《Book Of The Dead》B3C29 - Advance or Die


He’d done everything he could think of, but Tyron was still unbelievably anxious. What if it went wrong? What if his Advancement options were terrible?

For the millionth time, he cursed his lack of a proper Class guide. Without any clue of what was even possible for a Necromancer to grow into, he was totally fumbling in the dark.

His nerve wavered, but he firmed it again as he stared down at the blank piece of paper.

You did everything you could. Raising more minions isn’t going to help, you’ve learned everything that you can at this point.

It wasn’t completely true, and he knew it. He could spend years chasing down every idea he had, seeing which ones bore fruit and which didn’t, modifying, tinkering, squeezing every last drop from his Spells and Skills. It was easy to become ninety percent proficient at a Spell, but the last fraction took twice as much time and energy as the previous ninety.

More and more, he’d begun to feel time was against him. As more minions accumulated in the sewers around his shop, more and more Death Magick was creeping into the air. He did his best to suppress it, going so far as to install enchantments that both concealed his minions and converted any ambient Death energy to unaligned neutral power.

But all it took was one slip, and he would be exposed. He needed to get his minions out of the city and get to fighting with them. That meant completing his advancement.

He’d already delayed it once. When talking to Dove, he’d said he’d do it the next day. In reality, that had been three weeks ago. Discovering how to compress bone had been a major breakthrough, and he’d experimented extensively, even managed to create decent swords and shields, though he wasn’t prepared to arm his minions with them yet. Then he’d delayed a little longer, so he could process the next batch of twenty bodies and raise them. Just in case.

So now he had sixty skeletons stashed in the sewers, increasing his risk even further.

“Stop stalling, Tyron,” he muttered to himself. “Just do it.”

With a shaking hand, he withdrew the dagger from his belt and pressed his thumb into the tip. The cut was much deeper than required and he winced as the blood flowed freely. Still, he pressed the digit to the page and enacted the ritual.

Immediately, the blood began to creep across the paper, forming letters, words and sentences until it came to a stop, the ritual complete.

Not daring yet to read, he snatched up a clean bandage and pressed it to his thumb, wrapping it tight to prevent further blood loss. Then, with no excuses left, he sighed and looked down at the page, trembling with nerves.

There were several lines about improvements to his Enchanting, but he glossed over them quickly to focus on what he cared about.

Your understanding of the methods needed to assess remains has advanced. Corpse Appraisal has reached level 20.

Your understanding of the methods needed to prepare remains has advanced. Corpse Preparation has reached level 20.

You have discerned a method to forge bone like steel and mould it to your needs. Bone Forging has been learned. Bone Weapon Sculpting (Bow) and Bone Mending have been subsumed.

Your understanding of Death Magick has deepened. Advanced Death Magick has reached level 20.

Your capacity to modify existing minions has improved. Minion Modification has reached level 7.

Your ability to insert Death aligned energy through touch has improved. Death Infusion has reached level 4.


Your skill at weaving magickal sinew has increased. Bone Animus has reached level 20.

Your understanding of the ritual has grown stronger. Raise Dead has reached level 30.

Your comprehension of the spell has grown stronger. Anoint Undead has reached level 3.

You have raised minions and improved your craft. Undead Weaver has reached level 40. You have received +2 Strength, +4 Constitution, +6 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Willpower, +2 Manipulation and +4 Poise.

The world slowly tumbles toward chaos and your patrons delight. The Abyss hungers. Forbidden One has reached Level 25. You have received +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Willpower, +1 Manipulation, and +1 Poise.

Name: Tyron Steelarm.

Age: 23

Race: Human (Level 20)


Undead Weaver (Level 40)


Forbidden One (Level 25) Focused Enchanter (Level 40) None

Racial Feats:

Level 5: Steady Hand.

Level 10: Night Owl.

Feat Selections Available: 2




















General Skills:

Arithmetic (Level 5)(Max)

Handwriting (Level 5)(Max)

Concentration (Level 5)(Max)

Cooking (Level 4)

Sling (Level 3)

Swordsmanship (Level 2)

Sneak (Level 3)

Butchery (Level 5)(Max)

Engraving (Level 5)(Max)

Skill Selections Available: 5

Necromancer Skills:

Corpse Appraisal (Level 20)(Max)

Corpse Preparation (Level 20)(Max)

Advanced Death Magick (Level 20)(Max)

Enhanced Minion Commander (Level 6)

Undead Control (Level 4)

Minion Modification (Level 7)

Bone-Soul Melding (Level 10)(Max)

Death Infusion (Level 4)

Bone Forging (Level 10)(Max)

Anathema Skills:

Abyss Tongue (Level 4)

Spell Concealment (Level 10)(Max)

Arcanist Skills:

Expert Magick Scripting (Level 30)(Max)

Channelling (Level 10)(Max)

Pliance Control (Level 10)(Max)

Expanded Sigil Formation (Level 15)

Core Linking (Level 10)(Max)

Advanced Fine Motor Control (Level 15)

Expert Network Formation (Level 25)

Advanced Conduit Magick (Level 20)(Max)

Advanced Core Sense (Level 15)

Expert Power Control (Level 26)

General Spells:

Globe of Light (Level 5)(Max)

Sleep (Level 5)(Max)

Magick Bolt (Level 5)(Max)

Magick Eye (Level 5)(Max)

Necromancer Spells:

Raise Dead (Level 30)(Max)

Bone Animus (Level 20)(Max)

Commune with Spirits (Level 6)

Shivering Curse (Level 6)

Death Blades (Level 7)

Empowered Bone Armour (Level 5)

Minion Sight (Level 6)

Spirit Binding (Level 10)(Max)

Death’s Grasp (Level 5)

Anoint Dead (Level 3)

Anathema Spells:

Pierce the Veil (Level 5)

Appeal to the Court (Level 4)

Dark Communion (Level 1)

Advanced Suppress Mind (Level 17)

Repository (Level 6)

Fear (Level 3)

Glamour (Level 10)(Max)

Invasive Persuasion (Level 10)(Max)

Crone’s Shade (Level 5)

Bewitch (Level 10)(Max)

Necromancer Feats:

Skeleton Focus II

Magick Battery II

Bone Mastery

Spirit Mastery

Undead Specialist

Anathema Feats:


Wall of Thought II

Drain Life

Arcanist Feats

Magick Thread Control II

Compact Sigils II

Conduit Seal II

Core Networking II


Spell Shaping (Advanced): INT +20 WIS +20

Words of Power (Advanced): WIS +20 CHA +20

Undead Weaver has reached level 40. Choose an Additional Feat:

Zombie Focus I - Improve the quality of Raised Zombies.

Skeleton Focus III - Improve the quality of Raised Skeletons.

Spirit Focus I - Improve the quality of Raised Spirits.

Flesh Mastery - Increased skill with flesh based undead and abilities.

Minion Controller - Improve the capacity to direct undead.

Intelligent Dead - Improve the minds of undead minions.

Boon Giver - Spells and abilities that empower the dead are strengthened.

Undead Weaver has reached Level 40. Choose one additional Skill or Spell:


Ghoul Flesh - Instil Death Magick into the flesh of the deceased

Bone Compression - Harden and compress bone.

Bone Weapon Sculpting (Sword) - Create swords from Bone

Bone Fusion - Meld bones together.


Crepify - An infusion of power to Undead Flesh, rapidly healing damage and strengthening it for a duration.


Undead Leader - Bind undead to one of their own to empower it and increase its intelligence.

Command Spirit - Replaces Commune with Spirits and raises the maximum level to 20.

Death Fist - Replaces Death’s Grasp and raises the maximum level to 20.

Mark for Death - Curse a target. Your minions will hunt it and be stronger when fighting the victim.

Purify Bones - Purge the bones of impurities as preparation for the Raise Dead ritual.

Black Miasma - Create a cloud of Death saturated energy that empowers and heals undead while hindering the living.

Forbidden One has reached level 25. Choose an additional Feat:

Dark Favour - Curry favour and strengthen your connection to the Dark Ones.

Abyssal Favour - Curry favour and strengthen your connection to the Abyss.

Scarlet Favour - Curry favour and strengthen your connection to the Scarlet Court.

Ruler in Shade - Your false faces are harder to overcome or pierce.

Corrupting Presence - Encourage Death Magick growth in all around you, even the living.

Bewitching Gaze - Those who look into your eyes are more susceptible to magickal influence.

Black Soul - Tune your spirit to the void.

Dead Flesh - Adapt your body to contain death aligned energy.

Stormwise - Empower all of your abilities when the sun is hidden by cloud.

Still Blood - Your blood will cease to flow, and change.

Tyron slumped forward, relief filling him. He’d done it. He’d actually done it! Even more than he’d hoped, he’d been able to max out far more abilities than expected. The odds of him getting the Advancement he wanted had vastly increased.

A part of him wanted to rush through his ability selections, just so he could pick his Advancement that little bit faster, but he held himself back and went through the notifications carefully.

Almost immediately, a smile tugged at his lips. He’d been right, there was a unified bone manipulation skill, and he’d gotten it! This was a great achievement, though it wasn’t without its shortcomings. He’d be able to make swords now, sure, but he wouldn’t have the knowledge and instincts that selecting the Bone Weapon Sculpting (Sword) would have gotten him. He’d need to work out how to make the best swords, shields, spears and whatever else he wanted on his own.

Even Raise Dead had reached level thirty. A warm sense of pride filled him as he gazed down on the notifications. His father and mother had always emphasised mastering the basic elements of a Class, and here he was being faithful to their advice.

He felt a pang in his chest, but pushed it aside.

He needed to choose his final Feat from his current Class, and the choice was difficult. Anything to do with flesh based undead was out, obviously, as was Boon Giver, since he didn’t focus on powering up his minions after they were created, but that left several things he was interested in. Skeleton Focus III was still appealing to him, as skeletons would form the bedrock of any undead army he hoped to build. Intelligent Undead and Minion Controller were also tempting, but his lack of information held him back. He’d get better at controlling more minions, but by how much? Similarly, how much smarter would his minions get? How useful would that be? Did he even need either when he could create Revenants and have them direct his other undead?

After some hesitation, he selected the next rank in Skeleton Focus. It was disappointing not to reach the fourth, and presumably highest level in this Feat chain, but this was the widest applicable boost he could get for his minions right now.

Then he needed to select a new Spell or Skill. His last for the Undead Weaver Class. The two new options were obviously powerful. Bone Fusion would have been incredibly tempting if not for his breakthrough, as he suspected he knew what it would allow him to do. Creating bone constructs, much as he had with Dove, but with real bones, would be possible with that Skill. With Bone Forging, he should be able to achieve the same end result, though with far more trial and error.

Black Miasma, the other level forty selection, was interesting. It allowed him to empower and heal his undead as a fight was going? That was certainly a powerful effect, though it likely would cost an unbelievable amount of magick to create and maintain. Thankfully, his maintenance costs had gone down as much as they had, along with his capacity climbing through the roof.

He could choose it….

His eye flicked down to the Forbidden One Feats. This was his first chance to see them, and many of the options were… unappealing.

Curry favour with the patrons? He grimaced. If he had to, sure, but at the cost of a Feat? Unlikely.

Ruler in Shade was tempting, more than tempting. Having his mask broken was one of his greatest fears.

Bewitching Gaze was something he felt would be useful, but wasn’t enamoured with selecting. Manipulation was a necessity of his existence, but he didn’t enjoy it. For survival, he would gladly shove his preferences aside.

These transformational Feats…. He shuddered. Doubtless, they would be powerful, even if he couldn’t understand exactly what they did. How he was supposed to keep a low profile if his flesh became imbued with Death Magick, he had no idea.

Stormwise…. Surely not.

He checked the wording of Black Miasma, it specifically mentioned cloud. The Unseen was always precise with its language, which meant these two abilities would interact. If he stood within the miasma while his minions fought, the Feat would become active. That sort of synergy seemed too obvious to be accidental. Perhaps his patrons had a finger on the scale in his favour? Still, the combination would be potent, he was sure.

He selected both options. Then took a deep breath. This was the moment.

He confirmed his selections, endured the change, then pressed his thumb to the page once more. Blood flowed, and he leaned forward, breath caught in his throat.

Undead Weaver has reached Level 40.

Select a Class Advancement from the following:

Necro-Master: Further your understanding of the Necromantic craft.

Following on from Necro-Acolyte that he’d been offered at level twenty, this was likely the default advancement for reaching the silver rank. It didn’t hold much interest for Tyron.

Soul Binder: Bend the spirits of the dead to your will.

Likely this advancement didn’t focus on ghosts alone, but perhaps other types of spirit-based undead, perhaps revenants also. There was a whole world of more powerful ghosts out there, including some who could manifest themselves physically. This Class would be his first opportunity to learn the secrets of their creation.

Lich Initiate: Learn the secrets of eternal life.

Tyron paused as he saw this option. A Lich? Would this Class really give him the Skills and Spells needed to turn himself into a Lich and change his race? Interestingly, he didn’t need to use those abilities on himself, he could turn others into undead and bind them to his will.

Lord of the Ossuary: Harness the most powerful skeletal minions.

With his complete mastery over every Bone related Skill he had, this option didn’t surprise him. This would be another path toward creating revenants, something he could already do, but would also have the greatest chance of empowering them. Perhaps it would also facilitate a large number of minions as well? A possibility, to be certain.

Bone Smith: Constructs of Blood and Bone will serve.

This was… unexpected. Perhaps it had become available due to his unlocking of the Bone Forging Skill? Perhaps it would focus on the creation of weapons and armour, as well as larger constructs.

Acolyte of Death: Death energy will heed your call.

Another unexpected option, focused on Death aligned Magick itself. No doubt this had become available thanks to his maxing of Advanced Death Magick.

But what would the Class focus on? Using Death Magick to fling spells and empower minions, probably. It sounded powerful, but wasn’t what he focused on.

No more options appeared, and Tyron leaned back to think. This was where his ability as a Necromancer would flourish. From the beginning, he had known that his Class was one that grew much stronger at the higher levels relative to other Classes.

Now that he’d reached level forty, he was finally at the point where he would become a force to be reckoned with, even against other slayers. All he needed was a few things to go right. With enough minions to fight, he could gain levels extremely quickly, so long as he could occupy a rift.

So what did he want? What would make him the strongest? What was he best at?

He didn’t want to be a Lich, so choosing that option felt wasteful, even if he was very curious as to what he may learn. Necro-Master was also out. It was generic and likely weaker than the others. Soul Binder would doubtlessly be strong, but ghosts were not his area of expertise at this point. There would be much he would need to learn to maximise their strengths. Could he really afford to wait that long?

Acolyte of Death was tempting, but somewhat mysterious. Would it focus on minions, or something else? Death Energy would heed his call, but in what way? His lack of knowledge was frustrating. This Class would be powerful, he was sure, but would it synergise with him?

Bone Smith and Lord of the Ossuary. Those were both fascinating options that worked well with what he could currently do. Already, he had ideas for constructs he could create to support his skeletons in the field. With the guidance of Bone Smith, he could make those ideas a reality. However, there was a chance he could do that anyway.

Lord of the Ossuary. The most potent skeletal minions he knew of were revenants, which he could already make, and wights, which he couldn’t. Of all the options he had available, this was the only one that hinted that it would help him reach the quality and quantity of minions he needed to threaten an empire.

He chose it.

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