《Mortem Comedenti(Death Eater)》Chapter 21: An Innocent Demon(II)


Kenan walked over to the kid protecting his sister and offered a hand. It was received. As soon as their hands touched. Kenan sacrificed some of his mana and pumped it into the kids system. For a time, the bruises and the shattered ribs would be relieved of some pain. Yet the severity of his side made the aid negligible.

“Thank you…” The kid gasped in pain as he was lifted from the ground. “I’m Jorun. You?”

“Kenan. We should get going. Where do you live?” Kenan responded. He didn’t want to be around if someone came wondering. It wouldn’t be a good look for the demon-eyed. The two finally met eyes. There was a moment of silence.

“You're the new kid the adults are talking about. Aren’t you related to Doco? How did you get your eyes? Is it a family thing? Are you really a demon? Do you really carry a demon sword?” Jorun seemed to forget his pain, and manners, as he unleashed a torrent of questions.

“Umm, yes, don’t know, no, no, kind of.”

“Kind of? So it is a demon sword.”

“I think we should save the questions for later. We need to move.”

“Right, right.” Jorun hobbled over to his sister. There was a hushed conversation. “Kenan? Would you like, carry my sister? “

“Can she not walk?”

“No. Well yes. But not really. Most of the time she can. Except when she over-exerts herself. She has an affliction. I don’t really understand it.” Jorun said.

“Yeah.” Kenan walked over. Finally had he got a better look at her, by no means did he think she was ugly. Odd, sure. Most of her hair was black, similar to his own. However, streaks of white were randomly placed in her hair. A large red birthmark covered her left eye and reached towards her scalp. The colors of her irises were peculiar too. The left was bright yellow while the right was blue. “Hello." Kenan said.


“Hi.” She said, barely a whisper. Her body was incredibly thin and unnaturally pale.

“I’m Kenan, You?” He said while bringing her arm over his head.

“Geia.” She said. Kenan then picked her up in a princess carry. “Alright, let's go.”


Doco waited for the three to leave. He couldn’t help but to smile, nor could he ignore the warmth in his chest. He was so damn proud of the boy. The smile turned to frown for a second, wishing he could share this story with Tyris. [May he rest in the arms of Chauntea] He thought.

After he Lost sight of Kenan, he dropped to the ground. His gaze went upon the fallen enemies. Telekinetically he picked the five kids up, then started to make his way towards the jail house. Hopefully no more conflict will come to Kenan, but Doco was sure he could handle it if it came.


Kenan tried his best to run, or at least get a hurry on. It wasn’t that he couldn’t, but he was following Jorun, who moved at a snail's pace with his injuries. Eventually Kenan left Jorun behind, and relied on Geia’s direction.

By the time he got to his destination, he was already breathing hard. He figured he would drop Geia off and turn back for Jorun. The house he stopped at was simple. A straw roof, wooden walls. A porch extended to the side of the house. A forge and multiple blacksmith tools layed there. Kenan could hear the ting of metal as a man twisted and turned a large heated ingot.

“Is that your father?” Kenan asked, walking up the steps. Geia answered with a simple nod. He didn’t enter the blacksmith’s area, but stood just outside of it. “Sir.” He tried to say. The beating of metal drowned out his voice. “Sir!” The blacksmith seemed to be too zoned out. “SIR!” He tried a third time.


“What!?” The man stopped. Turned with an annoyed look. “I don’t want your blasted…” Then he saw Kenan’s eyes, and his daughter in the demon's arms. He stood quickly and ran over. “What happened boy!?” He said in a worried voice.

“Umm.” Kenan had to blink a few times. This person looked very similar to Tyris. “Someone was picking on Her and Jorun.”

“Got Dammit!” The man said. He had fire in his eyes. Kenan wasn’t sure if it was about the group of pricks, or how a monster was carrying his daughter. “Follow me.” He said. The blacksmith opened the door to the house. Inside, a woman was cooking.

“Hello dear!” Her eyes landed on her daughter. “Oh oh.” She switched jobs in an instant, and frantically searched for something in the cabinets. The man went straight through and into a bedroom, which was very obviously a girl’s.

“Set her down here.” Kenan obeyed. The man took out a match box and tried to light a candle. He messed up one match. Lit the second, but it fizzled out before it could light anything else ablaze. The man cursed. Then tried for a third. Kenan snapped his fingers, and at his thumb a flame started, then he gave the candle life. “Thanks.” The man said.

The women came in, with a large bottle and some wet towels. She laid the cloth on Geia’s forehead and started to administer the liquid. Kenan then decided he probably outstayed his welcome and silently left the room. The smell of meat made his stomach rumble, he looked at the food with envy. He shook his head and then headed out the door.

Jorun, heavily breathing and holding his side, met Kenan in the doorway. “Were you going?” He asked.

“I’m leaving.” Kenan said.


“Your parents probably don’t want me around you or Geia.”


“Because I’m. Uhh. A monster.”


“Look, I’m just going to leave.” Kenan said as he gently pushed Jorun aside. Before he could make it fully through the door a hand grabbed his shoulder. “Like I said before, your parents wouldn’t want me around.” He turned his head. Jorun hadn’t grabbed his shoulder but the blacksmith. “Oh sorry sir. I’ll make my leave.” Kenan once again set about taking his leave.

“Boy.” The man said. Then somewhat forcefully turned Kenan around. Their eyes met for a moment. Kenan flinched. [By the deep abyss he looks like dad.] The man looked at the endless black eyes, but didn’t move. “Thank you for getting our daughter home.”

“He did much more than that!” Jorun nearly yelled. Then he grabbed a fork and started to make swinging motions like a sword. “He was like that. And this. Ow.” He dropped the utensil and grabbed his side. “He taught them a lesson he did.”

The man looked at his son in fake anger. “He did, was this the same group? Five of them.”

“Yeah! It was so cool! He was like..”

“Save it. You will tell us the story over dinner. What is your name, boy?”


“And you will be joining us for a meal, Kenan?”

“I don’t think...” His stomach rumbled again.

“I’ll take that as a yes." The man said. Jorun fist pumped in the air. Then winced in pain.

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