《Number 7》Chapter Number 120 - Missing in Action


"She... is gone."

It was just a whisper, yet this single statement seemed to resound throughout the entire warehouse, eyes widening as they were brought to the reality before them.

The door was shut, and the woman known as the Admiral had been thrown to the zombies - left for dead under the guise of 'scouting'.

It was exactly what every single person present in that room wanted, however as soon as they did such a thing, they could only watch that door, their hands trembling as they looked upon the barricade that they had placed to prevent the woman from trying to return.

They expected a pathetic display of banging on the door and begging for mercy, watching and waiting as they gulped - yet no such incident occurred.

Moment after moment passed, and at some point even the fighting and growling outside seemed to become silent.

"She is gone."

Repeating this with confidence, the Vice Admiral spoke as he stood forward, folding his hands behind his back as he began to pace.

"It would have been... beneficial if she could have done more for us. However I am certain that without question... she has thinned the numbers out there."

Nodding to himself as he made this assertion, the man spoke half to himself and half to the crowd around him.

"Now then... I suppose it's time we decided on how things will work from this point onwards."

Looking upwards, the man scanned the room as a serious expression overtook him.

"Our first order of business would be you."

And looking specifically at the man who had been infected, the Vice Admiral called upon the man who seemed to be overwhelmed with a sudden headache.


The man groaned slightly as he tried to keep focus, looking to the Vice Admiral who approached with haste.

"The fact that the Admiral was willing to kill you off so quickly was... heartless. However the fact of the matter is, you ARE feeling symptoms. Are you not?"

"N... no! I can... I can get through this!"

The man shouted this out, however he barely managed to utter these words as he gripped his forehead in agony, making them worthless.

"Can you truly?", James pressed. "Even if you are able to retain your sanity now... how much longer will you be able to do so?"

The problem did not disappear.

Even if one heartless leader had been removed, the man WAS infected - and the signs of his infection were becoming more and more clear.

And with the overarching woman gone from their midst, the issue of this infected man became the focus of every person present.

"I... I think he's dangerous.", one man commented.

"We should... we should..."

One woman seemed to speak up, however something was stopping her from getting the words out.

"We should cut him off."

Yet another woman finished the sentence.

"He will only pose a risk to us... if we keep him alive he might turn at any moment, and we won't be prepared for it."

"If we let something like that happen... he might spread it to us."

"What if his presence here is enough to spread it already?"

As more and more people tacked on their opinions to the issue, the man's expression was slowly filled with fear as he came to the realization that he was ALONE.

"Wait just a minute..."

"No. You don't get to talk, since you're the one who got infected."

"You're posing a risk to all of us just being here."


"We should be the ones to decide our own fate."

And with these words, the man was completely abandoned - his opinion degraded to nothing.

"You've already lost... but us... we still have our lives. We still have healthy, uninfected bodies."

"We can't allow that infection to spread any further."


At that moment, numerous of the men and women bore their rifles, all aimed at the man in question.

Taken aback, the man gripped his own weapon, unsure what to do as the two sides faced off with one another.


However the first bullet came not from one of the men in front - yet from the one behind.

None other than the Vice Admiral - James Herglas.

In an instant the man's head exploded as a bullet shot straight through him, the body dropping to the ground with the splatter of blood.

And then, silence overcame the group once more.

Not one, but two.

Not just the evil, but also the innocent.

Not just the infected, but also the healthy.

The soldiers present in that room hardened their expressions as it soon dawned upon them what had happened.

The killings which had occurred were ones in which they complied with.

Like soldiers following orders, they sat by doing nothing as a decision was made by those above them - and once the decision was made they fulfilled it to the last action.

"It was best for everyone. But now... it is time to discuss what will happen to this unit moving forward."

A cold expression overtaking the Vice Admiral, the man once more folded his hands as he motioned for the soldiers around him to line up.

"There shouldn’t be any question. I should be taking command... so will anyone who disagrees please come forward and state your name and date of birth?"

At these words, the men and women looked around at one another.

Most did not do anything, however after a few moments passed, a couple of people stood forth.

"Marlin Stervak. Born January 18th, 2010."

"Holly Strekfield. Born June 3rd, 2004."

"Peter Kachinosky. Born December 8th, 1995."

These three stood forward, looking to the man with a fierce dedication - for these three in particular were no mere subordinates, but soldiers who had a fire in their eyes, lit with the will to survive.

"I see."

With a nod, the man looked up to the three.

"So you three wish to be added as candidates for the leadership of this group?"

"That is correct, Sir.", the man known as Marlin responded.

"I believe that I can best lead us with the Admiral gone.", Holly stated.

"I feel that I would be able to apply my experience and expertise in such situations better than anyone else.", Peter said with a commanding tone.

All three of the people spoke with firmness, facing off against one another - yet despite their words they did not appear to consider one another as enemies - only that they were confident enough to put themselves forward as possible leaders.

The man known as James nodded, cracking his knuckle as he looked to the three.

"Ah... and does anyone have today's date? After all... you will also need a date of death when writing an obituary."

And with this question, every person present seemed to freeze.

"Nobody? What a shame... very well then."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Within an instant, three bullets had been fired - the man's hands working so fast that one could barely see them as he unsheathed his pistol, fired with perfection, and sheathed it once more.


"I suppose your deaths will have to be recorded as... missing in action."

Thus, a new Dictator took the throne.


"I'm sure everyone is happy that the woman is gone, but it's about time we get down to business. I think it would be safe to assume that no help is coming, and that we must survive without reinforcements. Therefore every life here is valuable - and I would prefer not to take any more if possible."

Without a moment of hesitation, James shot forth orders after having slaughtered all opposition.

Not a single person moved a muscle, unsure what to do in the face of such tyranny - yet it was something which they were all too accustomed to.

'Should we get rid of him?'

One person wondered this, however this particular man was met with a bullet to his brain almost the same moment he thought it.

"If possible.", the man repeated, gunsmoke rising from the barrel.

Clearing his throat, he continued as fear seemed to shoot through the crowd.

"You all know the drill very well. I need not remind you. However, unlike my predecessor... I am no tyrant. I will not hog the weapons to myself - nor will I destroy supplies for something as useless as limiting rewards to a select few. Therefore... I am proposing a mission."

Heading over as he stood before the lone remaining vehicle, the man looked over to it as he spoke to the men and women around him.

"This vehicle can fit five soldiers... one driver, three passengers, and one gunman. Of course, any passengers will be able to utilize their own weapons. Therefore I would like to take volunteers to head outside in order to clear the remaining undead before we gather further supplies from this harbor."

Turning around, the man smiled in a calculating manner.

"Is there anyone willing to do so?"

And with these words, indecision seemed to spread throughout the group.

Those who were previously so determined to take the spots in that vehicle were now horrified by such a position, having to sacrifice themselves in order that the others could roam freely without risk.

"Not a single person? How unpatriotic."

With the tip of his cap, the man's smile seemed to deepen as his eyes were hidden.

"Then what if I were to go by myself?"

Opening the door, the man jumped up onto the vehicle, gripping a pistol in one hand as he turned the ignition with the other.

Grabbing hold of the steering wheel, the man then reached his hand upwards as the people around him realized their mistake - for with the press of a button the garage door to the warehouse began to open.



"Let me in!!"

"I'll go!!!"

And in that instant, it became chaos.

People rushed forth, desperately begging for a spot, however with quick wits the man locked the doors of the vehicle - leaving only the spot on top with the minigun.

"Opportunities do not last long, and when you refuse them once... you may never see them again. Do you think that I would allow someone who did not jump at the first chance to get a second one?"

As he said these words, some people desperately tried to open the locked doors while others climbed on top of the vehicle.

Some threw the other people down as they fought fiercely for the spot on top, and the man merely chuckled to himself as he sat in his seat of power - completely isolated from the rest.

Bang! Bang!

And from afar, a man shot at the vehicle - directly at the head of the man with the glasses - yet the glass which he hid behind deflected the bullets with ease.

"Surely you didn't think that a military class vehicle would offer such insignificant protection to its driver, did you?"

The man spoke from an unreachable position, his defense flawless and his power unmatched as the soldiers realized that any rebellion was not only futile - but that it would put a target on their very backs.

"To the one who kills him... I will allow them inside."

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The man who had fired upon his supervisor was lit up with bullets from all directions the moment these words were spoken.

"I killed him!"

"No, it was me!"

"I fired the first shot!"

"But I fired the last!"

Before the man could even drop to the ground, standing there ridden with gunshots, those around him argued over which one among them had taken the kill.


It was absolute madness.

Betrayal, distrust, hatred, fear, suspicion, all of these things rotted away at the minds of the people within that warehouse - as if all human decency had disappeared.

Replaced by the selfishness of these people who called themselves human.


"If you're going to lie about who killed him, then I'll make it clear!"

A shot was fired, and another soldier fell at the hands of his comrade.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

And three more.

The infighting began, and the man with the glasses merely watched the scene unfold as someone took the spot on top of the vehicle - only after fighting tooth and nail to throw numerous others off.

"Anyone who comes near here will be lit up. Get away from the vehicle now!", the woman who had taken the seat shouted from her dominant position.

One after another, the soldiers fell - continuing to destroy each other until there were only a few remaining.

For even though they were once under the reign of a Dominatrix - perhaps it was exactly the fact that they had been dominated that stopped them from descending into BEASTS.

And when that woman was removed... all that was left was a hungry pack of animals.

Animals who had been starved and denied of every last desire, only to be presented with a banquet before them.

All control was lost.

And the result... was complete destruction.

"Come now, those of you who remain. There is no more reason to prove yourselves."

Left were three men and two women.

The first woman who sat atop the machine gun had red flowing hair which separated herself from the rest, and she wore a combat suit that made it clear she was accustomed to battle.

The second was a young man whose hair was styled up in a modern fashion, and within his eyes a glint of bloodlust seemed to overtake him - his trigger finger not yet satisfied.

The third was a woman whose eyes were sharp and cold, completely emotionless. Her hair was short and a deep shade of brown, and she seemed to glance around her with suspicion even of those who were left.

The fourth - a large bald man with large muscles yet a small presence, stoic and silent as he looked around him with disappointment.

Clearly a veteran, the numerous stitches that lined his face were a testimony to this.

And finally - the man sitting in the driver's seat.

The one who wore the cap of an admiral, a man who wore the calculating grin of a strategist as he looked upon those who had survived - as if culling them had been his goal all along.

"You have already shown me that you are capable of surviving."

"I suppose this is how filthy animals always end up, isn't it?"

However the scene was interrupted by a voice which resounded from just outside, and all eyes and weapons were turned to face that open entrance.

And stepping out into the open without so much as a care in the world - a scientist stood forward.

Every weapon was aimed towards the man, and eyes filled with suspicion seemed to line each of the five Navy soldiers who remained.

Yet even in the face of such glares backed by an entire arsenal, the man walked forward without concern.

He stood in the open, and following behind him were two maidens who wore the outfits of servants, weapons in their arms.

However this man in particular carried no weapon in hand.

"Doctor Victor Lichtenburg... what a surprise it is to see you here."

James spoke out with a light smile from within the vehicle, using the speaker to communicate to the outside.

"To what do I owe you the visit?"

Opening the door, the newly promoted Admiral stepped outside, now open to attack, however surrounded by men and women whose skill had been well proven.

Stepping forward, the man approached Victor with confidence, and eventually the two came face to face with one another, their respective soldiers behind them.

"Well, I was actually hoping to find the Admiral... however I was instead only able to find her body."

Reaching into his pocket, the soldiers behind James immediately cocked their weapons as they prepared to fire.

"Now, now, control yourselves, will you? Do you believe I am going to attack? What would I do in such a scenario? Clearly your firepower outnumbers mine, no matter what I may remove from this pocket."

At this statement, James merely thinned his eyes, focusing them deeply on the pocket of the man's lab coat.

And with a motion to continue, the scientist did so.

Removing his hand from his coat, he revealed something red and fleshy, wrapped in a plastic and beating with life.

"To be truthful, I've already obtained what I've come for. However, somehow... I feel that this is not enough."

Tossing the heart back behind him, the black haired maid caught it without missing a beat as the scientist pressed forward, to the point where he was mere inches from the other.

"Our divisions have been allied with one another for quite some time now, therefore it would be unwise to break off such an alliance, don't you agree? In these difficult times, I believe we could be of great use to one another - therefore should we not assist one another in any way we can?"

At the words of the scientist, James did not falter for a moment, yet he appeared to face off with the man as he considered his options.

A moment passed, and then he responded.

"It would indeed be unwise of me to make enemies where it is not necessary."

With this statement, the man seemed to back off, and the tension seemed to lift.


However, contrary to his words, the man immediately pressed a gun to the chest of the scientist, letting the bullet fly straight through.

Blood sprayed out, covering the scientist as the man turned around without a word, fearless as he was filled with the certainty that he would not be attacked.

"I am not a fool, Lichtenburg. I understand that you may be a cold, heartless experimenter - and that your relationships are purely those of business, HOWEVER I also understand that the human heart cannot ever completely eliminate emotion."

As he walked off, his back to the maids, they didn’t even bother to take aim even as their master had been shot in the chest.

"You worked with Yelena for many years, and if you hold any desire to revive that woman, then I cannot consider you as anything but a liability."

And with these words, the man stopped in place as he paused for a moment before uttering his next words.

"Why would I make an enemy when I can instead eliminate them?"

"Exactly my thoughts, Vice Admiral... or should I say Admiral?"

However the seemingly uninjured voice of the man he had just shot was enough to freeze the Admiral in his place.

Turning around slowly with shock filling his expression, he gazed upon Victor to see that even though a bullet had gone straight through his chest, he seemed to not be in the slightest amount of pain.

"You see... I will not hesitate to work with others. However if you pose a threat to me... then things change. And unfortunately for you... it would seem that you've made this very clear."

In that instant, James froze.

Something was wrong.

From within, a burning sensation seemed to erupt, and it spread throughout his veins within mere moments.

His throat became dry, and a stinging pain seemed to overtake every nerve inside his body.

He began to gag as he fell to his knees, throwing up a large amount of bile and blood, his eyes widening as they seemed to burst out of his head.

A migraine overcame him, and every organ within him seemed to cease its function as he gasped for air which would not come.

"Do not step out of your place."

And with this word from the scientist, the four soldiers who remained watched the entire scene in silence.

Stepping over to the man, the scientist looked down on him as he coughed and hacked, reaching out with a weak hand that grabbed the leg of the scientist.

"What... did you... do?"

"Science is a wonderful thing, isn't it? How I would love to say that this is one of my own prototypes... but this is not a creation of my own."

With this response, the grip of the man on Victor's leg became weaker as his body seemed to shrivel up.

"Admiral... I am officially releasing you from your duty."

And with this word from Victor, James Herglas died.

For the ONLY time.

“Ah... I don’t know today’s date. How unfortunate. I won’t be able to record it in the obituary.”

With a smirk, Victor gazed down upon the man, whose eyes no longer carried any life.

“Not that I was going to write one anyways. I suppose you’ll just have to be listed as... missing in action.”

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