《Severing Time & Space》The Three Celestial Sects, Part III


“Zhou Xie’e, it is quite the surprise to see you here. I did not expect the Zhou Clan’s most famous member to grace us with his presence,” Zhe Dāozhe said in greeting.

Zhou Xie’e smiled amicably. “What are you saying? Since our esteemed sect master couldn’t come, it’s only natural they send someone of high-standing in his place.” The young looking man turned to the pair standing behind Zhe Dāozhe and his smile widened. “And who are these two fine young cultivators?”

“They are my two finest disciples,” Zhe Dāozhe said with a small gesture. “The young man is my son, Zhe Fēnglì. The young woman is called Mei.”

“Mei, what a lovely name. If I am not mistaken, the word ‘mei’ means beautiful in the ancient tongue. I don’t suppose you would remove that veil so I might see whether that name is suiting?” asked Zhou Xie’e. Wu Meiying did not say a single word, causing the young man to shrug. “I suppose you’re not much of a talker.”

Zhe Dāozhe smiled. “Mei never speaks. I hope you don’t take it personally.”

Zhou Xie’e waved his hand. “Not at all. Some people are just not the social type.”

Thanks to how their voices were projecting, Wu Jian could hear everything being said. He was now certain the veiled woman was Wu Meiying. She had probably gone by the name Mei so it would be easier for him to recognize. Wu Jian didn’t know what to do with this information, but he kept listening into the conversation, hoping that he could glean more. He was especially curious to know about Zhou Xie’e.

When he had first met Zhou Xie’e, the young man had not been that much stronger than him, but now he couldn’t sense his cultivation at all. Wu Jian didn’t think this man was just a Deva Realm cultivator either. No. The way Zhe Dāozhe acted so respectfully toward him was evidence of that. The Sect Master of the strongest sect in the entire continent would not pay respect to someone he did not recognize as his equal, which meant Zhou Xie’e’s cultivation had to be at least somewhere in the Realization Realm. It was like he had received a huge leap in power within just a little under a year.

What happened to him since we last met? How could he have gotten so strong so quickly?

Wu Jian didn’t know. A part of him was afraid to find out.

“So that’s Zhou Xie’e, huh?” said someone next to him. Wu Jian’s ears perked up.

“Guess so. I’ve heard about him, but I’ve never seen what he looks like. Damn. He’s one of those pretty boys.”

“Some people have all the luck.”

Wu Jian turned to look at the young men who had spoken. He didn’t know what nation they were from, but they wore green hanfu.

“Excuse me, but I couldn’t help overhear your conversation. What do you know about Zhou Xie’e?”

They looked at him and blinked several times like they were surprised that someone had overheard them. Uh, did they not realize how loud they had been? And he was standing right next to them. There’s no way he would have missed this conversation.


The one on the left shrugged. “I’m surprised you don’t know about him. Zhou Xie’e is the foremost cultivation expert in the Zhou Clan. Rumor has it he’s only second in power to the Zhou Clan’s mysterious head.”

“What’s his cultivation?” asked Wu Jian.

“No one knows.” The one on the right shrugged. “But he’s gotta be at the peak of the Realization Realm, right? No one up there would treat him with any respect if he wasn’t at least close to their level.”

So they also think he’s at the Realization Realm… but I still don’t know how that’s possible. It hasn’t even been a year since we traveled through the White Tiger Sect Ruins… and those ruins did not let anyone above the Human Limit Realm enter. It would also kick out people who were above that realm, so how did he get so strong in so short a time? Something is not right here.

“That girl is looking at you,” Mei Xilan said.


Wu Jian stopped thinking and turned to look at Mei Xilan. He didn’t understand what she meant at first, but then she directed his attention to Huǒ Yulie, whose eyes were locked onto him. He blinked several times as their eyes met. A moment passed like that, but then, as if she had just realized she’d been caught staring, the young woman turned away. Her ears were burning bright red.


“Are you clicking your tongue?”


“Never thought I’d see the day when Mei Xilan was pouting.”


Wu Jian raised an eyebrow at the woman. Her face still remained expressionless, but she seemed to be expressing a lot more emotion now than before. Was it because she did not like Huǒ Yulie? Those thoughts and more were soon dismissed when Huǒ Huangdi clapped his hands together.

“Since everyone is now here, I suppose it is time we began this tournament.” Huǒ Huangdi turned toward the arena and walked forward, until he was standing near the edge of the balcony and spread his arms wide. “Welcome, all of you, to the International Power Ranking Tournament! Young cultivators from across the continent have gathered here today to showcase their skills for us! I hope you all enjoy the battles that will be put on display!”

His words were met with cheers from the audience. Huǒ Huangdi waited a few seconds before gesturing for silence.

“But this tournament is held not just for the purpose of enertertainment! Our world is fraught with calamity! Powerful magical beasts roam the lands, natural disasters damage our people’s livelihoods, and dark cultivators willing to sacrifice anyone for the sake of their goals sneak about in the shadows of society! It is the job of nations and sects to protect the people from these threats! This tournament is a gathering of young talent! Yes, they are putting their skills on display to entertain you, but more than that, they are here to prove their worth to the sects who protect you. One of these individuals may join on of the Three Celestial Sects. They may even go on to become its most esteemed disciple! This tournament is to determine which among them has the right to join such powerful sects.”


Wu Jian nodded as he listened. He had learned all of this from his lessons with Wu Taohua, but it was good to know the knowledge held true.

Cultivators might not care for the lives of individuals, but even if they stood alone atop the highest peaks, the people below were still what lifted them up. Even the most powerful cultivator could not go without food and drink. It was the regular humans who ensured a cultivator’s livelihood by raising livestock and growing crops. In return, the cultivators protected these people, ensuring they all had a mutually beneficial relationship.

However, this was the first time Wu Jian heard of a dark cultivator. He could more or less guess what they were, but he would like some more information about them if possible.

“This tournament will have two parts,” Huǒ Huangdi continued. “The first is a team test, to showcase the talent of a nation. You will fight alongside your fellow cultivators in an elimination tournament. Team competitions will last until all parties are defeated or surrender. There are a few ways to defeat your opponents. You may knock them out of the ring or knock them unconscious. Our elder, Huǒ Yan, will be overseeing this tournament and may decide a team or individual is unable to continue. Killing is not allowed. If Huǒ Yan catches you even attempting it, you and your entire team will be disqualified. Keep that in mind as you battle.”

A team tournament, huh…?

Wu Jian had fought in many tournaments, but he had never fought in a team tournament. He glanced at all the people around him and Mei Xilan. Everyone else had five people, meaning they were at a disadvantage. That knowledge made him smile.

“You seem pleased,” Mei Xilan noted.

“I was just thinking about how fun this tournament is going to be,” Wu Jian said with a grin.

Mei Xilan cocked her head to the side.

An older man with a head of white hair, numerous wrinkles around his eyes and mouth, and a long mustache appeared on the arena floor in a burst of flames. A sound not unlike the cries of a bird echoed around them as he did. He was dressed in the typical red and gold hanfu of the Xia Dynasty’s Phoenix Clan. While he did not seem strong at a glance, Wu Jian knew better than to underestimate him. Not only could he not sense this man’s cultivation, but there was something about him that made the hairs on his neck prickle.

“My name is Huǒ Yan, and I will be overseeing this tournament. I expect you all to follow the rules or suffer the consequences.”

His words made a few of the people present gulp, but most of them appeared dismissive. Of course, everyone here was an elite member of their nation, the best and brightest talents, who had numerous cultivation resources spent raising their strength. It was natural they would be so arrogant.

Huǒ Yan clapped his hands together. It was just for show. The ring on his finger glowed brightly before a table and a jar appeared before him. He gestured toward the jar.

“One person from each team shall come up and grab a slip from the jar. That slip will tell you which teams will fight first. Who shall come up first?”

“I will,” said an arrogant voice.

Wu Jian turned his head as Xiao Shui emerged from the crowd. Beside him, Mei Xilan clenched her hands tight enough to make them shake. The arrogant young man strutted over the table, stuck his hand in the jar, and pulled out a slip. He grinned and held it up for everyone to see.

“Looks like I’m number one. I feel sorry for whoever grabs the number two slip because I won’t go easy on you.”

While some of the cultivators present bristled, a few looked worried. It seemed Xiao Shui’s reputation proceeded him. The young man walked back into the crowd, though not before sneering at him and Mei Xilan.

“You okay?” he asked Mei Xilan.

“Un.” Mei Xiland nodded. “I am fine.”

She clearly wasn’t, but now wasn’t the time to say anything.

“Guess I’ll go next,” said Da Feiyu. He slipped his hand inside the jar, pulled out a slip, and displayed it. The number 5 was boldly imprinted on the surface.

One by one people from the other teams went. Wu Jian did his best to memorize everyone’s outfits so he would know who belonged to which nation. Certain nations specialized in certain cultivation methods. The Southern Tang Dynasty, for example, specialized in water and illusions. They were the best at using water-related techniques to cast powerful illusions over their enemies. Meanwhile, the Qing Province was an ecclectic bunch that had no specialization.

Is that… Yue?

Wu Jian blinked when he saw a familiar face walk out of the crowd. She was lean young woman with an athletic build. Her sleeveless gi laid bare her toned arms, which rippled as she swung them back and forth. Her chest had grown larger. The training gi had a large gap that ran through the center and displayed her ample cleavage. The pink pigment of several scars stood out starkly against her tan skin. Light blonde hair tied into a ponytail made her seem youthful, while chilling green eyes surveyed the world with cold indifference.

Yue went up and grabbed a slip, displayed it for all to see, and walked back to her group. It seemed she was no longer part of the Crimson Sands. She seemed healthier and happier than the last time he saw her too.

At last, it was just the Shang Kingdom who had yet to grab a slip. Wu Jian could feel the arrogant sneers as people watched him walk up to the table. It reminded him of when he was younger. He had been so weak back then that stares like this always made him fearful, but not anymore. All he wanted to do right now was show these people that they were underestimating the wrong person.

He reached into the jar and grabbed the only remaining slip, which he held up for all to see.

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