《Red Mist》2-15 Training


"There is. But between squeezing all of the magic out of you, and working you to the bone, well this was a break."

"Which grove do you belong to?"

Elizardbeth shrugged.

"Purple. I'm first elevation there and struggling. Honestly seeing you here it's a bit of a mixed bag. You seem so competent already and it's only been how long?"

"Just a season but... I had a lot of help. I'm a bit envious of everyone who is about to pitch in and help with the planting this season, but it can't be helped, I guess."

The lizard surveyed the scene around the beavers lodging. Freya thought that it was a bit dated but well loved. The interior of course was all old worked wood.

"See! Just one season? That's..." she looked like she was trying on several words before she trailed off into nothing.

"Unusual. Tell me, Elizardbeth, I have many questions and I am certain that you have the time. If you would tell me how things really are, I would much appreciate it."

What was left unsaid was that Freya wanted to know as much of the social aspect of the circle as well as the tangible day to day flow of her time there.

"Oh well. For someone like you? I suppose it will be about the same. Every morning we had lessons at least for the first four months. Conduct of a druid, foundations and all that, and then... it veered into more one on one instruction where you're expected to do a bit more independent work. Then they'll put you on an assignment like this to test if you're willing to do what the circle needs."

Freya really wanted to take notes as her newest ally went over the different options for classes and how their training and the ranger candidates training sometimes ran together. The druid initiates also had a pecking order that Freya wasn't too fond of, and she would have to address her seniors by their titles and know them by heart shortly after arrival.



Sam was addressing the candidates about their order of March. The relatively tall otter stood out in the center of the lodge, on top of a stack of logs

"Tomorrow we're heading inland. I know that the blasted sun never sets in this warren so it'll be when the druids all wake after breakfast. We're going to load up several barrels on each of these two carts. Last time we had Ranger Sela pull the cart most of the way from our destination. This time we're going to use two as for the first time in a long time we have enough of a marching order to necessitate it."

One of the candidates raised a paw. Muk nearly groaned audibly when he realized that Sam hadn't asked for questions yet and this might end in some sort of mass punishment. Instead, Sam just continued on.

"Thank you for volunteering to move the first cart candidate Andrew," she said to the rabbit who had extended their arm. He meekly returned it. "Anyone else want to volunteer for the first two hours? There's fresh water in two days and then we're more than halfway to safety."

The group tensed as no one raised a paw to volunteer. Muk sighed, putting his paw up. Leadership started with showing those to the left and right of you that you didn't mind getting dirty.

"Thank you, ranger Muk," she said.

"Er, candidate Muk," he said sheepishly.

"You're a ranger now with the bond and your demonstrated potential. That goes for all of you. Senior rangers like myself and Sela will be testing you and teaching you on this journey. The warrens are the most dangerous place that your druid can take you and you need to be prepared. Several of you will make the cut within a month, and several will take nearly two seasons, but we'll get all of you trained. Our first training objective," she said, smiling, "Is to learn how to work with a practice staff. Every morning before we depart, and every evening after we leave you'll spar. Sela has the matchups here, and will go over the rules when we're done. If you do well, perhaps one of the druids make take a shine to you."


Sam held out a staff the same size as her.

"Druids are welcome to spar but that is not their purpose. You are their lifeline, as they are the protectors of all creatures. So make us proud."

Muk realized a bit too late that he was being clapped on the shoulder by Sela. He was handed a staff which he accepted, giving it a few test swings.

"First hit on the torso or head gets the match. We play to best of three, or if both parties agree, the best of five. No More than five," Sam said, "Hold still."

Sam deftly demonstrated what he meant, showing several options for the assembled crowd. Muk took some time to survey the candidates. They looked resolute, hungry and wired. The march had taken something out of them, and now sparring would take more.

"Ranger Muk," Sela said, bringing his focus, "not at full speed."

Muk knew that Sela was already strong before he'd received the ranger bond, and had a year to cultivate his fighting style with the enhancements. He didn't know whether to feel insulted or not, but he had seen the otter fight and in battle, he was savage.

"Begin," Sam said.

Muk brought his staff up into the classic defense pose, probing Selas weakness. Two thirds of his body was behind the staff and the rest pushed the advance. Several jabs with the staff saw Sela blocking it outwards.

Muk saw an opening and feinted a jab, waiting until the last second to pull it back. Sela initiated a counter block, only to miss and push himself off balance.

Muk, instead of going to the torso, jabbed the otters leg trying for a trip.

The rangers whooped as he did so.

Sela landed on his belly with the all the force of a wet musclebound otter. He smiled, rolled, got up and that was the first time Muk faltered.

"That's one way to take an enemy down," Sam said, "Let's see how this works for him."

The crowd laughed as Sela motioned for the bout to continue.

Losing to a superior enemy with a year of training beyond yours was never a sure thing. At least it wasn't until Sela deftly caught Muk with a quick blow to the neck.

Sela held back, but it was clear that he had the upper hand. Once he started panting, Muk knew he had lost. It took a bit to work him to that level so he was happy to have made it so far.

The gap between their skills made him realize how far he had to go, if he wanted to step up. Freya sending the feeling of warmth put his mind at ease.

"Well fought. Now, if you have never used a staff, please stand up and make your way to the practice line. Before we start on any other methods, we are going to go over the basics tonight. Again," Sam eyed a few curious druid initiates, "initiates are welcome to weave into our work, but not at the expense of their own training. "

The side eye that Sam gave closed the lips and beams of even the most fervent of the initiates.

Two lines of ranger candidates lined up facing each other under Selas firm touch while Sam went over the steps. Muk knew the steps of course, he was just a bit rusty and being slightly smaller than Sela was a disadvantage that he would need to exploit. Taller creatures tended to be slower, but bonded rangers were a different breed altogether.

Muk was put front and center with Delta and Sam as they went through the motions, the lines echoing the commands and not for the first time, Muk felt at home again.

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