《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 3, Chapter 131: Legacy


“… That’s it?”

“Well, yeah.”

“You smashed the core, punched him in the gut, and then he just… lost the will to live?”

“To be fair, the core had a lot of cursed energy. While I was immune, Tascus was suffering from multiple organ failure before he set himself alight. Of course, if not for you and your brave knights cutting down his followers, I would never be strong enough to face him.”

“I see. And the alleged Golden Age relics you just so happened to procure to face him?”

“They just so happened to be lost. Across multiple subspaces. Which I can’t recall.”

“*Sigh* Of course.”

A number of hours have passed since Tascus was taken down, and the sun is high in the sky. Unfortunately, while I was returning to a terminal from my loot run, Maximillian just so happened to jump me and snatch my bag before I could use . Now, he’s interrogating me on the camp outskirts, with my bestowed bag under his boot. Maximillian seems equally irritated after coordinating the post-battle cleanup and extraction of prisoners. Victory has taken toll and there is much left to do, and yet he still went out of his way to handle me personally.

“I’m still having difficulty believing it, Enbos.”

“If you can’t offer more specific criticism, then just leave it, sir.”

“No need to get defensive, mage. I do not doubt he set himself alight since the signs of are apparent, but…”


“His madness was enough to test my faith. And yet you, a man who serves nothing but yourself, was able to shatter his beliefs completely. I can’t help but wonder, that if it was I… You truly are fearsome, Enbos.”

“… That’s the funny thing, Sir Iudico. One of the reasons I could beat Tascus was because I realised something before our battle. Because despite bearing the Pact of Piety… he wasn’t actually pious.”

Maximillian looks at me silently, stony faced but fully expecting an explanation. However, I’m having trouble finding the right words, considering I came to this epiphany while in la-la-land. Coincidentally, I then spy an “adventurer” in the corner of eye who is “busy” packing her bag.

“A few wee- A long time ago, a friend of mine once invited me to pray. I said I had nothing to beg for, but they explained I could express my gratitude for being alive. To them, each and every moment was a reason to celebrate god.”

“Wise words.”

“Words I didn’t heed,” I say as Maximillian gives an irritated look. “I’m not one to find solace in the immaterial… and neither was Tascus. My friend honestly believed that all life was a miracle. Their faith could never be broken because proof of god was all around them. They weren’t converted to the Path; it only gave a face to something that was always by her side.”

“I see. And Tascus is different?”

“Yeah. I hate to admit it but we both grappled with the absurdity of life, trying to make sense of an uncertain future. He was obsessed with fulfilling a bogus Prophecy, but not because he sought the Golden Age: all he ever wanted was to prove his god was real. The moment I shattered the relic right before his Ascension, he had nothing else to move on to, and died.”

But not before I turned his delusion into the truth. In his eyes, I really did become both his and His champion, although it no longer concerns me. The rest of the apostles could jostle for the position for all I care.


Maximillian seems lost in thought after everything I said. However, for one alarming instant, his eyes flick to the “adventurer’s” direction before turning to me with a slow nod.

“I suppose you’re right, Enbos, although I must ask: how do you handle your own absurdity?”

“I welcome it,” I say. “I learnt I didn’t need a god or relic to move forward. As long as I stick to my principles, I can accept any future.”

“I see,” he says wryly as he lays down his pen and parchment. “Thank you for your cooperation, Enbos. I’ve heard enough.”

“Great. Now, if you would… return… my…”


“… *Sigh* You’re not done, are you, Sir Iudico?”

“Obviously. Aside from your bag, I have yet to return these.”

From his back and what I originally thought was a wrapped spear, he unravels the holy cloth to reveal my much maligned Bloodletter… and my treant staff I dropped during my battle with Tascus.

“Oh shoot.”

“If I’m not mistaken, this is the unique staff you had in your possession. Like your sword, there is a unsavoury curse attached to its enchantments. It could be a Golden Age relic… but what’s this? Heavens, doesn’t the spiritual signature match yours exactly? Why would a researcher of cursed items start transcribing his own curses, and necromantic no less? I must say that doesn’t sound proper at all.”

Goddamn it, I completely forgot about my staff! I thought it’d be good to install a trap at the time, but the fact that I attached Undying’s Grudge directly associates me with necromancy! I need to find a chance to bail, but if I do, that would mean losing Helena’s gift and all its contents. There’s no way I’m letting that happen!

“I had access to Tascus’ armoury before my ultimate battle,” I randomly spit ball. “Given the severity of the situation, I had no choice but to-”

All of a sudden, Maximillian grabs my sword, staff and bag from the floor… then tosses them into my arms. As I stare dumbfoundedly at the equipment in my hands, the inquisitor gazes into the distance with an almost bored expression.

“I promised to drop your charges, didn’t I? Let this be the one I forgive.”

“A-and my other one? The evidence?”

“… In neglect, the undergrowth shall encroach on your Path. What is road and what are stones amongst the green? The last person to handle the communication orb, the evidence that formed the base of our accusation, was none other Agnes. As such, the evidence is considered compromised and your case is withdrawn. Congratulations, Enbos. You are redeemed.”

“Huh? HUUUUUH!?”

“Your persona is slipping, Enbos.”

“B-but… Wha… Why!? I mean, I know you just said why, but what brought about this change of heart?”

“Why indeed…”

“Stand down, Agnes. You have no hope of winning.”

After a fierce duel and with barely any mana remaining, I manage to best my former lieutenant as she grasps her bleeding arm. There is no one else in this cleansed room, save for a few of my freed brothers who are watching me pass judgement. The battle is won and I must move on to Tascus. She looks past the spear tip and gazes at me with a resigned expression. Years of doctrine are echoing in my mind, calling for her to be put to death, and yet…

“… Your sin is grave and can never be forgiven. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t make amends.”



“What spurred your transgression was a failure on our part, and there are lessons to be learnt from this incident. I won’t promise you leniency, or that you’ll even be given a stay of judgement. All I ask is that you be honest with me for once, so that we can do better.”

“… You can’t do that, Maximillian,” Agnes says in a soft voice. “You need to set an example before your brethren.”


“To advance the Cleansing Swords, the sword must first be cleansed. The stains of our past, plunged in the holy flame. Both Caetus… and myself.”

My heart sinks as Agnes reaches for a discarded staff on the ground. It would be simple to knock it out of her hand, but I assume an offensive stance to respect Agnes’ decision. My resolve is only a mirror of her own, as I find myself repeating the same question in my mind. If I had used my own eyes sooner, would this never have happened?”

“Some Paths were never meant to align, Maximillian,” says Agnes, ever the mind reader, “and some must end, right here. Do it, prior.”

“… Very well, Ag- Huh?”

That staff. Didn’t it belong to-


“Huh? AHHH!”


“… Let’s just say I’ll have one less report to fill out,” I say ruefully. “I have enough on my platter already, between hunting the remnants of the New Dawn cult, and dealing with that dark dimension.”

“Okay?” answers Enbos, unconvinced. “If you don’t mind me asking, Maximillian, what are you planning to do with the Great Ark?”

“I do mind, actually, but for now I’ll ensure it can never be accessed ever again. As for everything you think you know about “that place”, you would sooner be locked up for insanity than for heresy.”

“Yeah, I’ll watch myself.”

“You best do. Because despite being redeemed… I know full well what you’re capable of. I’ll be watching you, Enbos the Black. If you ever turn your back on your companions, if you ever walk the same path as Tascus… I will be there to end you.”

“I see. Let us never meet again.”

“Indeed,” I say as I dispel the transparent ice barrier before leaving. “Oh, and by the way…”

“Yeah?” he responds, sounding slightly annoyed.

“If you ever meet that old friend again, tell her… He died without struggle. In his final moment, he didn’t show any resentment, least of all, to you.”

I don’t turn around to clear Enbos’ confusion. I silently pass the “adventurer” who is staring at me with wide eyes. Although I said such a thing, I know full well our Paths will cross again, for that is the kind of fate God has set for us. Be it six more years or one, I swear to our Lord I will far achieve more than every prior before me.

“Brother Iudico.”

“Yes, Brother Evans?” I say as he emerges from behind a tent.

“Shall we have one of our brethren tail Enbos and his companions?”

“Our duty is to judge then punish, brother. Leave such responsibilities to the Ruler’s Eyes once they cross into the Lysium Theocracy.”

“Understood, prior. I will pass his file onto Brother Samuel. I will also submit your version of the report regarding Agnes.”

“My thanks. And her condition?”

“Although the curse is gone, her consciousness has yet to return. If ever.”

“I see.”


“… *Sigh* I know what you’re thinking, Brother Evans.”

“She betrayed our priory, Iudico, and several of our sworn brothers lost their lives because of her. I don’t see why we shouldn’t put her to eternal rest while she’s still in a coma. Even Agnes herself seemed receptive to such penance.”

“Brother Evans, I will not execute our prisoner until she has been put to trial.”

“A trial you have yet to apply.”

“Once she wakes. Although I confess I have another intent,” I say as I catch the scornful gazes of adventurers along the way. “Six years, Brother Evans. I had six years to prove the Cleansing Swords were on the right Path, yet Agnes still became disillusioned with my goal. She understood me completely, and yet she could not imagine the priory reckoning with its past in her lifetime. Because of my failure, Tascus was able to exploit her hidden rage.”

“Do not take her sin unto yourself, brother.”

“I know, but it’s also true that my reforms have been far too reserved. I do not know when Agnes will recover from her half-alive state, but when she does… she will see she was wrong.”

“Understood, prior. Also, I have something else to report.”


“It’s regarding the response to that letter you sent to the main Novuseus house. Brother Samuel has entrusted me with the message. In short, they are demanding that we treat Enbos fairly and to keep him secured until their representatives arrive.”

“*Sigh* Do you mind notifying them of Enbos’ discharge in my stead? I have far more important matters to tend to…”

I come to a stop and gaze over the rows of covered bodies before me. Realising my intentions, Brother Evans politely takes his leave while I watch a group of friends mourn their fallen. No amount of fablars will save them from their pain. They may have joined this expedition for coin, but today’s victory was just as much theirs as our own. I will have to put in a word with the Truthsayers, so that the world will know what they died for, and what we ultimately accomplished. But for now…

“I-inquisitor Maximillian!? W-why are you-”

“Would you allow me?”


“I wish to offer funeral rites for these brave souls.”

… Tyler.

Yeah, I know, Helena. I just…

Take as long as you need, Tyler. I know you will make the right choice.

There is nothing to choose. I’m sorry for being so selfish.

It’s alright. I feel the same.

Sitting atop a grassy hill, I look over a sweeping vista of curving rivers and lush valleys. I can vaguely hear the distant bustle of civilisation behind me, but otherwise, there is no one in my world but me and her. However, I know it can’t last, as I turn to the wooden cross I erected atop this green mound.

Since recovering then destroying the undead ravager’s core, the spiritual fragments of future Helena has reformed into an actual soul. She is now separate from the Helena I have yet to save… and can now reincarnate like any other soul. Indeed, after thousands upon thousands of years of self-sacrifice, it is time for her to rest.

I’ve already released the cultist assassins and what I could salvage from the pseudo ravager’s remains. I raise my hand and allow Helena’s soul to flow from my core to my open palm… only to immediately freeze up the moment she passes my shoulder.

Dear me, you shouldn’t tease a lady so many times.

I’m sorry, Helena. I’m so, so sorry.

Like I said, Tyler, it’s alright. Being with you now is nothing like the millennia of solitude I’ve endured before. If anything, I’ve been spoiled by your love. You’ve already given me several lifetimes of joy. Any more would be pure indulgence.

I see. I’m glad my other self could make you happy.

You always have, Tyler. Then and now, for me and “her”. All we’ve ever wanted is for you to find your own happiness, even if it’s a future without us. Please don’t let this encounter decide your path.

I won’t.

… Helena?

Yes, dear?

You were incredible. Everything you’ve done up until now, no one else could have done any better. Not even me.

… Thank you, Tyler. You really do spoil me.

I will always love you, so… see you later, Helena.

Take care, Tyler.

Once again, I raise my arm and allow Helena’s soul to reach my palm. She materialises as a glowing orb in my hand, and millimetre by millimetre, I watch sombrely as she floats beyond my reach. A taut string snaps in my mind and Helena’s soul drifts to the river of souls in the sky. With a heavy heart, I withdraw my shaking hand and sit upon the grass, watching her final journey to her next life.

… Although she’s a different Helena, I never thought I would let her soul go. The relief I feel for her more than outweighs the pain of her farewell… and it terrifies me I’m considering the same for “her”. My selfishness, my desire to “perfectly” return her to life, led to Helena becoming the Watchful Light. I don’t know if the Apocalypse was inevitable, but Helena used her foresight to build that immaculate pocket dimension, while other races were digging bunkers.

Clearly, it was an oversight on my future self’s part. I can do better now that I know the truth… or did the other me also believe the same thing? If Helena reincarnates in the past, would she be better off knowing or not knowing her future? Would it be better… if I stop now?

“I know what you were trying to tell me, Helena. Si and Takashi tried to say the same thing, but right now, I can’t keep walking without you. Right now, my only path to happiness is by chasing your smile.”

Lost in my thoughts, I watch as the tint of the sky changes and the shadow of Rever Point envelops my body. Although evening is approaching, quite a number of adventurers and guards are making their way from this bloodstained place. One of the parties suddenly split from the procession and make their way up my hill. I brush off the grass from my robe and look up at the trio of close friends.

“There you are, Enbos! Honestly, I thought you and Hachirou snuck off already.”

“Sorry about that, guys. I’m glad we could catch up before the day’s end,” I say to Sen.

“Well, considering we can meet at all, am I right to assume the priory has let you go?”


As I answer Minna’s question in the affirmative, I notice she is leaning a fair bit against Sen. It’s clear that they’ve all been through the wringer, with Minna looking a bit unsteady. Still, knowing Sen, I half expected him to have asked Norf to help support her as well. The way he’s diligently and awkwardly holding her is…

“I see, you finally-”

“Are you alright, Enbos?”

“Huh?” I exclaim, not expecting Norf’s question.

“Now that you mention it, Norf, Enbos does seem a bit out of it. Did something happen?”

“No, it’s nothing. I’m fine, you guys.”

“I see… Does it have anything to do with that wooden picket over there?”

“*Sigh* As usual, your intuition is way too sharp, Minna. It’s not a picket but a grave marker. Where I come from, it’s normal to use crosses to memorialise the dead.”

“Really? that’s the first I’ve heard… Erm, d-do you mind me asking who you’re mourning?”

“Someone I never expected to meet in this place. Someone I truly cherished. Someone I had to send off myself.”

“M-my condolences.”

“Are you feeling better, Enbos?”

“… Yes, Minna. I think I will be fine. After all, she left an incredible memento”

As I say those words, I look over the encampment at the foot of the mountain, and the many adventurers spreading across this vast land. I think about the great walls of Catorrem, all the villages I have passed, and the incredible people I’ve met along the way. I know see the irony in the words I said to Maximillian, as her immaterial touch is now everywhere.

“Did you manage to find your friend?”

“You mean Eric? Yeah, we found him,” says Sen, showing as much teeth as my own. “The inquisitor and his knights teleported the victims straight to Cattorem. He’s even footing the bill for their treatment. Really, it shocks me how deep his war chest is after paying the entire expedition.”

“Including the dead as well,” remarks Minna. “He paid us all on the spot and took note of all the departed’s families. That’s why so many adventurer’s no longer feel compelled to stay.”

“Ah, so that’s why... So, where will you all be going?”

“What? Do you feel like joining us?” says Sen.

“If it’s not too much trouble.”

“Wow, really!? That’s- No, you really shouldn’t. Me and Minna will be heading to our hometown with Eric while Norf will be going freelance for a bit. I heard that you’re travelling to the Lysium Theocracy, so you shouldn’t change your plans for us.”

“I see. It’s a bit of a shame, but…”


“Although I do not have a gift, I hope you both accept my best wishes at your wedding.”


The couple instantly go red in the face while Norf lets out a cheery laugh. We continue chatting with each other as we descend the hill and rejoin the exodus of heroes. It feels as if we’ve been friends for several years instead of several weeks, and I know this bond will last a lifetime. Eventually, we come to the base of hill, one side leading East, the other West.

“Safe travels Enbos. Don’t get caught by those holy knights.”

“Goodbye Enbos. Say hello to Lili and Hachirou for me.”

“Farewell, Enbos. May your secrets remain safe.”

“Yes, may- Wait, what? What do you- Actually, never mind,” I ultimately say while scratching the back of my head. “Live well you three and stay out of trouble, Sen.”

He’s brief objection is cut off by the wind as we set off with lingering smiles. Alone, I bring up Crest and overlay a map to find the nearest road. Several parties pass me by and remark upon recognising my attire. Although no one knows I was the one who dealt with the hierarch, my exploits against the pseudo ravager are already legend enough. Already, I can hear ridiculous titles like the Skeleton Wrestler amongst their midst, although at no point do any of them stop to ask. However, as I’m thinking that, a horse-drawn carriage with a cloth cover stops just in front of me.

“Need a lift, creepy skeleton?”

“I assume you’ve taken precautions, runaway elf.”

“There is no need for alarm. This wagon has enough stealth and sound barrier spells to roll through Catorrem undetected.”

“That’s not saying much from personal experience. Where did you find it?”

“Actually, it was Hachirou. He heard a distressed horse while hiding in the mountain.”

“Must have been part of the cult’s smuggling operations. I’m surprised the horse let anyone but its owner ride it.”

“Not from the horse’s point of view.”

“Good grief. You’re magic is as incredibly horrifying as always, Lili,” I say while hopping in the back.

“The same could be said of you, Enbos the Black. Why God made you immune to my magic will always escape me.”

Making myself comfortable in the back, I rest my staff on the floor and close the rear drapes. There is movement from the nearby blankets as Hachirou’s head suddenly emerges, without his mask on top. He looks at me with a thrilled expression before saying:

“Welcome back, Enbos.”

“Yeah, it’s good to see you too, Hachirou.”

“… You seem happier. Did you manage to bid the others farewell?”

“Yeah, I sure did… Oh, and Minna wanted me pass on her greetings to you and Lili.”

“I see. She regained consciousness,” says Lili from the front. Somehow, I can tell she’s smiling just by looking at her relaxed back. “I hope she makes a full recovery. You too, Hachirou.”

“I-I’ll be fine, especially with you treating me, Lili.”

“… I don’t think I even need to ask this, but are you joining us, Lili?”

“Of course. Because of Brother Maximillian’s letter to my father, I need to return to my home to explain things. I may as well accompany you to the Theocracy.”

“You can always write a letter, you know.”

“*Sigh* You have no idea what he’s like, Enbos, but it’s my fault I didn’t contact him for all these years. Or what? Do you have some other dark secret you can’t risk exposing?”

“No, I’m glad to have you with us, Lili,” I say while quietly turning away. “Maximillian may have dropped my charges, but I’ve no doubt he instructed his pals in the Church to watch me.”

“In that case, you best do something about that.”

I follow her finger to find to she is pointing at my treant staff. True, I was almost outed by Maximillian thanks to the hidden curse, and if I go to the Theocracy there will be plenty more priests capable of detecting it. However, I can’t help but snicker as I take my cursed staff… and stuff it wholesale into my bag.

“Eh? EHHHHH!?”

“What? What did Enbos just do back there, Hachirou?”

“H-he just fit his entire staff into his small bag! Wait a moment, isn’t that bag different from your old one?”

“It sure is, Hachirou. Can you believe it? This old thing actually belonged to the creator of that interdimensional ruin.”

“Huh? But going by that logic… that means there is an entirely separate subspace in there!”


As a matter of fact, the space I’m pulling from just so happens to be the “vault room” Tascus tried so hard to open. He was convinced there were ancient relics stashed within, but the truth is there was nothing but a few ancient books that nobody can ever read. The space also contains the main core sustaining the entire Great Ark, but it lacks any part of Helena’s memory or ego. That’s all it is; a wonderful space to store anything I encounter on my grand adventure.

“… While that is an amazing relic for any adventurer, please answer me honestly, Enbos,” asks Lili. “What did you put there already?”

“Er, what do you mean?”

“You seemed awfully testy when Maximillian had it confiscated.”

“O-oh, just a few magical materials and maybe a few shelves worth of books…”


“… from Tascus’ personal study. Teehee?”


Lili suddenly halts the wagon while I look away from my companions’ critical gazes. I mean, it’s fine, right? Tascus entrusted me with this key to his room and Maximillian was willing to overlook my possession of heretical items. Technically, it’s still in that “sealed off” subspace and I will always return it. So it’s fine, right?

“Dear God, please forgive me for assisting this numbskull in delivering the most heinous of literature onto your blessed land.”

“I-I’m glad you’re being honest, Enbos, but are you sure you want to learn from the very tomes that dictated Tascus’ evil?”

“Magic isn’t inherently evil, Hachirou. If there is anything I can use for the sake of my goal, I will exploit it. Ethically, of course.”

“I see… Just like those…”


“I-it’s nothing. I need to rest.”

Covering his head with a blanket, Hachirou seemingly enters a deep slumber although I can tell he is pondering something else. Whatever it is, I best leave him be. He will tell me when he’s ready. Turning to Lili, I notice something is also on her mind.

“Enbos, I’ve been thinking…”

“Yes, Lili?”

“I’ve been thinking about your avid pursuit of necromancy and I have some idea of what you want to achieve. Nonetheless, I have never heard you confess it. Explicitly at least.”

“*Sigh* I suppose so. You might disagree, but I hope you will find it in your heart to accept.”

“I already have.”


“Like I said, I have a good idea. Enbos, could it be that you…”


“… want to return…”


“… to your human form?”

“… Pfft! Hahahahaha!”


“Sorry. So sorry. It’s just- Hahaha!”

“Could you please not laugh so readily. I-I really thought it was a good guess.”

“And it was. So much so that I’m surprised I never seriously considered it before.”

All this time, I was lamenting the fact I was an undead, and yet not once did I think of becoming human. It is no less outrageous than resurrecting Helena and even overlaps in terms of research. Even Hachirou has perked up his ears out from the sudden revelation. It would certainly fix my ceaseless hunger, but before all else…

“I’ll tell you some other day, Lili. My only hint is that it’s something even more taboo.”

“*Sigh* You’re really trying to make me doubt you, but I won’t, Enbos. As an Iranor, an Ascleson and a friend, I will trust you.”

“Thank you, Li- Huh?”


“… “Iranor” is an honorary name bestowed on all mages of the Church born outside a religious line…”

“… In the case of the Ascleson line, we bear the blood of the first Iranor, one of the oldest bloodlines in the Theocracy…”

“… For the sake of my surviving kinsmen and as ultimate penance, I assumed the mantle of the undead king and accepted the name Iranorah – “Watched in the Light”…”

Could it be?

“What’s the matter, Enbos?”

“Just a small thing, Lili. About your family name, if you are descended from the first Iranors, why did it change to Ascleson? Did the main line end at some point?”

“Not at all. The closest the saintline has come to ending was probably last night.”


“Anyway, the Iranors were always dutiful servants to God, but known for little more than being wandering healers. It’s a bit mundane but unlike the other saintliness who descended from miracle makers, the original Iranors were eventually recognised for their generations of service, and then elevated to being a main house.”

“Is that so? I see. I see.”

With a hidden smile, I peer between the drapes at the luminescent river of souls while Lili looks on with a confused expression. Unexpectedly, Hachirou extracts himself from his blanket and sits beside me to look outside as well.

“Do you hear it, Enbos?”

“Hear what? Don’t tell me it’s a bandit attack.”

“Not at all. Please Enbos, just equip the soul then listen,” Hachirou says with a smile.

“… Good grief. They always find a way to move me.”

Lili can hear the sound now, as every passing adventurer is humming or singing the same song. I can easily imagine those three starting it, before being carried on the wind and spreading from party to party. After a quick giggle, Lili begins singing the ode while I lean back and shake my head.

“With a sword at my hip, and a map in my hand,

I wander town to town across this sprawling land.

Step by step, I shall head towards a bold future,

And leave a hundred tales of my grand adventure.

A tale of close battles, and great discovery,

A tale of sore stumbles, and long recovery.

While it’s fun to wander to each of the world’s ends,

I look around and smile at my band of close friends.

Thick and thin, let’s enjoy every step of the way,

And liven every night like our very last day.

Now let us toast to all who wander this vast land,

And scrape a small living by offering a hand.

Just like Enbos the Black on his grand adventure,

Leaving a hundred tales to inspire our future.

An antler adorned mage with a face of fired clay,

Who will save you from thieves without asking for pay.

A man who instils fear with but a single stare,

Then earns respect doing what others never dare.

His temper is legend; I truly pity thee

Who earns his just fury towards cruel villainy.

Now let me tell of Kasseus: evil once crept,

Adventurers were felled, and the innocent wept.

Then along came Enbos, whom they could not ensnare,

And with his apprentice, they ended the nightmare.

But evil did not rest for the stalwart guardian.

They lured hapless victims to their strongest champion.

The earth split, the sky roared, and Enbos stood alone.

But in the end, he held! Holy knights were made known.

Indeed, his black cloak belies a heart of pure gold.

A tale of bravery worth every second told.

With a sword at my hip, and my close, merry band,

We wander town to town across this sprawling land.

Step by step, I shall head towards my own future,

And share a thousand tales of epic adventure.

So let’s dream of glory, and great discovery,

Then wince at tales of loss, and long recovery.

Sadly, every journey always comes to an end,

Though our tales will live on, retold from friend to friend.

Thick and thin, let’s enjoy every step of the way,

And maybe my own story will be shared some day.”

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