《Sidequest》Chapter 30


Whitler took the letter Suzie wrote and tucked it into the inside pocket of his shirt, “you should head to Eli’s place, he’ll put you up until nightfall.”

He gave a nod to Suzie, didn’t acknowledge the others, and stomped off into the woods so he could reach the waystation before Darkness fell.

Suzie watched him go until he was out of sight then stood up and stretched, her armor clanging together, “let’s head back to the village and gather our strength.”

Kelsi stared down at the ants crawling across the grass. She looked up as Suzie stepped past her, back towards the village, and started, “Suzie, I...”

Suzie shook her head, “it’s ok, Kelsi, don’t worry about it.”

Kelsi shut her mouth and turned her head back to the grass. Only after Hiro and Alphonse followed Suzie away did she slowly stand and make her way after them.


“Thanks for the meal, Mrs. Rothlin.” Suzie said with a smile.

Eli’s wife, a pregnant young woman with messy brown curls smiled back and shook her head, “it was my pleasure. I just hope it helps you fight back the Darkness. This town has been hell at night for too long.”

“Don’t worry! We’ll beat back the Darkness so bad it’ll hide in the woods forever,” Hiro declared confidently.

Suzie shook her head at Hiro’s lackluster declaration, before looking Mrs. Rothlin in the eye, “we will do our best.”

At another part of the table, Alphonse set his spoon down in his empty bowl very gently and tilted his head back and towards Hiro, “there’s still a couple of hours til sunset, you should sleep and replenish the mana you wasted earlier.”

“We have a spare bedroom if you’d like to rest.” Eli said as he took Alphonse’s plate, helping his wife clean up the table.


Hiro pouted a bit, “I’m not really tired.... But I guess I should.”

Suzie pushed away from the table and stood, “I’ll take you up on the offer as well if you don’t mind.”

“Sure, if you two don’t mind sharing, it’s right through here.” Mrs. Rothlin stepped over behind Suzie and opened a door. “The bed is already made.”

“Thank you so much for your hospitality!” Suzie gave her one last warm smile before heading into the room. Hiro followed her, then Alphonse.

Suzie stripped her armor off as quick as she could but Hiro was still much quicker in taking off his outer layers and stealing the inner side of the bed.

Soon Suzie laid down as well, not even bothering to undo her buns.

Alphonse unequipped his sword and sat down in the large armchair in the room, folding his legs under him, and pulling out his sketchbook. After a few minutes of silence he began to sketch Hiro’s sleeping form.

When his sketch was nearly complete, Kelsi finally slinked into the room and quietly sat down on the floor, hugging her knees to her chest. “I’m a coward, aren’t I?” she muttered into the silent room.

“Mmhmm.” Alphonse affirmed with a hum, sketching in a tress of shoulder length hair that had fallen across Hiro’s face.

“And a bad friend...”


Kelsi hugged her legs tighter to her chest and rested her eyes on her knees. Her quiet tears disappeared into the fabric of her pants.

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