anyone else in this faculty how much I’ve given up for this hospital. Not only on my own personal life, but in any life outside this hospital period. If I have ever done something it has been for a reason and you all are witnesses to all my actions. Senior Doctor John, Mark, Layla and Mia, why is it that I am being doubted now?’, I spoke out my mind to them.

“This small request of yours is not being denied, but we are simply questioning why its so important that this patient of yours…” The director flips a paper reading out the contents “…Called Hanniel needs so much attention. After his attempt of trying to run away yesterday, words are starting to spread around the hospital, and not only that, but is there a reason as to why you did not report the records of Hanniel to us?, we found his patient files, we know he was in a coma for 10 years”, She knows.

I could only keep rebutting what it is they think I am doing, “Had I reported those papers he would’ve have been sent to a mental hospital, as you can see in the records, he has no immediate family, was found in the back streets of the city, by his current appearance he must’ve been 14 at the time he was found, he must have an indefinite amounts of brain damage. There is no other place like here to treat such a person, and there is no one better than me in this hospital to help Han”.


“Doctor Park, I am not disagreeing with what it is that you are doing, but please be transparent. The reason for this questioning is to get you out from digging yourself deeper into a hole. helping this patient will most likely be a bigger problem for you, and if anything happens, it will be directly your responsibility as the Senior Neurologist of this institute, and I trust in your decision as the Director. Your denied request will be re-accessed, and I hope you wont waste resources on this project of yours”

‘Thank you, Director.” I said gratefully.

“now onto the next topic” After flipping a few papers the director quickly changed the focus.



Through the black tinted windows I could see, Its an early morning. Moving really quickly along the streets I can see people every now and then. Their colors so vastly different from that of the people in the hospital, It feels warm. The car passes by many different large buildings, none familiar to me, but it felt far different from the hospital, as we make a stop, I see through the window, a small shop in the corner, metal fences around the store with no gates, only there for decoration, fancy looking metal chairs and tables are neatly organized within the fences, but they lay empty except for one pair. I could see that the store within is mostly empty, resembling the outside of the store. Yet why did these pair choose to be outside?, drinking a black brown-ish liquid, and happily talking. I could feel a warm feeling coming from them, and the color they gave off was red lightish pink.

The light in front of us turned green and the car started moving through the streets once more, as we kept going, more and more people started to appear, streets slowly starting to get busy with people, some in suits, some in casual clothing, some small people in uniforms ready for school. The amount of people were too many, yet I wasn’t overwhelmed, instead, this feeling of being surrounded by so many felt nice, yet I could feel an unease around the people.

The car stopped at another red light, and from the window i could see a big panel attached to a building, a lady in a suit appeared, and the news started to play.

“It has been a week since the catastrophe on the subway last Tuesday night November 21st 2028. The numbers as of today have been confirmed with 96 casualties , 184 people critically injured, and 225 injured and 38 people still missing. Investigations about this catastrophic incident has begun with most rescue teams starting o slow down search, and hope for the few people trapped starting to look grim.” The light turned green and the car began moving away “So far initial investigations have focused on the rail system that is far too old and updated with the new systems that could be the main rea—-” The sounds coming from the screen dying in the distance.

We pass by a few more streets until the car makes its final stop.

From the car’s window I can make out letters, “Z.J. Loussac Library” I read to myself out loud. The door on the left side of the car is opened, a buff guy with white clothing leaves the car, Karlin fallows behind him, closing the door on her way out. I hear the back of the car opening, and someone taking something out.

“You’ll be fine Han, Karlin and I will take care of you, just remember that we are on your side and want to be with you to get better”, Dr.Park told me from the seat in front of me.

The door on my left that I was leaning on opened,I lost my balance, but Karlin grabbed me by the shoulder to stop my sudden fall. The man in blue clothing behind her, setting up that horrible thing again. Karlin grabs my hand and leads me towards the wheelchair, “I don’t need wheelchair,” I try to explain to them. The man in white clothing let his grip off and takes a step towards me, I hear the car’s front door close, “that’s fine, he can walk” said Dr.Park.

The man in white tries to protest, “But Senior Dr.Park, I was directed specifically to tie him to the wheelchair in case something happened”.

“Matthew, do you remember who you turned to when your sister was caught in the accident last Tuesday?, It was hard explaining why the section she was in needed an extra doctor.”

The man in white stayed quiet, Kerlin did too. Dr.Park moved in front of me, he grabbed my hand and let me out of the car. In front of me stood a large building, many windows in all sides, it radiated ice cold silence, yet me gut felt the warm charming whispers hidden. Dr.Park moved ahead, staying in front of me, showing me the way.

By the front door another figure stood, a man dressed in all dark colors, Dark Gray pants, A black long-sleeve turtle neck, black shoes, with black socks, his deep dark barely brown eyes show a deepness to him, and his black hair shows flow, moving in symphony with the air. Everything about him seemed so deep, yet when see beyond, great comfort showers me.

“So... the way this young man is staring at me, I am guessing this is Han?”

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