《Mortem Comedenti(Death Eater)》Chapter 19: Training(IIII)


“87...88....89…” Kenan swung the heavy fake black blade over and over. Simple overhead strikes. The last week had been horrible, it was like walking the endless corridors of hell, and every room was just a little bit hotter.

Kenan accepted the bitterness and the harshness. Mostly because he could see the results. Now he could move regularly with twice his body weight, his ability to focus on multiple things at once had improved leaps and bounds. Along with his mana control. Swordsmanship was odd. With the fake blade, he was nothing more than a basic swordsman. Yet, when the true blade was in his hands, it was as if it moved for him. Now, that wasn’t it. He couldn’t possibly explain it.

Also, that flask Kenan drank out of the first day and everyday since wasn’t actually just shit trapped in a bottle. It turned out to be a godsend. The actual term for it was long and complicated, but to Kenan and Doco, it was a healing potion. The real thing would heal you right up as soon as you drank it, this took the time that you were sleeping to work it’s magic..

“98...99...100” Kenan stopped swinging, sheathed the fake blade. Then stood in front of Doco. Lately, he had supervised the kid less and less. Kenan did everything to a tee, no matter the command. To top that, he strived to be better. Back in the boot camp, a lifetime ago, there were two types of people. The first, the dregs, went through the motions, taking hits as they came. Second, people like Doco’s friend, who took everything and then more, doing their best even when the drill sergeant wasn’t looking. Kenan belonged to the second group.

“You are done for today. No magic training.” Doco said, standing up. “In fact, you are free for the next two days. Well, almost free. You are expected to go out, help or talk to the villagers. I am sick of people asking who is the demon eyed boy.” For some time Kenan’s eyes flickered from gray, to black, now they seemed to just stay dark. Even when he wasn’t in contact with the blade.. “That means you will need two things. The first.” It was a sash capable of holding a sword. “This is for traveling only, not for battle. Holding weapons on your back is foolish. For now, you will keep your actual blade there. Understood.” Kenan nodded. Doco gave him a belt that also has the same capability as the sash.. “You will put this on, and put the fake blade in it. I will not lie to you boy. As I haven’t done since you decided to walk this path. The villagers are already wary of you. Some brave, or stupid might want to harm you. Physically and Magically you have already passed the majority of them. I don’t want innocent blood on your hands. Got it.” Kenan nodded. “Tomorrow, I will show you around. If someone asks you to help. Help. The second day, you can make your rounds with-out me. That's when I suspect trouble.” Doco said while leaving.


“Uncle!” Kenan stopped Doco from leaving. [No time like the present. By the demon’s piss, I don’t want to ask. Either question!] Kenan thought.


“I-I. Can I as..” Kenan shook his head, reminding himself of Doco’s words. “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why did you lie, I have a natural affinity.”

Doco’s heart skipped a beat. [Cursed old age! I nearly forgot. How could he know? Who told him?] His mind went a million miles per minute. “Do you blame me?” Was the only answer he could think of.

“No. I have come to understand that not only am I a monster carrying this blade, but naturally too.”

Doco frowned. “Don’t say that.”

Kenan, on the other hand, smiled. “It comes with the job. Besides, if you don’t hate me, nor will Lucy. What more can I ask? I wanted to know why. I know it is something along the lines that you wanted to protect me, or you didn’t think I would be able to wield such power.”

“You are… correct. I just didn’t know what to do, then I forgot.” Doco was relieved.

“I have a follow up question.” Kenan picked up his actual blade. “Can I practice with this for a while?”

“Why? You don’t need to, you have the fake blade.”

“I-I.” [To lie or to tell the truth.] “I have been talking to the thing in the blade.”

Doco was relieved, then moved to worried and angry within a second. Silenced moments passed before Doco erupted. "WHAT?! HOW COULD YOU THINK THAT WAS EVEN OKAY!!.” Doco bellowed. Kenan Gulped. Then Doco reached for the blade, Kenan flinched and dodged the grab. Anger clearly in his eyes. Doco stopped playing games. He telekinetically ripped the blade from the kid's grasp, and then lifted Kenan upside down from the ground.. “Explain.” Doco’s word was so cold it burned.


Kenan was calm, expecting this. He knew it was better to get this out of the way now, rather than later. “Okay first off, It’s not a demon, but a dragon.”


For the next ten or so minutes, all the while Kenan was upside down, he had explained every experience with the beast known as Nattura. From the time they first met, to their nightly lessons, even the abyss part. He also explained where his power came from, how he got. Topping it off with the fact that he was the perfect wielder of the blade. Also, he explicitly reminded Doco that he was perfectly honest.

After he was done, Kenan then was dropped, head first. Doco was even more wary of his nephew. He had seen first hand what the blade could do to a person, yet he hadn’t seen any of those affect on his nephew.. Also, Kenan was prepared and came out with a perfectly rational case, something Doco couldn’t refute. Still, his anger seethed.

“Fine, you have thirty minutes. If I see something I don’t like, even for a second. I will not hesitate to send the sword half-way across the world. Got it.” Doco said, while a frown still settled in his face. Kenan had perfectly planned this conversation. The first part to make Doco feel guilty and soften the blow of the truth.

Kenan smiled brightly. He unsheathed the real black blade. According to Nattura, Magic could be cast through the blade, making its effect focused and more powerful. Kenan had many ideas. Since it was his own job to make spells.

Standing in front of a training dummy. Using mana he heated up the area around the blade and inside of it. Most of iit even except the point and edge, in which he poured as much mana as possible. The result was the blade turning a dull red, and the edge having a bright yellow. Then, Kenan swung at the fake, straw and clothes person. The blade met no resistance, cleaving it in half with a hissing noise. The blade cooled down, while the halves burst into flames.

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