《Number 7》Chapter Number 122 - Worthy


"But how would such a thing be possible? Even the Emperor, who ruled over his people with the noble houses at his side, was unable to completely eradicate all of the abuse and evil within the ranks of the peasantry."

In response to the grand proposal of the scientist, the bald soldier made this comment.

"That was because his power was political."

However, lifting a finger in response, Victor had an answer prepared.

"Political power is important. Without political power, nations cannot be ruled, people cannot be united, and order cannot be kept. However it is military power that backs political power. Why do the peasants listen when they are told to do something by a noble?"

Posing this question, the man looked to the four for an answer.

"That would be because the peasant would be punished if they didn't listen.", the brown haired woman replied.

"Exactly so.", Victor stated with a nod. "However, noblemen are not physically powerful themselves. If someone wished to assassinate a nobleman, all they would need to do is get close enough. If someone tried to fight a nobleman, the noble would likely flee with his tail in between his legs, calling for the guards to assist him. This is where the problem lies."

The bald man seemed to wrinkle his eyebrows, not understanding what the scientist was getting at.

"If those in charge had absolute power... absolute intelligence... absolute surveillance... and absolute ability to punish... then would the peasants not begin to pay more attention to their mannerisms?"

With this question from the scientist, the veteran widened his eyes as he placed his hand to his chin in deep thought.

"I am trying to create an evolved society in which even the peasants act with grace, elegance, and even intelligence. Of course... there will be those fools who remain at the level of pigs. They will merely bow down in obedience, never questioning the rule. Yet there will be certain excellent individuals... those peasants who have the qualities of nobles... who will rise above and beyond their status. These people are those who were destined to be elite... yet were chained down by society."

With a grin, the man spoke with a haughtiness, yet at the same time he spoke with magnitude in his motions.

"On the other hand, there may be nobles who are nothing more than mere pigs... who will fall from their places into the pigsty of powerlessness."

As the man said this, the four present all seemed to understand exactly what he was proposing.

"A society in which those who are truly elite will take what they deserve... and those who are nothing more than inheritors of power will lose it just as quickly... a society where nobles are not bound by blood, but born through merit and achievement... this is the society I wish to create."


"So? How are you going to do that?"

The red haired woman seemed to be twirling her hair about, not even making eye contact as she halfheartedly asked this question.

"That is where Reawakenings come in."

With the wave of his arm, the scientist put each person present into a state of panic as a nauseating sensation overcame each of them.


"What's going on!?"

"What is this!?!?"


The only one to keep her composure was the brown haired woman as every person within that room began to FLOAT.

Not only the people, but the objects present in the room, the furniture, everything slowly took flight as gravity seemed to have been shut off.


"Hey, was this something you did? Was this ship equipped with an artificial antigravity system? To think that something like this was being developed-"

"This is no technology."

The bald man spoke up as he tried to calm himself down, however the scientist stopped him from finishing his sentence, slowly floating upwards with his arms crossed as he kept perfect composure.

"This is an application of my Reawakening... it is just one of the many ways that I can use the ability that has chosen me."

"An... ability?"

The young man spoke these words in disbelief, unable to comprehend such a thing.

"You're telling me that this isn't something you invented... this isn't some gadget... but an ability? As in... a magical ability?"

"Oh goodness no."

Nodding his head as he looked at the young man, who was floating around in circles unable to keep any form of balance, Victor seemed to chuckle at the notion.

"There is no such thing as magic. Everything works according to a set of laws. However... I suppose this would be the closest thing in the world to magic."

Gazing upon his own hand with a grin, the scientist's honey-like eyes filled with a gleam of desire.

"Because it allows one to rule over the very laws of this world."

It was in that instant that every single person present came to a realization.

This man was not joking.

He was not a lunatic, nor was he a dreamer.

He was not speaking in hyperboles, for his words were no mere exaggeration.

This man wanted to rule the world.

Even if it was a ruined world, he would use that to his advantage, taking such a thing as an opportunity to change everything.

And suddenly, everything clicked.

The magnitude with which he carried himself, the manner in which he spoke, and the power which he controlled - these things had all come into play for this purpose.

"How does one gain such an ability?"

The quiet woman with short brown hair asked this, a curious side of her emerging as each person present was slowly returned to their seats, everything within that room once more taking its orderly position before the feeling of gravity once more implemented itself upon them.

"It is simple. If you wish for me to grant you an ability... then become a person that I consider worthy of one."


"What do you know about this disease? About what's happened to the world?"

The shock had not quite worn off, however there were many more questions that needed to be answered, and the one to ask first was the bald veteran.

"You see... this disease is something which was manufactured as a weapon by the enemy. I know this because as the Commander of the R&D Division, it was also our task to gain intelligence on enemy operations - especially those pertaining to the development of weapons."

Victor responded quickly with a simple answer that would not arouse suspicion, and while not technically untrue it was misleading at the very least.

"This disease was meant to be used as a weapon... however I have reason to believe that it was unleashed prematurely. Or rather... that it escaped its containment. As a result of this, the disease was spread throughout the world, not discriminating against even the people who manufactured it - thus destroying the entire world."

At these words, the bald veteran would have asked 'How do you know this', however upon looking into the golden eyes of the scientist, he already knew the answer he would receive.


'I have my ways.'

This was likely the only answer he would get.

"So you're saying that even if this was supposed to be some sort of attack, that it's gone wrong and the attackers won't come?"

The woman with scarlet hair pressed forward with a grin as she asked this, excitement evident in her eyes as a wicked smile seemed to curl up her lips.

"That is correct.", Victor answered.

"Heh... I see."

At that moment, the scientist stood up.

Turning around without facing the four, his maidservant followed him quickly as he headed towards the exit.

"Now that you all understand what is happening... I think it's about time we set sail. Don't you agree?"

With these words, the man took control.

He spoke as if he were making a suggestion, however each soldier present knew one thing.

"I'll take the helm.", the bald man offered, to which the scientist merely nodded.

He was in control.

'It looks like... we've become subordinates once again.'

Heading to pilot the ship, the bald man smiled bitterly as he headed off in the other direction from the scientist.

'Will this man be any better?'

Worry filled his mind, however combined with this worry - there was a glimmer of hope.

There was a hope that lay within the magnitude with which the man spoke.

'Will he lead us to greatness?'

However, hope is a poison.

A poison which slowly makes its way into the veins of a man, spreading itself without issue, producing not a single symptom.

'Will he be able to take this ruined world and make it into a better place?'

Until it is already too late.

'Will he be able to create a world where the corruption of the old world is no more?'

For it is the very concept of hope which breeds despair.

As there can be no hopelessness to one who never had any hope in the first place.

'Or will he drive us into the pits of hell itself?'


[The Day of Awakening]

[Location: The Hotel]

"Supplies... weapons... and most importantly... information. We will need all of these things if we are to rebuild this hotel."

Roughly 50 people were gathered.

Standing atop a balcony on the fourth floor of a massive venue filled with what was once all forms of entertainment and luxuries, was a man whose very appearance could only be described as disgustingly wealthy.

"Yakov. You will lead those who were once our clients and gather supplies. Food, water, clothing, and anything else that can be of use. Your men will focus on gathering weapons and ammunition. Of course, any undead that you see within these walls shall be eliminated. We must ensure that this hotel is purged of anything that could threaten it."

Holding forward a finger, the mustached man beckoned for the older gentleman to step forward, at which Yakov approached with grace in his steps.

"And I'm sure you are already aware, but there is no further need to treat them as clients. From this point on... they are to be treated as first floor inhabitants."

Whispering this into the ear of the older gentleman, Gerard was met with a polite smile.

"Of course, Sir. I will make sure they are put to use immediately."

"I can always count on you, can't I?"

With this compliment, the man known as Yakov slicked back his hair, turning around as he faced the crowd with authority.

"Follow me, ladies and gentlemen."

Motioning with his hand to the esteemed people present in the crowd - those wearing high class suits and dresses as if they were some form of nobles, each of the five turned to follow the man, bitterness evident in their expressions.

A total of three men and two women followed the man, whose suit had been bloodied by the battles he had previously fought - and despite their clear irritation at being ordered around, they followed him down the spiral staircase without question.

For the aura of this man alone was enough to silence their protests.

"I understand that you were here in order to relax... however it would seem that this entire situation has become quite complicated. Therefore I must ask you all to comply."

As he approached the stairs, the man stopped as the group followed him, all eyes facing him as his tone lowered for just a moment, his words sending chills down their spines.

"Playtime is over."


'Who do these people think they are?'

'Do they even understand who I am?'

'To think that they would force us to obey them... as soon as I get out of this place I'll have my lawyers on them.'

'And to think that they would even go as far as to use force... they slaughtered a man right before our very eyes! As if to say that they weren't afraid of the repercussions of such actions!'

'Hah... I suppose this low level of thinking is fit for a group of underworld thugs.'

'Arrested... I'll have them all arrested as soon as the military arrives.'

Dissent spread like wildfire.

To those who were once clients of the hotel, the rich and famous from all over the world, the treatment given to them by the proprietors of the hotel was nothing less than absolutely unacceptable.

'I am a client! A client! I've been paying them millions of Sin, and this is how they repay me? I certainly won't be attending this establishment again.'

'I suppose I'll have to find another supplier who will cater to my... tendencies.'

'Well... it won't be easy to find one, but I certainly won't be pressured by such a thing. These cretins will learn what it means to make an enemy of me.'

"A necrophile, a pedophile, a zoophile, a mutilator, and a sadist."

However, as the five people present had such arrogant thoughts, these words silenced even their minds for a moment - freezing them all stiff as they stood at the bottom of this stairway, surrounded by various restaurants, casinos, and other entertainment establishments.

"If my own intuition is correct, you all are indignant at the fact that we have taken control of people of your... standing. However you must never forget the very reason why you are associated with our business in the first place."

The older gentleman spoke with a serious tone, his own eyes thinning in disgust as he took control of the group with authority.

"Because you all are nothing more than irredeemable scum... whose personal fetishes must be hidden from the entire world."


Humiliation spread around the group like a wave as one particular middle aged man let out a cry, unable to even say a word in his defense as he seemed to scramble for words.

"How... how... how dare you accuse me of such... such... something as disgusting as... you... I would never!"

Despite his clear and evident denial, the man began to pant as he looked around him with worry - to witness the other four who were filled with absolute shock.

"You would never do what, Senator Baracus?"

"I would never lower myself as much as to fuck an animal!"

With this immediate response, the man flatly denied the claims against him, however at the moment he did so he could hear the chuckling of those around him.



"Hahaha... Senator Baracus... you are even more of a fool than I thought you were."

And these words from Yakov, met with a crisp smile, turned the Senator into the laughing stock of the entire group as the others couldn't hold back their laughter.

"Wha... why are you all laughing? I told you, didn't I? I would never be associated with such things-"

"Then why would you deny, of all the accusations I just made, specifically the fact that you have not had intercourse with any animals?"

Suddenly, the word's of the older gentleman hit hard into the heart of the one known as the Senator, who immediately recognized his mistake.

"I made five accusations... and every single person here is guilty of one of these accusations. Therefore, everyone should know deep within themselves that I am not merely bluffing, or exaggerating. However, I never once stated which of these five pertains to whom."

With a chuckle, the older gentleman closed his eyes, his laughter accompanied by the haughty glances of the upper class citizens before him.

"And yet... you have gone and admitted exactly which of these five vices pertains to you."

As Yakov opened his eyes, the man known as the Senator fell to his knees in shame as he came to this realization.

"So how could they not laugh?"

With these chilling words, the old man laid down judgment upon the man - who was immediately looked down upon by the rest.


"How truly filthy..."

"Animals, of all things..."

"Not even human..."

"I wonder what type of animal they were?"

"Yakov, will you let us in on that?"

The four around began to speculate among themselves, their words digging into the mind of the Senator, at which he shouted out in a plea for mercy.

"W-wait! Wait! Stop this! Stop this, Yakov! Don't-"

"I have the ability to inform them of such things. Not only these four, but every other person in this hotel... and if it comes to it... every other person in this world. That goes for all of you."

Turning to the group who were just now joking and laughing, their expressions once more became serious as Yakov threatened them once more.

"We carry all of your secrets... and we will not hesitate to reveal them."

And with a deadly smile, the man spoke such horrible threats which were worse than even those of death - to destroy one's reputation.

"Do not corner a rat... or it will not hesitate to bite."

Holding up a finger, Yakov stepped forward as he paced up and down the group.

"It is true that each and every one of you were clients... and high paying ones at that. HOWEVER, the fact that you were high paying clients is only a testimony to how filthy and socially unacceptable your habits are."

At these words, the grinding of teeth could be physically heard from the men and women present, however not a word was said to interrupt the man.

For a single word of rebellion could mean the revelation of their darkest secrets.

"Regardless of whether society still stands... regardless of whether you all still remain as influential figures... do not forget that we hold power over you."

And with these threats, the man took complete control over the group - as if the fear of death which he had previously instilled into them from before was not enough.

"And as of right now... in this situation where the world and society as we know it is likely destroyed... you all have been reduced to a state even lower than that of peasants."

Yet he did not stop.

He continued to demean them, using means on every front in order to corner these people.

"You are nothing more than fiends... whose influence that once allowed them to do exactly as they pleased no longer holds any worth."

From physical to psychological, this man did not yield for even a second, making his victory evident.

"Therefore... if you wish to survive in this world, you will work."

And with these words, he made these otherwise useless and haughty men and women who despised him into soldiers who would follow his every order.

"You will fight."

"You will DIE."

For there is nothing more terrifying in this world to the wicked... than for one's sins to be revealed.

"And if you do not produce results... you will be treated even worse than the slaves which you once paid us to provide for your disgusting satisfaction."


'This... this can't be happening.'

'What ever happened to privacy?'

'Everything... everything was supposed to be kept hidden.'

'There was a contract. A guarantee. We paid them immense sums so that our tendencies wouldn't be revealed, and yet they might be leaked just like that?'

'That... that... is just unfair, isn't it?'

'What did we pay you for?'

'Were we not your most treasured clients?'

'Were we not the very reason that your entire business could stay afloat!?'

'How fucking dare you threaten to expose us!?'

'I'll destroy them... as soon as things settle down.'

'But for now... I must survive.'

These were the thoughts that ran through the mind of Senator Baracus in those short moments.

"You are very likely wondering how we would dare to go against the very clients who paid us such grand sums... but I would like to remind you all of one thing."

Yet the words of Yakov seemed to bring this man, who had been humiliated beyond belief, back to the grim reality.

"This contract was mere business... and at the moment business is no longer profitable... the contract becomes void."

In an unceasing attack, the gentleman who worked for this mafia gang reminded these people of a cold truth in this business.

"After all, we are no legal entity... and the very reason you have come to us is because you all wished to avoid the law."

Folding his hands behind his back, the man turned around, facing his back to the five as he let out a chuckle.

"And now that money holds no further worth… not even your wealth will save you."

Yet even though his back was turned and his weapons were not drawn, not a single person there could find a single opening.

"You will become useful, or you will be thrown aside. That is all."

And with these words, the man commanded the group.

"Now, to those who wish to make something of themselves, follow me."

Forced to stand, the man who had knelt in shame found himself intimidated by the one before him.

"It's time that we do some scouting... but before that, we should obtain some weapons. After all, I may be heartless - but I am no demon."

The man stepped forward, heading towards a casino as he strutted without so much as glancing back, as if to say that he did not care whether the former clients followed him or not.



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