《Severing Time & Space》The Three Celestial Sects, Part II


Who is that? How did she appear within that water?

Wu Jian’s eyes felt like they were going to fall from their sockets, but he did his best to analyse what he had seen. This arena was an enclosed space. There was no way she could have come in through normal means, which meant…

Did she teleport? Can she manipulate space? If so, why does she need the water for her technique?

Teleportation was a technique he still couldn’t use accurately. He had tried a few times during training, but he’d lost a limb every time. At this point, he was afraid to try again. What this woman had done seemed similar to teleportation, but he hadn’t felt the telltale signs of space being manipulated, which either meant she was just that good at hiding the distortions it caused or this was something else entirely.

“Who is that lady?” he wondered out loud.

“Master, that woman is very strong,” Youmei said.

Wu Jian glanced at his shadows to see them writhing. “How strong are we talking?”

“Not as strong as that dragon guy… but definitely strong.”

Wu Jian closed his eyes, wishing Youmei could give him a more accurate estimation of this woman’s strength, but he knew that was asking too much. Magical beasts like her had strong senses. They could tell someone’s strength much more easily than humans could, but it was all instinct. They couldn’t gauge a person’s strength accurately.

“Shui Meili,” Huǒ Huangdi said in a voice that carried throughout the arena. He stood up from his seat and offered the woman a semi-polite martial bow. “Welcome to Heavenly Chengshi. I trust your trip was pleasant?”

“Pleasant enough. Thank you. My, it has been some time since I last saw you. You’ve gotten more dignified in the time we’ve been apart,” Shui Meili said, pink lips twisting into a smile.

“You do not need to flatter me,” Huǒ Huangdi muttered as he sat back down.

“It’s not flattery at all,” Shui Meili’s smile became even broader like she was enjoying herself.

“So that is Shui Meili,” Mei Xilan muttered as she looked up at the woman speaking with Huǒ Huangdi.

“You know her?” asked Wu Jian.

Mei Xilan shook her head. “It’s more like I know of her. Shui Meili is known by many as the Ever Flower, Ever Beautiful Goddess of Water. She is the Sect Master of Supreme Ocean Palace and one of the few women to have reached the Realization Realm. While she looks young, she is actually several hundred years old. She has been the Sect Master of Ocean Supreme Palace for at least one hundred years now.”

“So she’s a big shot,” Wu Jian said with a nod.

Supreme Ocean Palace was the third member of the Three Celestial Sects and, while many considered it the weakest of the three, that was a lot like comparing apples to oranges. All three of those sects were at the pinnacle of power. Nothing could shake their position. Nothing came even close. If this woman was the sect master, then she was one of the strongest people on the continent.


“Sect Maaaassstteeeerr!!”

A shout echoed around the arena. Wu Jian strained to see where it was coming from, but all he could tell was that the direction seemed to be near one of the entrances that led into the section meant for the Phoenix Clan. Two figures soon emerged from an entrance and ran up to the beautiful sect master, huffing and puffing. One was a man, the other a woman. They looked similar enough that Wu Jian assumed they were twins.

“W-why did you… leave us… you know you’re… not supposed… to do that…” The man said.

Shui Meili smiled. “Sorry. Sorry. But I would have been late if I didn’t hurry. Besides, I knew you two would catch up.”

“Th-that’s not the problem here…” the man stuttered.

“Please don’t run off without us again,” added the woman. She seemed more composed than her male counterpart.

“I’ll do my best,” Shui Meili said with a smile that said she probably wouldn’t. Wu Jian had the sense that she was the kind of woman who was like the waves crashing against the shore. Unpredictable and whimsical.

“Everyone here seems to be enjoying themselves without me. Makes me wonder if I should intrude,” another voice said.

Eyes turned toward the source as a man walked out from the entrance with calm, measured steps that nonetheless exuded incredible pressure. He was a refined man who with a scholarly appearance. Black hair speckled with gray tied behind his head in a topknot, with not a single strand blocking his sharp eyes and sword-shaped eyebrows. The heroic shape of his jaw and nose lent him the appearance of a renowned hero of yore. Despite bearing a striking appearance, his robes were plain, which served to highlight his distinct features rather than detract from them. Attached to his hip was a simple sheathed sword.

Standing beside him were two people. Wu Jian recognized Zhe Fēnglì. They had met very briefly during the war against the Ming Province and Zhou Kingdom. He looked a lot like his father. Wu Jian could also tell that he had become much stronger, though he could not sense the other man’s cultivation.

However, it was the other person who captured his attention.

She wore a gray and black hanfu ruqun. The upper robe was a light gray that closed around her chest and featured a black lining with silver leaf and flower imprints. It was long-sleeved and covered everything except her hands, which featured dark red nails. The lower half was black with gray lining the hem. It had the same silver leaf and flower imprints as the upper robe. While it didn’t flare out, it was impossible to miss the womanly curve of her hips. A blue sash went around her waist. Over it was a black sash, followed by a gray rope that was tied on the left side like a bow.

A veil covered the lower half of her face, keeping everything except her brilliant blue eyes hidden. Her eyes, surrounded by strands of the purest black like threads of midnight, were stunning and familiar at the same time. He found himself unable to look away. Her thick black hair was tied into a small bun near the crown of her head and decorated with crimson flowers. Each strand looked like silk and only served to highlight her pure white skin.


Is that… Wu Meiying?

Wu Jian was certain it was Wu Meiying. He would recognize her anywhere. Would she recognize him? He wondered about that.

“Aaaah! It’s big sister Mei!”

Wu Jian’s eyes widened as he sensed Youmei grow restless.

“Stay in my shadow! Do not go see her!”

“Whaaaat? Why not?”

“Because she’s busy right now. Also, we don’t know who is watching. Don’t go see her yet.”

“Muuuuu… fiiiiiine.”

Wu Jian sighed in relief. Youmei had seriously been about to leap out of his shadow and bound over to Wu Meiying, which could have resulted in disaster. No one could know their relationship right now. He was certain her enemies were aware that she was here. Maybe they were even amongst the crowd. The last thing he needed to do was cause her problems.

Besides, he still didn’t know how he would respond when they finally met face-to-face after all this time.

“Jian Wu, do you know that woman?” asked Mei Xilan.

“Which woman?” asked Wu Jian.

“The one you have been staring at.”

Mei Xilan’s eyes pierced him like a spear. He had no choice but to look away because her expression made him uncomfortable.

“No… I just thought she was very pretty, is all,” he lied.

Mei Xilan’s face was covered in a veil so he couldn’t see her lips, but he was sure they were pursed.

“Hmph. I suppose she is at that.”

Was she upset that he found Wu Meiying pretty? Or maybe it was because he responded to Wu Meiying’s beauty but not hers? He supposed it didn’t matter too much.

“Zhe Dāozhe,” Huǒ Huangdi greeted with a martial bow. He bent a full forty-five degrees at the waist this time, much more respectful than when he greeted Shui Meili.

“Master Dāozhe, it has been some time,” Shui Meili also greeted him reespectfully.

Zhe Dāozhe smiled and waved his hand. “There is no need for such formalities today, though I appreciate the warm reception. Allow me to introduce you to the two beside me. This is my son, Zhe Fēnglì.”

“Oh my. So this is your son? He is quite handsome, and quite strong.”

Shui Meili walked up to Zhe Fēnglì, getting in his personal space. To his credit, the young man only leaned back a little as she began studying him as one might an oddity.

“Thank you for the kind words, Mistress Meili. You honor me.”

Smiling as she leaned back, Shui Meili said, “You’re quite polite too. Hmmm. I see you are just one step away from the Seeker Realm. That is most impressive for someone so young.”

“You honor me, but I am still nowhere near as strong as some,” Zhe Fēnglì glanced at the young woman beside them, which caused Shui Meili to switch her attention and size the other woman up.

“Ahem. This is Meiying. She is our most talented disciple,” Zhe Dāozhe introduced.

“Your most talented disciple, hmmm?” Shui Meili placed a hand to her chin and leaned back. “I see you have reached the Deva Realm. How old are you?”

“Seventeen,” said Meiying.

“My.” Shui Meili placed a hand against her mouth as though surprised. “Seventeen and already at the Deva Realm. You really are talented.”

“Thank you,” Meiying said with humility and grace.

“You have an impressive cultivation for one so young,” said Huǒ Huangdi, interrupting the conversation. “My own daughter is also a Deva Realm Cultivator like yourself. She reached it when she was sixteen years old. Come, introduce yourself to your contemporaries.”

Huǒ Yulie stood up when her father gestured for her and walked forward with short steps. Her posture was much less confident than when she had been with Wu Jian. She seemed almost meek while standing beside her father. Yet she nevertheless offered Wu Meiying a martial bow.

“I am honored to meeteth thee--um, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Huǒ Yulie.”

Wu Meiying’s eyes crinkled as she returned the bow. “Huǒ Yulie, the honor is all mine. I have wanted to meet with you for some time.”

Huǒ Yulie’s eyes widened. “You have?”


Wu Meiying walked forward and leaned in to whisper into Huǒ Yulie’s ear. Wu Jian could not hear what was being said. From the befuddled expressions on the faces of everyone present in the booth, it seemed they could not either. He focused not on trying to hear the words but the two women as they spoke. With his eyes narrowed, he was able to see the way Huǒ Yulie’s ears turned a soft pink.

What did Mei say to Huǒ Yulie?

“What an interesting conversation you’re all having. I hope you don’t mind if I join in the festivities?”

Wu Jian blinked. Then he blinked again. Three people were standing in the booth who had not been there a second ago. He thought his eyes must be playing tricks on him, but when he looked around, he found that everyone else was staring wide-eyed as well.

“I didn’t see them appear,” Mei Xilan muttered, face pale. “Who are they?”

The one standing in the middle was someone Wu Jian recognized. He had short brown hair, brown eyes, and looked quite delicate, yet the feelings he gave off was anything but. Something about him made Wu Jian’s scalp prickle. It was Zhou Xie’e. Why was he here? He was a member of Divine Moon Hall, but his position within the sect shouldn’t be so great that he’d be granted the right to stand beside all these outstanding guests and the head of the Phoenix Clan…


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