《Gamer Reborn》Chapter 236


Ajax’s whole family was taking the day off to relax following the party as all of them had been mentally exhausted by the end of it. Ajax had been the least pressured seeing as all he had to do was basically greet people and socialize as any of the hard questions were taken by his grandmother who never left his side. Despite all of this he still hadn’t managed to get through the event without a challenge being issued but everybody had accepted that it simply wasn’t something feasible and having just one challenge was seen as a win.

As Ajax and Tom were making their way through the city Ajax was surprised at just how much livelier the city seemed at this time of the year. Everyone he looked he could see young men and women lining up at one stall or another to get their gear patched up or buy some potions.

“Were there always so many people here?” Ajax asked rhetorically.

“No, it’s because the tournaments are happening soon.” Tom answered him.

“The tournaments are in a month and half, that isn’t soon.” Ajax said.

“Maybe the big official ones are in a month and a half.” Tom said. “And for prestige those are the ones that matter. But for people like them the real tournaments start next week.”

“How is that?” Ajax asked.

“The official tournaments are more of a noble show to pass the time, very expensive to get in and watch and a way for young nobles to show their house’s power. A good showing there might affect a noble house but it won’t change things too much.” Tom explained “ For them the tournaments that start next week are the real opportunity. If they do well enough they might just have a noble house interested in recruiting them and that will mean that not only are they pretty much employed for life but that their family also don’t have to worry about all that much either.”

Ajax could see how that would work out and why these tournaments, despite not being at the same skill level as the ones hosted by the academy, were much more important to the populace.

“GRRR” Fluffy growled as he floored a man that was running past Tom placing both paws on his back. Much more interesting to Tom however was the coin pouch the man dropped that looked surprisingly like his own. A quick tap at him confirmed what he suspected, the pouch was indeed his.


“Oh, look at that Fluffy, what have you got there?” Tom asked in a childish tone that he was sure would annoy the thief.

“Get this… goddamn thing… off of me.” the thief heaved out from under the weight of Fluffy’s front paws.

“I will, but first how about you tell me where did you get such an interesting coin pouch?” Tom said with a bit of a malicious grin. “I could have sworn I had one just like it, had being the keyword there.”

“Guards help, I’m being robbed.” the man quickly shouted when he saw a patrol unit coming around the corner.

The guards were quick to respond to the shout but they also froze the moment they got a good look at what was happening and all of them broke out into a laugh, all but one who had a pitying look directed at the man.

“I’m not going to claim that you are lying but if you are I suggest you just admit the truth.” the man said.

“I’m not lying, the cat just pounced on me and he wants to take the pouch.” The man was quick to defend himself, Ajax also noticed that his statement was technically correct. Fluffy did just pounce on him and Tom did intend to get his pouch back, if nothing else the man was experienced enough to get past basic lie detection.

“Let the man dig his own grave.” one of the other guards said. “I heard they needed more people down at the mine since the curse business meant less people went there.”

“Down at the mine?” Ajax asked, confused, drawing the attention of the rest of the guards.

“Simple theft gets you two weeks of slave labor as a lumberjack for the capital.” Tom said. “Accusing a noble guard of a crime however always comes with an inquiry and lying on that means three years in the mines, at least. With the current shortage I wouldn’t be surprised to see him get four.”

The man on the ground paled as he heard noble guard, Ajax however focused on another part of the sentence. “Shouldn’t the punishment be commensurate with the crime, why does there being shortage matter?”

It wasn’t like Ajax actually cared about the thief but he was interested in how the system worked in case he ever needed to make use of it for his own ends.


“Three of four years is mostly discretionary, not to mention that an argument could be made that making a false accusation within a month of me becoming a noble is damaging to our reputation that could even push it up to five.” Tom explained. “As for the reason, it’s better for the city if thieves are sent to work rather than sent back out to steal again.”

Ajax could definitely see that line of thinking, after all it wasn’t like this was a little kid who had no other choice, from the looks of it the man seemed to even be a higher level than Tom, seeing as he got the pouch without him reacting in time, though not high enough to measure up to Fluffy.

“It was a lie, I’m the thief, I’ll take my two weeks.” The man was quick to backpedal once the stakes were laid out.

“We’ll take it from here, Tom.” one of the guards said as he picked the man up and tied his hands.

“So this your little brother Tom?” another one asked.

“Not so sure about that ‘little’ part.” another chimed in, it was a fair question seeing as Ajax was the tallest of them all.

All of them had a good quick laugh at that before they turned to Ajax in unison and bowed slightly. “Greetings to you Baron Hearthbound.”

Ajax noticed no mockery in their bows but he was glad for their joking attitude which got him to relax before they greeted him.

“Also Tom, I know it's your day off but you should see about going by to see the boss I hear he wants to talk to you.” one guard said as they took their leave prisoner in tow.

It was at that point that Tom and Ajax parted ways. Ajax continued his shopping as he made his way over to the carpenter who made his beehive, Ajax thought it was only fair to give the man a heads up about his upcoming business seeing as once the hives were public knowledge he might want to have a few in stock ready to sell, it was the least he could do for the man after he had agreed to take on the work back when he needed it done at a fair price.

As for Tom he quickly made his way to their barracks where he was quickly let up to the Commander's office.

“You wanted to see me sir?” Tom asked after he was asked to enter.

“It wasn’t that urgent that you had to come in on your day off.” the commander said as he looked at Tom and sighed. “You’re going to have to get used to being a noble, unlike commoners, people will always expect you to have things planned for at least a week unless something is urgent.”

“Yes sir.” Tom nodded.

“That aside, congratulations on getting through the party without sticking your food in your mouth, I have to say I didn’t expect it. Some of those bastards are crafty and always looking for a reason to level a challenge.”

“The people coming to me were more interested in asking about Fluffy’s… availability.” Tom said as he scratched his head in embarrassment. “Not to say there weren’t a few who tried to get a duel but they were all told to ‘get lost and let them talk business’ by the rest. In the end Ajax still ended up challenged.”

“Yes, I can see why that would happen.” the Commander said as he stroked his beard. “Anyway, your house's challenge is the reason I wanted to talk to you. I assume you will be the one representing?”

“I will, sir. Is that an issue?” Tom asked.

“No, just the opposite.” the man said as he stood up from behind the desk. “With it happening at the same time as the tournaments I wanted to ask if your house was open to having you fight while in your guard uniform. Might get us a few talented recruits”

“I am open to the idea but I will have to discuss this.” Tom answered.

“That is fine,now go enjoy your day off.” Tom knew a dismissal when he heard one so he headed on out.

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